Hey, Shun here!
I've seen some novels depicting dungeon masters and how they want to create a city in order to essentially have a human farm that supplies them with infinite amounts of DP everyday.
I mean, we could also do that but it looks like that method is already being used. What about creating a religion and gathering believers?
Nah, too troublesome.
Oh! I know! Why don't I make a capsule Inn here in this fantasy world? It's cheaper to build and could house many people in it in one room…
I wonder if that'll work.
(Shun's POV)
While Tsuka is busy outside the Master Room, incapacitating the bandits, I was busy talking to Rokuko and gathering as much information from her.
Well, here's what I found after further questioning.
One, this dungeon, the Ordinary Cave, is just right near the foot of a towering mountain, an active volcano called Tsia Mountain. According to Rokuko, this mountain seems to be the tallest mountain around Liverio Empire.
Second, this isn't something I learned from Rokuko, but it seems like this dungeon of ours is surrounded by a pretty dense forest. It was something I found out while I was looking for nearby settlements while fiddling with the Menu.
I found this info from an option called "Surrounding Area Information," and further within that, "Map." Apparently there was a major road just down the mountain. That was most probably the location that the bandits are raiding.
I fiddled with zooming in on the map, trying to learn more about the layout of the land. However, basically, all I could see was the immediate area surrounding this mountain.
There was Tsia Mountain, a single large town nearby, and an ocean beyond the mountain. Oh yeah, and there were also a few small villages scattered about.
By the way, the map was very vague. Not really detailed at all. I really wished it would give more information, like distance or something. Apparently it was the kind of map people use in this world.
Well, I guess it's better than nothing.
I want to learn more about the immediate surrounding so I could maybe go out after these bandits are taken cared of. Since I'm a Dungeon Master now, I want to see how I could maybe expand the dungeon in the future.
Learning more about the surroundings would give me the information I needed in order to know which future path our dungeon could take. From what I could surmise, I think that taking the agricultural route wouldn't be a bad idea at all.
By investigating the Dungeon Menu, I learned a few things regarding the Dungeon Monitor. I learned that, through the Dungeon Monitor, it seems like I could tag things on it and it also shows the specific amount of DP a person gives us per day.
Other than the Dungeon Monitor, there is the Monster Catalog, a catalog that is a subcategory on [Dungeon Point Catalog]. It's basically like [Dungeon Point Catalog] but this one allows us to summon monsters and not items.
Aside from that, I also searched through the [Dungeon Point Catalog] to see what things I could buy from it. There are many sections but the things I managed to search through are: [Construct], [Household Goods], [Food & Beverages], [Medicine & Potions], [Treasure], and [Skills & Scrolls].
[Construct] allows me to expand the dungeon. You know, adding rooms, floors, buildings, and some other options like room or floor modifications.
[Household Goods] have some items that are available to probably everybody's houses or are available to some. There's things like Futons(50 DP each), Simple Bed(50 DP), Pillow (20 DP), Shovel(5 DP), Pickaxe(5 DP), Knife(3 DP), Pen & Ink (5 DP), Memory Foam Mattress (200 DP)…
Heck, there's even a Heavenly Pillow that's worth 10,000 DP. There's a First-Rate Bed and First-Rate Futon that's worth 100,000 DP.
However, for some reason, it doesn't include electrical appliances.
Then there's the [Skills & Scrolls]. Actually, I have to say that I'm very surprised about its contents.
The skill scrolls that are in this section contains the Senses in the games I'm playing; [OSO] and [NWO]. When I asked Rokuko about it, it looks like such things aren't in her own [Dungeon Point Catalog].
Huh? The only thing difference between us is that I have knowledge about those games.
(Shun's POV)
"Squeak! I, am, back!"
"Oh, hey! Good job out there Tsuka."
As I greeted Tsuka who I withdrew from the dungeon to the Master Room, Rokuko suddenly swooped in and hugged Tsuka. The image of a blonde loli with blue eyes and a white bunny with light green eyes and some light green coloring hugging each other is really a sight for sore eyes.
By the way, it seems like I could understand Tsuka because I now knew how to speak the Rabbit Language. That God sure is diligent, even giving the ability to understand and speak the language of animals…
Anyway, since Tsuka is done incapacitating these bandits, I'll go out there and carry these guys out of the dungeon.
"Hey, Rokuko."
"Can you teleport me outside the dungeon?"
