Pochi And Tama's Day Out!

Hey, Shun here!

It's all fun and games until you realized that you and your big fat mouth just jinxed yourself.

It's really not funny when you thought of something ominous and that something you were just thinking of just a few moments ago happened.

Fate can be cruel sometimes.


(Third Person's POV)

Because it's already nearing dawn in the real world, the game called [New World Online] also emulated this. Deep inside the forest nearby the first town, there are two little girls waving their sword around; one with white hair and red colored irises, the other with black hair and blue colored irises.

The former is chopping goblins with precise aim, specifically targeting the monster's weak points like their joints, head, chest, and neck while the latter is mowing the enemies down with her huge greatsword. With such a small stature, it almost look comical seeing her wave such a huge sword around.

"Ei~! Ei ei~!"

"Hyaaaa—, nanodesu!"

These two are Tama and Pochi. They arrived in this place a day or so after they separated with Shun.

While they were walking towards the deeper parts of the forest to hunt stronger enemy mobs, the two of them encountered a middle aged man who's body is filled with sword wounds and bruises.

Like the start of every quests inside a game, the man asked for their help. Being the kind hearted girls that they are, Pochi and Tama of course promised to help without any hesitation.

With determined looks on their faces, they marched deeper into the forest.

"Tama~, do you think this is the place uncle-san is talking about nodesu?"

"Un! Many goblins~."

"You're right nodesu! Maybe the king uncle-san is talking about is here nanodesu! If we defeat him, should we ask [Admin-san] for meat as a reward nanodesu!?"

"We ask for meat nanonya~!"

Thinking about the mouth watering hamburg steak that Shun made for them during lunch, the two became even more motivated to help the NPC. To them, because the game looks and feel so real, it's like they're helping real people.

The meat is just an extra.

No, who will believe that?

Meat is the best and they want to eat hamburgs for dinner again.


Once they finally arrived at the Goblin's settlement, the two decided to stop just outside it to plan their next course of action. Since Pochi have a lower Agility and she couldn't tank the damage, Tama decided that, as the onee-chan, she will gather the attention of the goblins on her so that Pochi could come in and sweep them all with her greatsword.

"As onee-chan, I will go~."

Understanding what she meant by that, Pochi just obediently nodded her head and waited for the right moment to strike.

"Understood nanodesu!"

After a brief nod of her head, all the while showing a bright smile on her face, Tama disappeared from her spot using [Body Flicker]. Then, she reappeared beside a goblin who seems to be the one guarding the entrance to the settlement.

"Ei~ ei~!"

With a series of quick slashes and cute noises of 'Ei~!'s, Tama took out the goblin with no effort at all. Because of what she learned from Shun, all of her attacks got the highest rolls possible for her damage since she is attacking the vital spots of the goblins exclusively.

When she was done taking care of the poor goblin who never had the chance to retaliate, Tama suddenly used [Substitution] and, with a poof, was replaced by a log. The next instant, the log was pierced by a few arrows coming from a high vantage point of the wall-like thing surrounding the settlement.

The next instant, Tama appeared right behind the goblin who shot the arrow at her and mercilessly chopped it until it turned into digital particles.

""Transformation Jutsu"~, nin nin~!"

Once she killed the goblin, she took the appearance of one by using the [Transformation] skill of her [Ninjutsu I] before blending in the crowd of goblins.

A few moments later, when she found the best opportunity to strike, she took it and bravely slashed at the Goblin Warrior before her. The poor goblin seems to be mostly unhurt though as it let out something like a war cry before unsheathing it's rusty sword and slashing down at Tama.

Due to this goblin's war cry, the other goblins nearby were alerted, resulting to an eventual commotion. Because of this, Pochi finally had the opportunity to strike. Without wasting any time, she rushed towards the enemies.


With a cute war cry of her own, Pochi mowed the goblins standing in her way. With each slash of her greatsword, a goblin would either die instantly or be blown away with only a sliver of health remaining… And then die after hitting the ground or a wall.

Even though she is mostly busy with cutting down the goblins, Pochi also managed to evade many of their attacks by utilizing her keen senses and her skill. It was like she had eyes on the back of her head as she manages to evade some close calls by ducking or blocking using her greatsword.

""Destructive Smash"— nodesu!"

Accompanied by Pochi's cute shout is the spreading of a crack on the ground and a large sword beam of sword traveling through the air and killing every goblin that gets on its way. If Shun were to see this, he'd think that it's very similar to Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho.

Meanwhile, on Tama's side, the cat girl is having the time of her life dodging and weaving through the attacks of her opponents like it's nothing. She's like a feather in the air as she easily dodged the sword slashes and swings of the goblin's clubs.

"Ei~! Ei ei ei~!"

While dodging, she took every opportunity she got to attack the vital spots of her enemies. Slowly but surely, the enemies fell one by one.

The two's fighting style are completely different from each other but they synchronized so well with each other once they got near each other. They watched each other's back as they sent the goblins to their maker one by one.


"Yaaa, nanodesu!"

Even though there were many goblins inside this settlement, it didn't take so much time for Pochi and Tama to clear them up. They probably only took four and a half hours or so to clear up so many goblins.

As a result, they both leveled up until halfway through level 18. Pochi allocated 10 stat points to her MP before dumping all of her points to her STR.

The reason why she added so many points to her MP was because she needs those MP for her skills. Her [Greatsword Mastery] gave her the skills [Destructive Smash] and [Crushing Blow] but she never had the chance to use them often because of her mana problems.

[Destructive Smash] is an Area of Effect(AOE) that she could totally make use of during times like earlier while [Crushing Blow] is a Crowd Control(CC) skill with stun and knockback effect.

After they cleaned up all of the enemies, the two high fived each other with huge smiles on their faces.

"Good job~!"

"You too nodesu! We were so awesome nanodesu! We're like heroes nanodesu!"

At Pochi's words, Tama shook her head and correct her 'little sister'.

Pointing at herself, she said, "Unn, it's Ninja Hero~!"

As if she was struck by some kind of enlightenment, Pochi momentarily paused before exclaiming.

"Ohhh! I understand nodesu! Tama is a ninja now nanodesu! This makes Tama a Ninja Hero! Pochi now understands, nanodesu."

It was unknown whether it was Pochi's exclamation that roused it up but a loud and piercing shriek suddenly interrupted the two's merrymaking.


Hearing this loud shriek, the two covered their ears whilst complaining.

"Goblin King-san is so loud nanodesu! You're going to make Pochi go deaf nodesu!"

"So louud~!"

This is the beginning of Pochi and Tama's struggles against the strong Goblin King and his four generals.


※~To be continued~※

Author's Remarks:

※ I hope this chapter was satisfactory. The next time I write a chapter about these two, I'll try doing it in first person perspective while showing more of their personalities. I'll probably do that sooner or later after I read the source material more.

※ I wonder what would happen when Tama gets to see the world of Naruto. Heh, that would probably make a good chapter.