An All Girls Party VS Golem-sensei

Hey, Shun here!

It looks like [OSO's] game mechanics is really making it hard for higher level players to level up when fighting lower leveled mobs.

Good thing I've always been hunting monsters with higher level than me, except for when my Senses are literally still at level one.

I wonder, which monster should I kill next?


(Shun's POV)

Looking at the Blade Lizard that's going for my nuts currently, I quickly ducked to avoid taking damage. Then, while rolling, I took out an arrow from my quiver, and, in a crouching position, planted an arrow straight through the lizard's face.


"Ugh… That's so freakin' loud."

Due to my frustration, I shot another arrow at it. With those shots, I shaved another 4% of its health.

It was about to hit me again, this time with its tail, but I dodged it easily by jumping and doing a vertical jump. Once I landed, I used a bow [Art] that I knew would be really effective on this monster.

"—"Bow Skill - Arrow Stitching"!"

This is an [Art] with emphasis on the firepower. The released arrow cut through the air with a loud noise and pierced the lizard's underbelly.

That's a critical hit.

Even though I managed to hit it, it actually recovered from the knock back quickly and managed to squarely hit me on my shoulder. It chipped 34% of my HP with just that single hit on a non fatal part.

As I slightly backed away to create some space, I continuously dodged the attacks of this lizard that seems to now be out for my blood. It's eyes are bloodshot as it pelted me with its attack like there's no tomorrow.

Other than that lizard, I also have to worry about this five Mash Apes that's currently approaching me at high speed. Good thing they're still quite far.

"Looks like I angered it… Is it mad because it only manages to hit me once? Would you be more angry if I do this then? —"Mid Heal"!"

Looking at my health return to 100%, I flashed a smile at the lizard.


Though, I don't know which one made it more angry, the smile or the heal, I think I successfully managed to anger it even more, right?

"Hmm… Hmm… I guess I'll have to kill you now. I need to kill those Mash Apes and show the girls which location they could hunt later, after all…" I muttered as I weaved through the attacks of the Blade Lizard effortlessly.

Two Mash Apes managed to arrived before me and joined the Blade Lizard in attacking me. If I didn't spam enchants on myself while fighting, I would've definitely died after getting cornered by these monsters.

Also, it's a good thing that the Blade Lizard is enraged Its blind rage really made it easier for me to dodge its attacks.

Oh, wait, what if it shows a new attack pattern and I get screwed? The other apes are also coming so I should kill them now.

"—"Bow Skill - Homing Arrow"!"

When the tracking got activated, I took out two stone arrows from my quiver and used Lower Matter Conversion on them.

"—"Rapid Fire Bow - Shotgun Barrage"!"

*swish* *swish*

*swish* *swish* *swish*

A bunch of swishing sound reverberated inside the forest as the Blade Lizard and some Mash Apes got pelted by my arrows.

Due to the overwhelming damage I got from my Windbreaker's Silver Longbow, the two Mash Apes who got hit by more than four arrows died instantly. Of course, the Blade Lizard is also one of those who died.

"Well, that's three. I need to clean up these remaining mobs…"


(Third Person's POV)

Last night, Kaede, Tama, Pochi, Satania, and Rikka decided to make a party to train at the Boss mob of the western district, the Golem. However, with Golem that has a physical focus, so their attacks will hardly work.

In the party, the one who could effectively strike the Golem was Satania and her fire magic.

However, these party of five is not here to kill the Golem. Actually, they are here to train their Senses and gain some new [Arts] that Shun said they could gain by battling this mob.

"Maple-san will attract it from the front. SakuraNeko, Kannami, and me will come from behind while Maple-san is distracting it. Then, Archdemon-san would use her magic from behind. Can you please do that?"

"Got it, WickedLord-san, I can do it."

Kaede swung her large shield around, showing her enthusiasm.

"Got it~!"

"Understood nanodesu! I will smash Golem-sensei with my sword!"

Tama and Pochi, currently named as SakuraNeko and Kannami, seems to be pumped up as the former is already stretching her body while the other is showing off her biceps, all while holding her large two handed sword. Though, there was little to no muscle on her biceps.

"Of course I'll do it. This is my time to train my magic more! I, the Great Archdemon Satanichia will never pass on the chance to get even stronger! Then I could finally begin conquering this game…"

Satania got into her usual weird pose, probably showing her motivation. She looks extremely 'intimidating' with her demon horns and tail.

