Hey, Shun here!
I've always wanted to try out becoming a content creator but didn't really know where to start.
Maybe I should just showcase my gameplay? Oh, now that I think about it, isn't my build kinda built for putting on a show?
Hmm… I have an idea as to where I'll center my content around but let's leave it for when I have more golds.
(Shun's POV)
Unlike to other VR games where you have to rely on Real Money Trade(RMT) to earn some cash, [OSO] actually opened up the Coins Exchange function early on. I didn't really pay much attention to it since I had the memory of my past life who's really fond of being a Free to Play(F2P) player.
If I remember correctly, the current exchange rate is 1:5. 1 yen is equal to 5 golds. Lots of people joined the game to earn some money here.
Anyway, it's not like I have a business with them. Back to the game, I'm currently tilling the field I bought.
This is a game but what's with this hard work? Do they have to be this realistic?
Anyway, I dug in the soft but firm looking field with a shovel and cultivated it with a hoe.
Even in game it was quite a hard work.
"Haa, haa… Buying a great field really is the way to go!"
According to what little knowledge I have about farming, soils, and etc, this soil should be a loam or maybe the fantasy version of it?
Since the soil didn't really need that much cultivation, I had a much easier time on it. When I tried to increase my speed with an enchant, the speed of my shoveling has skyrocketed to some absurd levels.
Even though it was just a pretty big piece of land, it didn't take much time for me to till it. That's a fantasy game for you.
The farmer said that I could get high quality items just by sowing seeds in this soil but I wanted it to be the best quality so that I or my friends could get a higher efficacy from using them. Maybe one of my [Group Chat] members would want to take up the [Mixing] Sense, after all.
The NPC said that I should mix various things with the soil. In other words, Mulch, Wildflowers, Bone Powder and Bones. The fertilizers.
Next, I mixed the earth with Mulch I earnestly picked up in the forest some days ago, spread the Wildflowers around and in the end I mixed the Bone Powder and Bones with the soil. It took me a considerable amount of time to finish it.
Once I was done with that part, I finally sowed the seeds.
"Fuhn… Really, this looks like it's gonna be a good day today…" I said as I looked with a satisfied feeling on my chest at the fruits of my labor.
I feel like I could get used to physical labor like this. Brings me back to the time when many of us children still play outdoors.
Why do I feel so old even though I'm technically still fifteen?
This field I bought for 10,000G allows me to sow seeds at around 50 spots. I could plant crops in here for more than twice the cheapest fields.
Working hard in the fields was great but I also have to hunt. Should I hunt Moore Frogs? They about as strong as a Big Boar and it's also nearer since I'm already in this southern district anyway.
With that decided, I marched towards the western part of the southern district, the marshlands in this district that is commonly known as [The Wetlands].
While heading towards that place, I started recording on a whim. [Only Sense Online] have a pretty neat function of allowing the player to record this gameplay and then change the POVs and angles even while shooting the video and after recording it.
It's kind of a built-in system developed to help content creators make the best out of their gameplay. I wanna try it out so I set the POV to third person and start to run fast towards the marshland.
A few minutes later, I finally arrived at the place I mentioned. There, I saw a bunch of human sized frogs and frogs half of their size jumping around on top of the lily pads which is big enough to allow three Moore Frogs from standing on top of it.
"That's fantasy for you. Uh, what's the name of this little version of a Moore Frog, again? Right, it was Les Frog. What a great naming sense from whoever named them as such."
Moore Frog is almost as strong as a Big Boar while Les Frog is far stronger than Mill Birds, Slimes, and Goblins. Take note that they are moore or les the weakest monster in this wetlands. Get it?
Alright, enough procrastination.
"Let's begin hunting them…"
I didn't need [Swift Legs] at the moment so I switched it out for [Bow]. Why? Because why not?
No, seriously, I want to test out if similar Senses could stack together. If I remember correctly, [Bow] Senses grants knock back.
Releasing one arrow, it hit one Les Frog squarely on its chin. It took a slight step back but it was barely noticeable.
Oh, looks like it finally noticed me. It jumped up, trying to pounce at me.
*swish* *swish*
With two arrows, it hit its belly and its chin again. With each hit, the Les Frog got knocked back by 0.5m.
