Hey, Shun here!
I've tried out some games like Tower Defense and some RPG where I raid dungeons but I never really tried playing a game where I could become the Dungeon Master.
Becoming a Dungeon Master means that you should be a smart strategist but, now that I think about it, can't I place Tsuka as a boss or something if it's real life?
I could barely beat her right now during our spars and she's a cute rabbit so, why not? People would drop their guards if it's a rabbit, after all.
(Shun's POV)
After my talk with Rokuko, I finally understood some things regarding this world.
To summarize, it turns out that there is magic in this world. What's more, humans could easily use them.
Other than that, it looks like Rokuko really is the physical form of the Dungeon Core herself. If the Dungeon Core breaks or if she dies, the dungeon will stop functioning and the Dungeon Master will die alongside her.
That's right! I am literally now tied to Rokuko in life or death. Dang, I didn't know that becoming a Dungeon Master could be like this…
From the looks of it, this girl is not really trained or anything. The decorative sword on her waist is just that, decorative.
Guess I should train her or something? I can't have her die helplessly, after all.
Anyway, as I was saying, this dungeon seems to be called 'Ordinary Cave' by the adventurers that visits it every month to kill the 20 or so Goblins that Rokuko spawns everyday. That's right, she only spawns gosh dang Goblins as her monster of choice!
When I asked her why she does that, she said that it's because someone taught her to do so. She spends 20 DP on the creatures as soon as she gets enough points.
Which person taught her to do something so stupid? Do they want to sabotage her or something?
This girl is so innocent that she didn't even notice that she's being manipulated.
Speaking of DP, DP stands for Dungeon Points. DP is essentially kinda omnipotent since you can almost buy anything that you want with it.
You can access the use of DP through the Dungeon Point Catalog.
"Uhm, Menu? Ooh! It popped up, just like in [OSO]. Let's see here…"
A transparent window appeared before me after I called out for it. Everything I could do was listed out for me in a clear, easy to comprehend way. I had three main options available to me.
✽ [Dungeon]
✽ [Minions]
✽ [Dungeon Point Catalog]
Everything was written in a nice and easy Liverio Empire's Language for me.
That aside, let's check the Dungeon Point Catalog…
Hey, there are many things here I could buy. However, it looks like I can't buy anything that runs with electricity.
"…Mgggh! Can you finally lift the order, please? I feel like I'm about to explode or something…"
Uh, she's glaring at me hard. You know, Rokuko? You aren't scary at all.
You're actually pretty cute when you talk like that. I can't help but rub her head. I always do this to Miu whenever she tries to act like an adult.
"I am now lifting my order."
"Shun! Idiot! Ah, f-finally, I can talk normally again! What did you do to me?!"
"Calm down, will you? That's not an order. Anyway, to explain what just happened in shorter terms, it seems like you made me your master accidentally, Rokuko. Meaning, I'm now the Dungeon Master."
"Undo that!"
"How? And, why?"
"I-I don't know! A-Also! I'm! I'm the most important person here! Obey me! OBEY!"
The blonde girl glared at me, cheeks flushed red and eyes brimming with tears.
Yep, this girl is really like Miu, childish and kind of an idiot.
"Don't call me an idiot! I'm also not childish!"
"Oh, did I say that out loud? But seriously. The way you act right now makes you look like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Anyway, why did you summon me, anyway?"
"Well, it's obviously to make you a monster in my dungeon."
"In other words, I'd have to live or die by your orders? What about this? Since we are already bonded through a life and death kinda contract, we could be considered as some kind of partners now. I'll lift my absolute command on you and you treat me as an equal, how about that?"
I mean, I don't know whether this reasoning would fly but might as well try it, right?
Also, what I said were facts. If we were back on my home dimension, this situation we are in right now could be said to be a stronger bond than even marriage.
Well, it's considered to be a one-sided one though since if she dies, I die and if I die, she lives. However, it's more or less the same.
"W-Well, that's just how dungeon monsters work… But I kinda like the sound of it. Partners, huh."
Looks like we're finally on the same page. But, isn't she kinda gullible?
"I said this earlier, but you can call me Shun you know?"
"Mhm. Okay, Shun… Ngh! I can't resist you…!"
Hey, why does it sound like I'm doing something unspeakable to you? I should lift the absolute order now, huh.
