Hey, Shun here!
Imagine my shock when I found out that completing a dungeon alone could give you great benefits.
Of course, as the good hearted person that I am, I told this to my group members. When they heard that Me, Pochi, and Tama got their own Unique Series, they all jumped on the bandwagon and started searching for a unique set for themselves.
Unfortunately, it seems like only Kaede-san managed to get one. Or is that really it?
(Third Person's POV)
Hours passed and Maple finally took notice of the fact that there is already nothing left of the Hydra. Looking around, she wondered if she should get started on the leftover tail, only for all the bones to fall onto the ground as the whole thing stopped moving.
Light appeared all around the dragon's corpse right before it vanished.
Having chewed all the way through a hole in the system's logic, Maple had finally defeated the Hydra.
Where the dragon had been moments before, a glowing magic circle suddenly appeared—along with a treasure chest.
「You acquired the [Hydra Eater] skill」
「Your [Poison Nullification] skill has evolved to [Hydra]」
「You are now Level 20」
Because her party members died during the fight, the system took it as her clearing the dungeon alone, giving her all the EXP she needed to get to level 20.
Maple first spent all of new stat points on VIT, leaving her VIT with a base stat total of 205.
"Okay! I have even more defense!"
Next, she checked out her new skills.
✽✽[Hydra Eater]✽✽
Nullifies poison and paralysis status effects.
Acquisition Condition:
Defeat a poison dragon with HP Drain.
Allows free use of the Hydra's power. Grants the use of poison magic at the cost of MP.
Acquisition Condition:
Defeat a poison dragon with HP Drain after acquiring Poison Nullification.
Maple shivered with excitement upon seeing the skill [Hydra].
"I finally have a decent way to attack! And poison? That's perfect for me!"
All she had to do was apply the status effect and wait. A very effective technique for a defense build.
"MP could be a problem… but I still want to spend all my points on VIT…"
She pondered this for a while but then remembered the treasure chest and put other thoughts aside. The treasure chest was quite large. Nine feet wide, six feet deep, and three feet tall.
This was Maple's first treasure chest, and she gulped with anticipation. A wave of nervous excitement shot through her.
She slowly lifted the lid and peered inside.
Maple was so excited, her voice shot up.
Inside was a great shield. It was mostly black, with decorative red flourishes and a large red crystal embedded in the center.
There was also a set of armor, clearly designed to pair with the shield. It had an imposing gleam and a rose relief that wasn't too garish but still drew the eye.
Next was a pitch-black short sword, with a beautiful glittering garnet embedded in the scabbard.
Last was a black colored tiara that looks like an Eastern Dragon chasing its tail. It's eyes were even glowing with a deep purple light.
"This… IS… PERFECT! Ugh, it looks so cool!"
Maple quickly picked them up and read the descriptions.
✽✽[Unique Series]✽✽
One-of-a-kind equipment exclusive to the first player to solo a dungeon boss on their first attempt. Only one per dungeon. This equipment can not be traded, gifted, or dropped.
Night's Facsimile
[VIT +20] [Destructive Growth]
Skill Slot: Empty
Black Rose Armor
[VIT +25] [Destructive Growth]
Skill Slot: Empty
New Moon
[VIT +15] [Destructive Growth]
Skill Slot: Empty
Hydra Heiress's Tiara
Grants the user the skill [Hydra's Heiress].
[VIT +25] [Destructive Growth]
Skill Slot: Empty
✽✽[Hydra's Heiress]✽✽
Boosts the damage dealt by the [Hydra] skill by 100%. Reduces the cooldown speed of the [Hydra] skill by 25% and the MP cost by 50%.
Seeing her new outfit, Kaede could no longer contain the happiness that she is feeling. She immediately donned the set and started bragging about it on their group chat.
(Shun's POV)
After receiving my quest rewards, I bid farewell to the mother and daughter pair before going to the respawn point to take a breather. Hey, I got into such a stressful situation so a break is much appreciated.
"Phew… Good thing I finished my quest fast. Also, the rewards I got are really bountiful this time so I have no complaints!"
While I am literally chilling, sitting by the side of the town's fountain at the plaza, two girls suddenly materialized near me.
The two seems to be extremely frustrated at something.
"That was really such a close one! If only I have more mana, we could have defeated the Hydra together! Even though my [Tyrant's Eye] was so powerful~!"
"Curse that sorry excuse of a dragon! I will definitely burn it to a crisp once I get my hands on a better equipment by myself!"
Oh, I recognize those girls. Isn't that Satania-san and Rikka-san? If I'm not wrong, their username should he Queen and Snowflake.
