Adventures With Pochi And Tama (1)

Hey, Shun here!

Have you ever tried going for a ridiculous build and dragging your friends with your idiocy?

I tried it out and only one followed my footsteps while the other took a completely different direction.

I wonder where this will lead us all?


(Shun's POV)

After we all came up to a consensus, we all headed to our own separate rooms, with Pochi and Tama tagging along with me, carrying their own VR Gears.

The older groups of the girls banded together and went to Kaede-san's room in order to learn how to setup the game on their own VR Gears. I just checked it yesterday, but it seems that my dimension's version of VR Gears is a lot better than the VR Gears in this world.

It's a good thing that I bought them for everyone who wants one. Next time, I'll also buy one for Kaede-san.

As we're walking towards the guest room of the Honjou Family's house at the first floor, I felt someone tug at my arms.

"Neh~ [Admin]-san~?"

"Hmm? What is it Tama?"

"Can I be a ninja in game~?" Oh? It looks like she's interested in being a ninja in-game.

"Of course you can. With the right build, you can certainly be a ninja in no time. I searched for that skill on the internet."

"How! How~!?"

This is somehow fun to watch. To think that the always relaxed Tama would be this excited. I could even see the sparkles in her eyes.

"First of all, we need to have a high agility in order to perform the techniques of a ninja. I saw many typical ninja players build their character around strength, intelligence, and agility but they don't really work on higher levels because they all aren't good at dodging…"


"Pochi doesn't understand nanodesu!"

Alright, it looks like I am explaining too much. Let's just keep it simple.

"In short, we could focus our builds on Agility and then compensate our weaknesses with items. That way, we've have enough speed to dodge, run, or ambush our enemies."

I don't know whether this will work but I'm sure this will be fun. Ridiculous builds work In [OSO] so I want to see if it will work here.


"Pochi now understands nodesu! Can Pochi also focus on a-gi-li-ty?"

"Eh? Of course you can. You should still see what weapons suits you though. It's something that you should know early on…"

"Okay, nyadesu~!"

"Understood nanodesu!"


After we entered my room, I took out my laptop and showed the two some clips and explained to them a few things, just the basics, of how to play a VRMMO.

Teaching them is quite easy since the two are quite smart, specially Tama.

Once we are done with the lessons, I told to wear their VR Gears and lay down on the bed. After I made sure that they managed to enter the game, I went to the sofa beside the bed and also entered the game.

Armed with the knowledge that I gained from Kaede-san's friend named Risa, I got through the initial setup of the game [New World Online] easily.

"There's still a few more things I need to do to enter the game. I guess I need to hasten up so that I can meet up with Pochi and Tama."

Since I already finished the settings, I'm already set to dive into the virtual world. It hasn't been a while since I last experienced this sensation.

When I closed my eyes and opened them again, I was in the game. To be specific, I'm in the part of the game where I have to create my character, choose my stat points allocation and weapon.

"First… a name? Hmm. Well, since I'm going for the agility build and my name Shun meant 'speed', I guess I'll choose the name of the most popular movement technique in anime…"

I thought for a minute and decided to use the name of the movement technique. I typed 'Syunpo' and hit CONFIRM. After I did that, the panel hovering in front of me changed, prompting me to choose my character's appearance.

I chose to change my hair color again to white then the color of my irises to crimson red. After hitting the confirm button again, I was promptly asked to choose my starting equipment.

"I'm already using a bow so I'll pass on that… Greatswords, Maces and Staves… I'll pass on those too. Hmm… since I'll be doing a lot of running around, and my goal is to not get hit a lot… Eh, I'll just pick the one handed sword then…"

After filtering through the options I have, I finally settled on the equipment that I trained the most in, the sword.

Although the one handed sword isn't the weapon with the highest damage, I still picked it since it's quite easy to wield than a spear and I'll be going more on close combat rather than going in and out for midrange attacks and close quarters attack.

I mean, I could aim for dual wielding daggers but my reach will be too short. I want to have more room for dodging and attacking, that's why I chose the sword.

"Next, my stat points… I better put it all on Agility and get this over with."

This was a very one-sided build. Put bluntly, I'm min-maxing my stats here. Since I'm already fast in real life, getting this speed boost will be more of a benefit for me.

I'm feeling quite elated since in [OSO], everyone is in the same starting point so it's really hard to stand out. In here, having stats is like having a boost to your abilities in real life.

Well, they only allowed a portion of the physical abilities though as they want to have some balance in their game, too.

"Okay. I think I'm ready! Let's do this…" My body was then enveloped with light.

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself standing in the middle of a bustling village.

I looked around for a bit, taking in the sights of the game's first town. I was standing in a square with a fountain and several benches. The square was connected to the main road, which was paved with stone and flanked by brick buildings.

There were players walking all around. The sky above was a brilliant, clear blue, and the sunlight made the water in the fountain shine a little.

"The townscape is quite similar to Agann Town… Anyway, let's go and check my [Menu]!"

There was a hum, and a transparent blue panel appeared in the air in front of me. That's kinda fancy but also could be distracting.

Ah, anyway, why am I nitpicking on things? Status, status!


Name: Syunpo

Level: 1

HP: 40/40

MP: 12/12

STR: 0+15

VIT: 0+10

AGI: 100

DEX: 0

INT: 0

SP: 0


Head: [None]

Body: [Starter Wool Armor]

R. Hand: [Starter One-handed Sword]

L. Hand: [None]

Legs: [None]

Feet: [None]

Accessories: [None], [None], [None]




"Hmm… my AGI, is really high. I got my strength and VIT from my equipment, huh?"

I've hadn't played a lot of games in this life, but still, seeing a bunch of zeros in my stats really is quite hard to look at.

After checking my status, I went through the required actions in order to gain the skills namely; [Sword Mastery], [Downward Slash], [Power Attack], [Taijutsu], [Leap], and [Pinpoint Attack].

After acquiring those skills, I waited for Pochi and Tama so that I can teach them the basics. Once we're done, we'll go to the nearby hunting grounds to level up and maybe gain some skills that require us to battle an opponent.


I waited for exactly three minutes before the pair of beastkin finally appeared in the spawn point. After I taught them how to get the skills that I have, we went to the NPC shops and bought five more of our starter weapons.

Since I told the two to pick up the weapon they felt most comfortable with, Pochi and Tama ended up picking some interesting weapons.

Pochi picked the Greatsword, which officially made her the player with the highest DPS in our current party, while Tama chose to dual wield two short swords.

Like what I suggested, Tama dumped all of their points to Agility. Pochi, on the other hand…

"Pochi was confused nodesu! Pochi clicked on the wrong button nanodesu!"

When she showed me her stats, it looks like she allocated her stats in the wrong way, putting 80 in her Strength and 20 in her Agility. Looks like she got confused at first before she noticed her mistake and tried to amend it.

Well, it is what it is? Anyway, even though I and Tama have the same stat build, I just think that we will be going on different directions.


※~To be continued~※

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Author's Remarks:

※ Pochi's ditziness kicked in and her stats got allocated wrongly. I just wonder what will happen to her build…