Finally, Fantasy!?

Hey, Shun here!

I'm really starting to wonder when will my fantasy dream come true. I want to go to a fantasy world!

A boni fide fantasy world! Somewhere with a magic in it!

Will it happen in the future? I wish it will happen soon…


(Shun's POV)

"Hey, the name's Cloude, the owner of [Commonest Café & Clothier]. We already met, right? I should really thank you for those Big Furs you sold me. More customers came to me once they saw me sell clothes with that kind of quality."

Looking at the man it front of me, it certainly is Cloude, the one whom I sold the Big Furs to.

"No problem, man. You're the crafter that Myu introduced to me at the time so I went to your shop…"

"I guess I should also extend my gratitude to Myu."

When Cloude was done talking, a small guy that definitely looks like a girl if you don't scrutinize him really closely, introduced himself as well.

I gotta say, he's the perfect example of a lolishota. Oh, what's with his hair though? It looks like a pair of cat ears or something.

I wonder why I keep on meeting dudes that cosplays as a cute fantasy girl with animal ears. First, it's that dog-eared body building uncle and now this cute looking trap lolishota.

"I'm Lyly, the future owner of the shop that I'll call [Lyly's Woodworking Shop]! Nice to meet you Syuncchi!" Syuncchi, huh. First time I've received such a nickname. Well, I'll roll with it then.

"Nice to meet you two Lyly. Your equips suits you quite well."

"Teehee~, thank you~. You look great as well, Syuncchi!"

The corners of my lips twitched as I watched this cute looking trap lolishota wriggle his body in an embarrassed manner.

Don't teehee me! You're ruining my fantasy dreams goddamnit!

Thankfully, Cloude changed the topic and went down to business.

"So? Which items are you talking about, Magi-san?"

"Well, it's this. Syun-kun calls it the [Boost Marbles]."

Magi handed over three small marbles with different colors to Cloude. Cloude and Lyly then started to inspect the items I brought to Magi-san.

"These really look like a marble. The effects is also as the name says, it gives a boost to whomever uses it."

"It's real shiny."

To be more exact, the item's description says something like this.

✽✽[Boost Marbles]✽✽


A consumable item made by a crafter who polished this marble with extreme care.

Additional Effect: ATK Enchant.


I really wanted to hide the fact that it has [Enchant] on it but I guess it can't be helped. The customers won't really know how it has [Enchant] on it.

After inspecting the items more, Cloude and Lyly nodded to themselves while Magi-san gestured for us to follow her at the back of her stall.

We sat at some wooden stools, surrounding a small round table. Once we're seated, Cloude addressed me once again.

"Now then, I have a few questions."

"Sure. Shoot."

"I'll say in advance, it's fine if you don't say anything. If you are worried about your own advantage in the game or things like to the point of wanting to hide it then that's fine."

Somehow, Cloude exuded an atmosphere as if he was a police interrogator and it felt even harder to deal with him. I glanced at Magi-san, she responded with an atmosphere which meant 'it's all right'.

"Then I'll ask. Can you make these items that you're selling to Magi-san freely? I mean, it surely seem like a stupid question since you seem to be selling a pretty large bulk of them but I'll ask it still…"

"Yeah, if I have the time."

At this point I thought of talking about [Enchant Arts], however, earlier, I decided against it. There's no benefit for me to do that as of yet.

"Are you completely aware of the process?"

"Yep. I think I know pretty much everything about it."

"Last question. If you were to sell these [Boost Marbles], how much would you call for it?"

Somehow, an unexpected question came in the end. Hmm. I have confidence that it would be at least—

"—Hmm. It should be fine to sell it for 9k."


That's when everyone spat out a sigh.

"As expected of Syuncchi, you thought about what price you would sell them already, huh."

"Shocking~. I didn't know that you would know the stall's prices. It's pretty spot on, as well."

"To put it plainly, that thing of yours costs at least 10,000G. Since they pretty much come with different varieties, this could also go for 20,000."

"Hmm? That's asking for too much. I mean, it could sell for that price at first but I don't want to bump the price up too much. Let's settle on a pricing that would last til forever."

In fact, it would be fine if I sold them for 500G since I'll still make a profit. It's made from polishing some stones from the riverbank, painted, and enchanted using a bit of mana.

I could even sell it for dirt cheap if I so wish do so.

"Currently, we crafters can only make one bonus type as an additional effect. But you, on the other hand, can make this item that could stack three different bonuses even though it comes with a duration. For the players, especially those experienced ones who's aiming to go to the next towns by now, these consumables is such a huge lifesaver."

What Cloude is saying is most certainly the case. Just the other day, Taku talked to me about hunting the Golem boss of the western district together.

I could also sell the magical type focus [Boost Marbles] and mages would come in droves to buy them. However, since we have a mage in our team and we'll surely need those MIND Enchants later on, I want to stock up on them first before selling some of them.

"In other words, that's this thing's worth."

"Yeah, the equipment provides players enhancement and this consumable gives a momentary one equipment's worth of boost to the stats. However, here's the main thing. We want you to teach us the manufacturing method. Of course, we'll pay for the information."