The name Archdemon fits her…

"Use, "Calling Shield" when we all are done attacking Maple-san. It's so that we could do two or three more rounds of attacks."


After receiving the instructions of their current party leader, Maple marched forward before letting out a cute yelp and smashing her shield at the extremely tall Golem.


As Maple rushed out towards the front.

"Come, I'm here!"

In order to attract the Golem Maple smashed her shield several times at it in order to gather more hate, then directly took the brunt swung fist.

"—"Shield Skill - Block"!"

Just when the attack was about to hit her, Maple used the [Art] that a shield user like her get when they reach level 5. It allows her to mitigate the damage she would have received if he just times it right.


A loud clanging sound reverberated as the wind caused by the swung fist sprinkled cold sweat off Maple's face. Taking on the attack let her gather more hate and also, she took only a bit of damage since she managed to block the attack.

And, with specific timing after the fist was swung up after the intial attack, Tama, Pochi and Rikka started running towards it.

"—"Delta Slash"~!"

SakuraNeko appeared behind the Golem's right feet and slashed the Golem three times with her sword. She only need a few more levels before she could upgrade her [Sword] Sense to the derivative sense [Dagger].

After her, WickedLord arrived next as she used the same [Art].

"Haa—! —"Delta Slash"!"

"—"Delta Slash", nanodesu!"

Kannami yelled as she raised her large sword overhead before slashing at the Golem's left feet with no effort at all. It's unknown how her petite body could hold such a large weapon.

As all three of them yelled, they attacked the Golem one by one. This is the [Art] that every [Sword] Sense user acquires after getting to level 5, "Delta Slash".

The sounds of their slashes reverberated throughout the boss room, but in contrast to that, there was virtually no damage dealt to the Golem. Still, as mentioned earlier, they're not here to kill this monstrosity but to train.

After their attacks from behind, Archdemon struck a pose and pelted the Golem with two fireballs and a spell for the level 15 [Fire Magic Talent] Sense, "Fire Storm"

"—"Fire Ball"! "Fire Ball"! And also, take this! My most ultimate magic right now, "Fire Storm"—!"

Pochi and Tama ran through as to not be caught by the Golem's attacks, and as they passed by each other they did a high-five. After executing their strategy, everyone took distance and disengaged from the Golem.

"Here we go, "Shield Skill - Calling Shield"! Everyone! Go!!"

At Maple's shout, everyone once again engaged and approached the Golem which is currently shuffling towards Maple. She stretched her back, concentrating while holding the shield.

"""—"Delta Slash"!"""

With a step-in, every sword user of the party once again let out a triple attack, but, as expected, there was almost no damage. It left only a shallow scar on the muscle made of rock.

"—"Fire Ball"!"

Everyone didn't show any disappointment on their faces as they all have a clear goal in mind. Together, they chose to time their next attacks differently while also attacking different parts of the Golem's body.

As they continued to attack the Golem incessantly, the scar left by their "Delta Slashes" had become increasingly thicker than before. Meaning, the leveling was effective.

While combat became a simple task, Rikka had always taken a firm action and gave clear and concise orders.

"Everyone! Please retreat! It's movements are slightly off!"

"Got it! Pochi-chan, Tama-chan, we're withdrawing!"

""Ai~! — nanodesu!""

Probably, the training will be concluded once everyone releases arts around 30 more times.

Although it wasn't the Golem's decisive blow, Rikka felt like they were fighting while making sure to maintain their MP's safety margin. She saw that everyone is slightly fatigued so she called for them to withdraw for now.

Once they withdrew from the battle with the Golem, they all returned to safety area and sat down.

"Phew, that was really tiring! But it was fun!" Maple said with enthusiasm even though she's already panting slightly.

"Senses leveled up~…"

"So many Senses leveled up nodesu! Golem-sensei is so awesome nanodesu!"

"A-Hahahaha! My fire magic is getting stronger again!"

"I can't use my magic eyes in this battle… *sigh*…"

Just a bit more and their training is gonna be over.


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Support me at my ko-fi page: and help me reach my goal! You can read up to 15 chapters in advance there!

Author's Remarks:

※ Another chapter down! Thanks for reading!