It's really quite funny when it yelps with "Bribbit" everytime it got knocked back. It's small voice didn't help. In fact, it made this frog even more funny.
With that frog flying back, I readied my [Arts] to knock it back even further.
"—"Rapid Fire Bow - Twin Needles"!"
With a high enough level, the accuracy correction of the [Bow] Sense is now having a better impact. Not like I needed it that much, though.
With my use of [Arts], the frog once again flew back for another 1m. In turn, I attracted the attention of three Moore Frogs and one Les Frog.
Heh, they think they could damage me? Well, I actually made a strategy to literally make them unable to damage me.
That strategy is, hitting them when they just jumped into the air. It was really hard to do but once I got the hang of it, I started sending them back until they are in the very edge of my firing range.
Ah, seven frogs are flying towards me! Holy cow, they're really near and is even spitting out poison.
I jumped back and, utilizing my [Action Restriction Release] and [Equipment Weight Reduction] Sense, I somersaulted midair. When I got a clear look at them while still midair, I shot [Arts] at them.
"—"Rapid Fire Bow - Twin Needles" and "Rapid Fire Bow - Shotgun Barrage"!"
With two arrows from "Rapid Fire Bow - Twin Needles" and five arrows from "Rapid Fire Bow - Shotgun Barrage", I managed to knock them all back in time. Then, I tried out something that I've never done before.
"Was it performed like this? Faux "Rapid Fire Bow - Twin Needles"!"
*swish* *swish*
Yes, that's right. I tried using "Rapid Fire Bow - Twin Needles" without the use of [Arts].
Eh, it's really hard to do. I already used the skill many times so I already got the movements memorized. However, it's really hard to do without the initial wish I had.
The aim needs more work but I got the basics down. With some practice, I'll get it soon enough.
I used that faux [Arts] three more times before I finally killed those frogs.
"Alright, that's enough for this video, I think?"
I retreated from the marshlands and closed the video recording function. When I got to a safe area, I tweaked the video a bit.
I only tweaked and changed the shots on the best perspectives during those shots in my opinion before posting it on my account at a site called YuuTube. I didn't need to blur my face or anything since half of my face is already covered by my [Windchaser's Silver Scarf].
Also, I didn't think I need to hide my identity anyway.
"If this video somehow gets popular, I guess I could start doing my past life's dream job."
(Third Person's POV)
After Shun posted his video on YuuTube, it remained unnoticed for almost two hours. Well, it's a video that had a suspicious name of 'I Hunted Frogs and they Moore or Les did NO DAMAGE!'.
However, one curious soul checked out the video since… Why not? He had nothing else to do.
The video started off while giving off this serious gamer vibes. It showed how a bow user, a weapon Sense that almost nobody use and is despised by almost everyone in the community, hunted the notorious Moore and Les Frogs.
These frogs are notorious for melting down armors and weapons, rendering them useless. This is why only a few people hunted them.
As the video goes on, it started to have this funny vibe to it because of how comical the frogs look, unable to even scratch the user. Then, it showed a really hair raising scene where the tone of the video once again changed.
It's like the gamer switch has been flipped inside the mind of the player as he did some crazy acrobatic stunts and hit his shots while doing so. It's even more amazing if you are one of those crazy people who tried to use the [Bow] Sense.
However, what surprised the viewers the most was the stunt he performed at the end. Two consecutive [Arts] with the latter one being an unknown and undiscovered bow [Arts].
Then, he did an even more unthinkable thing. He performed an action like he was using [Arts] but he was not really using one.
✽✽[Comment Section]✽✽
Commenter 1: What in the actual f*** am I seeing right now?
Commenter 2: Is my eyes working properly or did I just see a [Bow] Sense user trash Moore Frogs like it was nothing?
Commenter 3: Moore and Les Frogs be like: Why am I here, just to suffer?
Commenter 4: He beat the living daylights out of those poor frogs! I like it!
Commenter 5: Do you guys know who this user is? I don't ever remember someone like him being in the β.
The views grew as time passed on without Shun ever knowing about it.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Support me on my ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! I'm currently working on a goal right now and I hope you guys could help me out on that. Tis' author need some helping hand here! Haha.
Author's Remarks:
※ Uh-huh. If I'm in the mood, I'll try adding a content like this.