"Hmm? Why do I feel like I'm having this déjà vu moment?"

Right, Cloude said this to me the last time we met.

I didn't know how to interpret it, Cloude began explaining with a meek expression.

"We're not approaching you with RMT. We intend to pay you with in-game currency."

"How did it turn out this way? What's up with the 'sell me the recipe'? I don't get it."

"Even if you ask for the meaning, well. Just teaching us the process is meaningless. Once the information appears on the net, we'll get it. But if anything, there's a basic philosophy of the three of us."

Yeah, I got it now. He certainly talked about this the last time we met as well. It's something about selling at a fair price, right?

Sure enough, Cloude once again talked about his and the other two's fundamental philosophy. As a player, I really appreciate the crafters who have such a mindset.

I'd hate it if I get ripped off by them just because they're the only ones who could make the item or whatever, after all. It's good that they're the ones who are indicating what's the fair price in this game.

Profiteers and profiteering would dwindle in number if this game have such top crafters.

As our conversation progressed, I was convinced that these guys are to be trusted. Thus, I didn't hesitate to share them the information I have.

Even if I wanted to hide the fact about the trick of how to create my items, there's no way I could hide it forever. Players are progressing fast and, eventually, people would come across my methods either by accident or by researching my items.

I'm already prepared for players to try and copy me eventually but I'll capture the majority of the market before they do. And since it's just a matter of time before the method is revealed, why don't I profit from my knowledge for free?

Not like these people are going to reveal it to the public.

"Thanks for today. If Syun-kun wants to sell some items made with use of [Enchant Arts] then I would be glad if you consulted the price with us."

"Yes. If anything then I would be the one grateful for such advice. Oh, I also have a friend who would love to sell her potions to you. She's a newbie but, for some reason, she really likes to craft things."

"Hahaha, then just direct her to my stall. I'll entertain her when she comes."

"Thank you."

"Then, Syun. This is the information fee."

A trade request screen appeared, and connected with Cloude. Then, when I saw the amount being given to me.

2000kG. Meaning, 2 million golds!

Nice, looks like I made a fortune selling my information. Aside from that, Magi-san and I agreed that I'll be delivering 50 of each types of [Boost Marbles] to her everyday.

I made a killing from visiting the square.


After my trip to the square with Mutsuko, I left early, leaving Magi-san and Mutsuko to chat.

Logging out of the game, I went downstairs to drink some water. As I drank the water, I suddenly remembered that I haven't used my d-coins ever since I received them.

When I was at Kaede-san's world, I tried opening it up and saw a bunch of things that's connected to her world. Thus, now that I'm in mine, I want to buy some things that I think would be extremely useful to me.

"Let's see, I currently have 44,600 d-coins. I guess I lucked out on getting a pretty decent number from that Random D-coins Chest…"

Done with checking out how many d-coins I have, I checked if I could buy the magic talent I wanted. Good thing this shop have the search function or it'll take forever for me to see it.

After typing in [Enchant], I waited for the results. Sure enough, moments later, a few things appeared in the screen of my phone.

One of them is the magic talent which I currently have in [OSO]. That's right, it's the [Enchant Arts] Sense!

Even though I could use it after transforming myself to my game avatar in [OSO], there would come a time when I might need to avoid using my transformations so blatantly.

Thankfully, the price of this thing is not that steep, only requiring me to pay 12,000 d-coins. For reference, the beginner Parent Senses costs 5,000 d-coins while the Derived Senses, Merged Senses, and the second batch of Parent Senses costs 8,000 d-coins.

The Higher Senses costs much higher, I guess. It makes sense since they are a higher type of Sense. Well, I'll still buy it nonetheless!

After purchasing that Sense, I figured I should also buy the Merged Sense of [Magic Power] and [Magic Talent]; [Sorcery], for magic power and so that I could finally use magic. Then, for more magic power, I also bought the Higher Sense of [Magic Power] called [Great Magic Power].

This one costs 20,000 d-coins since it's literally a Sense that you could only receive when you level up your [Magic Power] Sense to 70. I have no complaints whatsoever about its pricing.

With my remaining 4,600 points, I bought some Potions and MP Potions that only costs 50 d-coins and spent the 600 d-coins there. This'll probably help me at some point.

While I'm still searching through the shop for more things and informing the girls about how they could get a skill that could make them use magic in my world, I suddenly saw a message pop up on the [Group Chat] .

Drinking another cup of water, I checked what it was.

"*gulp*… Is it another message from the girls?"

When I checked my phone, I couldn't help but be extremely pumped up and excited.

"Finally, FANTASY!"


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Interested in supporting me? Visit my ko-fi page by visiting this link:! I'm planning on expanding the number of advanced chapter count there to 25 at some point… Almost two arcs ahead of this one.

Author's Remarks:

※ FINALLY, FANTASY! I'm excited to write this. The fantasy world I chose for this arc is a novel that I read even when it was still a web version of it.