"Sure. Just stand there for a second…"
With a flash of light, I appeared inside a cave that isn't lighted up in any way. Scattered all over the floor is the bodies of twelve fainted humans.
"Ugh… So smelly. Are these guys not taking a bath at all? Hey, Rokuko, can you help me out here? Do you know a spell that could clean things?"
『Hmm? Oh, I've been using the Survival Magic [Purification] on the goblins I summon.』
"Was there such a spell in this world? Neat. Can you tell me how to use it?"
It was literally magic. Right, right. As expected of a fantasy world.
"Magic, huh? Well, that's that, then. Would you mind casting it on these people?"
『Wha? They need [Purification] too?』
"…Did you think humans don't need to be clean?"
『No! Well, I just assumed that humans didn't need [Purification]! And anyway, you can do that yourself, you know? Sheesh!』
"Hey, now, why are you acting like I can use magic?"
『Eh? You can't? Can't you transform like me and summon Tsuka-chan like *baaam*!? Isn't that magic?』
Apparently, all humans were capable of using magic. Even the bandits had been using it when I still wasn't here.
Wait, seriously? Since I should obviously have high affinity with magic due to my predecessor's first wish, I wonder if I can use [Purification] too.
Let's try asking her how to use it.
『You just, like, build up your mana and cast [Purification]. That's all.』
What a fantasy-ish explanation. But, as expected, that didn't help at all.
What do you mean by 'build up my mana'? What do you mean, 'just cast [Purification]'?
You're like the author of a cookbook that says, "add 'some salt'" without listing grams or teaspoons or anything. Or you could also liken her to a swimming instructor who would dump you in middle of the ocean and whisper you the word "swim".
Is she a genius, but when it comes to magic or something?
Miu often explain things with onomatopoeia when it comes to gaming. I see that this is also the case for Rokuko.
"Speak human language, please. That earlier explanation barely helped me in any way."
I mean, the usual plot in fantasy is that magic works wonders when the user have wild imaginations but I don't know if that's the case in this dimension.
『…Shun. You can use the Menu, can't you? It's basically the same thing as that.』
"Seriously? [Purification]… Oh wow, it actually worked."
A fluffy, lemony sensation washed over my body from head to toe and purified it. It's like you're covering yourself with a bunch of bubbles. Really comfortable.
This makes me feel refreshed. I felt that there was some kind of energy that left my body while I was casting it. Is that my MP? It looks like this spell barely costs any MP to me. Fantastic.
『By the way, you can cast simple Survival spells with just mana and some mental effort, but you'll have to learn stronger spells through scrolls before you can use them.』
So that's where the bunch of scrolls in the [Skills & Scrolls] section comes into play. Well, there's definitely a whole lot of extra things in there that Rokuko doesn't know but how this world's magic system works is still the same.
I guess the reason why the spells and skills I know from the games I played are added in here is because they somehow match? Uh, let's think about that later.
"Thanks Rokuko. I'll carry these bandits out first so that we can finally start our renovations."
Thus, I began to work. After casting [Purification] on these smelly bandits, I carried them out. I transformed into my [NWO] avatar and applied speed and strength enchants on myself to make the job easier.
It only took me a good two minutes to finish the job. It took me quite some time before I managed to find a large enough thicket that would fit them all in.
Going back to the Master Room, I immediately operated the Dungeon Menu and chose the [Dungeon Points Catalog] option. From there, I went to [Construct] and added three more rooms.
These rooms costs 200 DP each. Paired with the five-meter-wide paths that serves as a path that connects the first room and these three rooms(30 DP) and the pre-installment of three wooden doors(10 DP each), that made our DP expenses to a total of 660 DP.
Our total DP is now 1,120.
Hmm hmm… I wonder where we could get another batch of DP? If I remember correctly, we could exchange treasures for DP right? Can I exchange the things I brought with me for DP?
The answer? I can.
Like, seriously, the triple A batteries I brought with me could be sold for a price of 2,000 DP. I brought many of them with me just in case and it looks like they're about to become useful right away.
Good call, past me.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
My petition(lies) for a new sugar mommy/daddy seems to have worked last chapter as I got one soon after so… I am here to once again shamelessly ask that you guys visit my ko-fi page! xD
Link: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031
Author's Remarks:
※ Like the original Dungeon Master, I want to make an Inn as well. However, it wouldn't just be an inn. Entertainment parlors, onsen, and many more! I want Shun to build them. From there, I could start a small village of monster girls and then…