Honestly, I'm surprised that Rikka-san went with a more normal sounding username rather than something like Wicked Lord, Chosen Tyrant or whatever. I guess I was wrong?
Since they mentioned our subjugation target, I'm definitely curious about what they're talking about. Aren't they in a party with Kaede-san? Where is she now?
"Hey, Satania-san and Rikka-san, right?"
Even though the two didn't change their appearances except for maybe Rikka-san's irises being of different colors, I still wanted to make sure. You never know.
"Oh? Is it [Admin] Shun-san!? How cool! Your current outfit definitely give you this Plunderer main character vibe to it! You know, that Licht guy!? Are you sure you don't have this number and things in your body?"
"H-Hmpf! I'm definitely getting something more cooler than that once I get an opportunity. I can't have a best me in a game!"
Licht? Who's that?
My past self didn't watch that many animes after To Love Ru, Sekirei, Freezing, and the like so I don't know many main characters.
"I don't know him, I think? I just changed my appearance a bit since don't want anyone to recognize me."
"Hee… I'm not afraid of them recognizing me!"
"Anyway, you mentioned the Hydra earlier. Did you manage to kill it?"
Upon hearing my question, the mood of the two immediately sank to rock bottom.
"We didn't… Our sustain wasn't enough to get us through."
"I was this close in burning him to nothingness!"
Well, their answers said it all. Looks like they died during their boss fight. But what about Kaede-san?
If I remember correctly, her username should be Maple.
"By the way, [Admin] Shun. Where did you get your new equipments?"
While I was immersed in my own thought, Queen's inquiry pulled me out of it.
"Well, I got it from me quest…"
Since the two's eyes were literally shining, wordlessly asking me to continue my story, I didn't have a choice but to continue talking. We continued to talk until Pochi and Tama contacted me, asking me where I am.
Currently, the five of us, minus Mutsuko-san and Kaede-san, is having some snacks at a local restaurant in-game. Pochi and Tama are feasting on some meat dishes while me, Satania-san, and Rikka-san are busy talking about the piece of information that we received from the two.
"So, the two got a Unique Series because they battled a whole group of bosses plus a unique Goblin King."
"That seems to be it. Seriously though, this game is quite generous with their Unique equipments…"
I wonder if the devs would flip the table if they were to hear Rikka-san say this. I mean, based on what I've seen so far, it is only our group who managed to bag three unique series in one day.
As I was thinking of that, I heard a notification ring beside my ears. I only set this alarm so that I could see if there is some new messages or prompts from the group chat so I immediately opened the chat window through the game's interface.
It's quite user-friendly so I really love this.
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
System Message: The [Hydra Subjugation] quest has been successfully completed.
System Message: Checking the completion rate of the sub quests…
System Message: Enter [New World Online]: Completed…
System Message: Reach an average Level of 10: Completed…
System Message: Obtain the [Poison Resist](L) skill: Completed…
System Message: Find the [Poisonous Hydra's] Lair: Completed…
System Message: Slay the [Poisonous Hydra]: Completed…
System Message: Calculating the completion speed…
System Message: Calculating the rewards…
System Message: Everyone who participated on the mandatory quest will receive 1,000 d-coins, 1x Random D-coins Chest, 1x Random Reward Coupon…
System Message: Everyone who participated in the quest will receive 500 d-coins for each sub quest completed…
System Message: Allocating extra rewards for the completion speed…
System Message: All the rewards in total are: 3,500 d-coins, 1x Random D-coins Chest, 2x Random Reward Coupons…
System Message: Congratulations on your first quest's completion! As a bonus for successfully completing your group's first quest, all of the member's VR Gears are automatically upgraded…
System Message: You only have three days before you are automatically transported to your original dimension…
Kaede: Hey guys! I got an awesome equipment set from killing the Hydra! Look! Isn't it awesome!?
System Message: Kaede sent a photo.
Along with the long string of messages, it looks like the main culprit for our quest's early completion also sent her own message to the [Group Chat].
How in the world did she defeat that Hydra if she, as what Rikka-san said, maxed her defense? Don't tell me… she ate that whole dragon?
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Read up to chapter 50 on my ko-fi page for just 5$! Visit my ko-fi page by using this link: https://ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! Buy me some coffee!
Author's Remarks:
※ Heh heh, finally finished with this whole quest. I could have done many things in this Bofuri world but I wanted to leave that for later.
※ By the way, in order to narrow things down and save me the brain power of thinking whatever the hell I could give my characters, I'll just think up of something that is relevant to the world they did the quest in. Atleast slightly relevant. You know, like a skill from the game, access to their inventory on the game, things like that.