Three Days Stay And A New Pet?

Hey, Shun here!

It's sometimes relaxing when you spend some time doing nothing but go around places, shopping, and spending time with your friends.

That's especially true when you just want to ease your mind a bit from overexertion.

Taking a break from things is always beneficial.


(Shun's POV)

After our three day grinding spree, we all mostly spent our time relaxing during the three days of lull between our quest and going back to our home dimension. I, for one, spent most of my time away from games for a brief moment, choosing to instead accompany the beastkin girls, teaching them how to cook.

Pochi and Tama wanted to also learn swordsmanship from me so I also taught them the very basics. Of course, I didn't forget to teach them some footwork to go along with it.

Once I am done teaching cooking and swordsmanship, Kaede-san would then take over, teaching them some stuffs like how to write kanji and how to pronounce them properly. On the other hand, I would then be busy tutoring Risa-san.

Yes, the tutoring responsibility fell onto my shoulders after a bit of deliberation. Mutsuko-san is good at studies as well but she's too immersed in her own works right now that I don't think she'd have the time to teach Risa-san anything before we leave.

We're currently in the middle of our lessons about algebra and algebraic expressions. Yes, it's math.

Since I noticed that Risa-san is having some troubles taking in the lesson, I decided to stop for a few minutes and start a conversation instead.

"You know what? I think we should take a break for now. We've been trying to find x over and over again that it's getting tiring…"

"Yeah… It's giving me some mild headache, actually."

"This wouldn't happen if the math teachers are actually responsible."

Risa-san seems to be quite puzzled as to what I meant by that.

While she is leaning back, supporting her upper body with her hands on the floor, she directed her gaze at me. We're sitting next to each other so her current pose is actually quite the stimulating one from a male observer's point of view.

"What do you mean by math teachers being irresponsible?"

"Well, if they somehow managed not to lose x every single school year, they wouldn't need to ask their own students to look for it every time… Don't you think?"

After a brief pause, with Risa-san looking at me blankly for a moment, she suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's with that joke!? That's kinda lame… Pfft! Hahaha!"

"I know, it's very lame… Pft… Hahaha!"

We both continued to laugh for a good two minutes as I tried to crack some lame jokes from time to time. It seems like it helped her quite a lot as she's no longer frowning.

Eventually, Kaede-san, Pochi, and Tama joined us as we ate some snacks during our break. Since we didn't want the two beastkin to only eat meat, we also tried to serve some delicious desserts to them.

The result? Well, they absolutely love them. Pudding and chocolate cake was a hit to Pochi while Tama likes strawberry milk shake and strawberry cakes more.

Well, I bet Tama liked them because of the color. Of course, they still loves meat the most.

I actually heard Pochi say something like, "Hamburg-sensei is still the bestest nodesu!". While Tama agreed with an, "Ai~! Hamburg-sensei, the bestest~!"


During our three days stay at the Honjou residence, our bond as a group strengthened, specially the bond between the girls.

Pochi and Tama is now more energetic and is now slightly more healthier than when we first met them. They're no longer afraid of the other members as well!

I'm really happy to see them make progress.

"Rikka-san, Rikka-san! Can you teach us that dance nodesu!?"

"Teach us~ Rikka~"

They got especially close to Rikka-san. Sometimes, they would also approach Satania-san and Mutsuko-san but it seems like they're still slightly afraid of Mutsuko-san.

Satania-san seems to like children so she didn't have problems getting along with them over a short period of time.

"Ah? You don't need to ask Rikka for such a thing! I, Satanichia, the Great Archdemon, knows this dance extremely well!"


"Teach us nodesu!"

"Hmph! If you insist! Well, first, you move your hands like this…"

"Like thiis~?"

"Pochi now understands nanodesu! You're amazing Satania-san, nanodesu!"

"H-Hmm… Ha, Hahaha! Of course I am!"

"I bet you just learned how to do that since you knew they would be interested in that dance…"

Hmm? Wait, is she teaching them the dance moves of a children's song?

Also, Rikka-san, don't expose her. She's making the effort to get close to the girls after all.

Look at me, I didn't tell Pochi and Tama that I saw Satania-san do some weird poses in the middle of the night while watching a children's show in a loop.

I gotta say though, Barney is such a charismatic dinosaur to kids. Even though he's mostly been my enemy during my childhood, I am happy to see Pochi and Tama enjoy his show.

That aside, I think I actually forgot to test out what my rewards do during the first two days of our break. It totally never crossed my mind.

Well, better to be late than never.

First off, I need to go to an open space just in case.

"Hey guys, I'll be going out to the backyard for a bit!"


"Take care nodesu!"

"Take care [Admin] Shun-san." Said Kaede-san while spoon feeding some pudding to Pochi.

"What are you going to do in the backyard [Admin] Shun? Can I go with you!? My [Tyrant's Eye] can tell that you are up to something amazing!"

"Go. I won't be coming since I need to teach Pochi and Tama this dance…"

Looks like Rikka-san will be going with me. Risa-san is busy doing the exercises I gave her while Kaede-san seems to be enjoying her time with Pochi and Tama.