"Alright, Rokuko, you can now think and move by your own will freely. It's not an Absolute Order if I don't attach 'that's an order' or something along those lines."
This is to avoid her from doing everything I said. Oh, right, I should definitely also add a clause that would avoid some future problems that might crop up from not doing this earlier.
She's similar to Miu so I'm pretty sure she'll tend to do things on impulse like her. Sometimes, it's good but right now, we can't afford to do that…
"Also, don't do anything on impulse too much. If I or you have something you want to do with our currently measly amount of DP, let's talk about it. We're partners, remember? This order will last only until we earn 50,000 DPs or so, okay?"
"O-Okay! Thanks for doing that so readily. 89 said that humans couldn't be trusted but it looks like you are different, Shun."
"I'm pretty sure that's just because the humans that the person you mentioned met are just trashes, that's why."
"I kinda understand what you're saying, Shun…"
"Anyway. I'm gonna check out the dungeon real fast. You did say something about bandits earlier, after all."
I selected [Dungeon] from the menu. Just touching it worked fine, but I imagine it would have responded to voice commands as well. That's how Menus in [OSO] and [NWO] works.
Okay, let's see what's going on inside the dungeon through this [Dungeon Map].
"So, correct me if I'm wrong, Rokuko, but it seems to me that the Dungeon Core is right in the middle of the room filled with bandits. If I'm not wrong, the red dot on the map indicates that they're the invaders, right?"
"It looks that way to me too…"
"Eh? Don't you know that the Dungeon Core won't work unless it's placed inside of the dungeon? That's just common sense."
Oh, dear God. Is she being serious right now?
Dungeon Cores don't work unless they're placed inside of a dungeon. This dungeon only had one room. So, the Dungeon Core was placed inside of that room.
However, that same room is currently filled with fourteen bandits. Based on the current circumstances, it doesn't take a genius to infer that the dungeon is friggin' screwed.
It was a complete checkmate. How and why did she let things get to this point?
"This is why I used all the DP I had to summon a monster that could beat all those bandits. Since you look like you're strong, can you take care of them, Shun?"
"Hmm? Oh, I can take care of them. However…"
"I can have my spirit-bonded familiar wipe them out for us. I haven't killed a person yet so I'm not sure whether or not I can kill them."
"Hmm? You said you haven't killed a person yet? You can just incapacitate these trash humans so that we can make a human farm, though? We'll get lots of DP from imprisoning them."
"Who told you about that?"
"Many Dungeon Cores talks about human farms a whole whooole lot during our gatherings."
Huh? So Dungeon Cores have gatherings.
Also, what I can infer from her words is that, it looks like imprisoning invaders gives probably double or triple the amount they're currently giving…
Speaking of earning Dungeon Points, let's ask Rokuko about that. I only asked some surface level questions earlier since I wanted to know just the general gist of the situation.
"By the way, how do you get more DP?"
"Ummm, so…"
To summarize what Rokuko said:
1) Absorb it from the surrounding ground. (This tends to be about 10 DP a day)
2) Allow time to pass while an intruder is inside of the dungeon. (Varies depending on the strength of the intruder)
3) Kill an intruder. (Varies depending on the strength of the intruder)
4) Offer up a corpse. (Varies depending on the former strength of whoever died)
5) Offer up treasure. (Varies depending on the treasure)
Those were the main ways.
However, like what she said earlier, building human farms where humans are basically treated as slaves and prisoners at the same time is also alright.
Incapacitating them and placing them in a prison, huh. Wait, how many DP do we have?
1,780? What? How?
Oh, right. I guess this was probably because of me. I just got summoned here before I became the Dungeon Master, after all.
I'm a Dungeon Master now. Now what?
※~To be continued~※
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Author's Remarks:
※ I want Shun to be a hardened warrior after leaving a fantasy world so I made him go to this dimension of Lazy Dungeon Master. During my entire experience reading this, I've read about how humans died in a dungeon multiple times and how there are ruthless bandits here. TenShura could also work but I want to avoid some worlds with absurd power scalings for now.
※ This world does have Gods but they're pretty much kinda like faux Gods that gained their divinity through hearsay and belief. Thus, they kinda fit to be a subordinate God of a strong World God.