I and Rikka-san headed at the backyard of the Honjou Family's property. When we arrived there, Rikka-san sat at the bench outside while I stood in the middle of the backyard.

Before I do anything else, let's open the Random D-coins Chest. The item description says that I could gain 1,000 d-coins to 50,000 d-coins.

「You acquired 32,000 d-coins…」

Oh, that's an above average roll, I guess? Next, it's time to check out the other rewards I received.

I don't really need anything from this world so I'll buy something when I go back to my home dimension. After all, the [Dimension Shop] only allows you to buy things related to the dimension you are currently in.

"Hmm… How do I activate this? Do I just need to think about transforming or something? I just hope it's not some kind of sailormoon transformation…"

Alright, enough complaints and let's just get this over with. First, let's try out my avatar in [OSO].

Once I thought about my character in [OSO] and thought about transforming, I felt my body get filled with power while my clothes suddenly changed into that of my equipments in-game.

Well, I'm still wearing my beginner's armor while my only new equips are only my silver longbow and silver scarf, though.

"Ohhhh! Your character looks cool here! I guess that kind of hairstyle does suit you!"

Hmm? Is she talking about my black hair with some silver blonde highlights?

I do like it as well. It does give that fantasy vibe to it.

"Thank you. Alright, next is, my character in [NWO]…"

"Ehhh!? Why are you changing it so fast!? Can't you show me some of your skills or something?"

"I can't exactly recklessly shoot arrows here, right? You guys will be playing [OSO] as well so I'll show you my skills there. I'll post the guides I read in the group chat so that you guys could choose your Sense build."

"Okay… That's fine I guess."

Good. It's good that she got convinced. Anyway, onto my next avatar.

Like what I did earlier, I just imagined myself transforming to my avatar form in the game [New World Online]. This time, it seems like my body felt more power than my earlier transformation.

Furthermore, I felt an itch in my eyes while transforming earlier. Is it because I'm literally changing to my in-game avatars?

It's good that I didn't tweak on my appearance too much.

"Really cool! I approve!"

"Haha… I haven't really checked my appearance too much after I finished my quest since things happened one after another…"

"Un un… That's true. So? What about your last reward?"

"Last reward? Oh… right… I forgot about that."

Right, what does this familiar egg even do?

✽✽[Familiar Egg]✽✽

Houses a spiritually bound familiar that automatically binds itself to its owner upon hatching. In order to hatch the egg, the owner needs to drop some of his blood on it.


"Oh, so that's what it does. I just need to drop some of my blood into it, right?"

"Oh oh! What is it? Are you going to hatch that egg thingy?"

"Yeah. Wait, I just need to drop some of my blood onto it…"

After procuring a needle, I pierced my index finger with it.

Ah… It broke.

Dang it! I need to change back to my real form first. I completely forgot.

After some technical difficulties, I finally managed to prick my fingers and drop some blood onto the familiar egg. Once I did, the egg slightly glowed before the shell broke into pieces.

When the egg shell broke into tiny fragments, it revealed a small creature of around 1ft in height. The tip of its milky white and long ears is light green in color while its large and beady eyes is also light green in color.

At one glance, this creature looks like a normal rabbit that looks very similar to the moon rabbit in myths. However, this one actually reminds me of the Vorpal Bunny I fought.

To be sure, I checked its description through our group chat.

✽✽[Familiar: Vorpal Bunny(Mutated)]✽✽

Due to it becoming the spiritual bound familiar of the individual named Shirakami Shun, this Vorpal Bunny mutated. In exchange for losing some of its wrathful and murderous nature, it gained an extremely high affinity with the wind. Due to it being an infant, its full capabilities remains unknown.


• "Transformation: Battle Mode"

- An inherent skill of every Vorpal Bunny. Call out the power of the spiritual dragon within you and gain their full capabilities. Summons out the full set of spiritual bound equipment of every Vorpal Bunny.

• "Vorpal Dance"

- The unique skill of the Vorpal Bunny. It requires the user to sheathe and draw his blade every time he hits an enemy three times with his weapon, granting the user 2% Attack Speed and 4% Drawing Speed every five seconds. This buff can stack until the requirements can no longer be met. 3 strikes for a [Blink], 5 strikes for a [Triple Strike], and 10 strikes for a [Piercing Displacement].

• "Skill Sharing"

- An inherent skill to all spiritual bound familiars. The user enters his spirit mode to fuse with the owner, allowing the owner to fully utilize the familiar's skills.

• "Windwalker"

- Increases the user's agility by 100% for 30 seconds. This includes the increase on the user's movement speed and attack speed.

• "Windwalker's Blessings"

- Whenever the user uses the [Windwalker] skill, the user will be blessed by and one with the wind, allowing the user to become invisible while the [Windwalker] skill is active. Invisibility vanishes once the user gets hit or initiates an attack.

• "???"

- (locked)

• "???"

- (locked)



※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

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Becoming my Tier 2 member for 5$ gives you access to 15 advanced chapters.(Some might be unedited but I'll edit it somehow or someway a few hours after posting it)

Author's Remarks:

※ I wanted Shun to have a rabbit so here it is. By the way, I also like pandas so maybe we'll also do that. Maybe? They're just so cute after all…