Before the whole event went underway, under Mutsuko and Risa's lead, Satania, Rikka, Kaede, Pochi, and Tama gathered together at an in-game cafe to have a little chat. They did have a little strategy meeting but it ended up into some kind of banquet before any real important discussion could take place.
Before long, the whole group went to the starting square and waited there as a crowd of entrants slowly began to gather. Their group of course gathered some attention but they never really paid attention to them as they focused on the display.
There was a giant display floating in the air. It would be livestreaming the actions of the most interesting players. The spectators were mainly crafters or players who'd decided not to join in.
Well, there are some combat players who chose not to join. You know? Those people who likes to stay anonymous and stuff.
"It's time for the inaugural event! Let the battle royale begin!"
"So louuud~?"
"Woaaah, nanodesu! This place is all shaky-shaky nodesu! Everyone is so loud nanodesu!" Pochi complained while covering her ears.
A sky shattering roar went up from the ground as excited cheers and laughter covered the whole square. Whilst the two younger girls who are quite sensitive to loud sounds are feeling a little irritated yet pumped up at the same time, the older girls were yelling along with the crowd.
Amongst the girls, only Risa was unmoved by the enthusiasm of the crowd while Maple was the only one who felt a little embarrassed after inadvertently joining in on the fun.
"Allow me to explain the rules once more! The event will last for three hours! The stage is a special map created just for this event! You'll be awarded points based on four factors: the number of enemies you defeat, the number of times you're defeated, damage dealt, and damage received! Total points will determine your rankings, and the top ten players will all get a special prize! Good luck, everyone!"
And with that, a countdown appeared on the screen. The moment it hit zero, the members of the Group Chat and the other participants were surrounded by light and was whisked away.
"Um… Where is Pochi nodesu?"
When the bright light faded, Pochi opened her eyes.
She'd spawned in the center of a grassy plain.
Since she was feeling kind of lost, she glanced around quickly. After giving the place location she currently in a brief once over, it finally dawned on her that she is inside the supposed place where she would be battling with players like her.
What did her older sisters called it, again? Oh, right, Pee-Vee-Pee.
"So Pochi should just eliminate many people, nodesu? Pochi could do that, nanodesu!" Pochi said so as she clenched her fist, doing a guts pose.
She then dramatically waved her hair, with her dog ears twitching, before saying, "Pochi will beat everyone and become the bestest swordsawoman nodesu! Pochi will be number one, nanodesu!"
She then striked a pose, with her hands outstretched in front of her while her other hand is holding her huge bastard sword firmly and resting it on her tiny shoulders. She's trying to mimic Satania and Rikka's habit of striking a pose.
In her excitement, she didn't even notice that she mispronounced a word.
As a 'menacing' kind of atmosphere covered Pochi, or atleast that's what she thought, a group of players approached her sneakily. There's about five of them in total.
Sensing that someone is approaching her, Pochi immediately stopped what she was doing and went on her battle stance. And by battle stance, it was her holding her huge greatsword with both hands, with her whole body at a lunging position.
"Are you enemies nanodesu!?" Pochi immediately asked out of the blue.
The five was clearly surprised by the sudden question but they tried to lie even though they didn't need to.
"No we're not! We're just here to ask if you want to group up with us? Right everyone?"
"Ah, that right. You're cute so you'd fit in nicely as our mascot."
Unfortunately for them, Pochi didn't buy their lie.
"You're lying to Pochi nodesu! Kaede-oneechan said that people who lie are bad nodesuyo? Your lies can't escape Pochi's diskerning eyes, nanodesu!" It looks like Pochi is trying to mimic Rikka, but failed at doing so.
Without even waiting for their response, and without even noticing that she slurred her words once again, Pochi charged towards the group of five players without any hesitation, with sword in hand.
Her current motto is, "Ask questions first, then slice and dice them up without any further questions a few seconds later…"
If it's someone she doesn't know, she just needs to slice them and that's all that matters. The number of kills they'll gain is equal to the number of hamburg steaks they could request from Shun, after all.
"Eh? Wha-What's with this little girl!? Is she seriously going to chop us without hesitation!?"
One of the five players who seems to be the lankiest out of them all were quite intimidated by Pochi's 'menacing' stare.
"Shut up man. Just go into our formation. There's no way in hell this girl is that strong, given how tiny she is."
One of his friends tried to 'calm' him down before of course saying some words that are written in the book called "What Stereotypical Mob Villains Should Say 101: For Dummies!".
"Yeah. It's gonna be a walk in the park. Easy points…" Same goes for their other friends.
While they were cackling, thinking about the points they will earn from eliminating Pochi, they suddenly heard a cute "Yaaa—!". After that, their whole world stopped.
In their statuses, two effects could be seen being applied to them. Those two status effects were namely; [Fear] and [Stunned].
The [Stunned] state is indicated to last for 3 seconds while the [Fear] state will last for 4 seconds. This means that they wouldn't be able to control their character for 4 whole seconds.
If they could just survive these four seconds, they should be good.
Unfortunately, reality is cruel. Expectations doesn't always become reality. In fact, it's safe to say that expectations doesn't become reality most of the time.
Without a second coming to pass, a loud "Yaaa— nanodesu!" echoed throughout the forest and a huge greatsword came crashing down on the five morons.
After that… Well, there was no after that. All five of them directly turned into digital particles after they got cleaved by Pochi's sword.
"Phew! Pochi eliminated the bad guys nanodesu!" Pochi said as she wiped some nonexistent sweat on her forehead.
After that, she looked at her equipment column and read the difficult looking words that was written on the description.
"Umm… Pochi still doesn't understand what's written on this, nanodesu. Ah! Pochi should ask Mutsuko-oneechan nanodesu!"
And so, Pochi spent her time chatting and understanding what Mutsuko is saying to her. Of course, Mutsuko explained things to her in an easy to understand way.
Of course, Pochi didn't forget to chop up any unsuspecting enemies who would approach her while thinking that she's an easy target. Poor players got sent to the spectator's seat before they even knew it.
In Pochi's equipment column, a Unique Series was displayed in it. What it says was:
Head: [Dog Ears of the Bestial One]
Body: [Skywrath's Bestial Armor]
R. Hand: [Tyrant Conqueror's Greatsword • Caliburn]
L. Hand: [None]
Legs: [Skywrath's Bestial Leg Guards]
Feet: [Skywrath's Bestial Boots]
Accessories: [None], [None], [None]
[Tyrant Conqueror's Greatsword • Caliburn]
After the use of [Conqueror's Might], for thirty seconds, the user will gain a passive lifesteal effect, recovering her health by 50% of the damage she is dealing during the skill's duration.
[+60 STR] [+30 HP] [Destructive Growth]
Grants the skill [Conqueror's Might].
Skill Slot: [Conqueror's Might]
[Skywrath's Bestial Armor]
Each time the user receives damage, her VIT will increase by 1% of her maximum STR(Caps at 70%).
[+75 STR] [+45 VIT] [Destructive Growth]
Grants the user the skill [Sky Step].
Skill Slot: [Sky Step]
[Dog Ears of the Bestial One]
Each time the user finishes her combo with the use of [Unleashed], the user will gain a 1.5 second spell immunity.
Grants the user the skill [Unleashed].
[+40 STR] [+20 HP] [Destructive Growth]
Skill Slot: [Unleashed]
✽✽[Conqueror's Might]✽✽
- Release the might of a conqueror that will stun them all momentarily. This also grants her a three seconds duration of basic dispel and spell immunity.
✽✽[Sky Step]✽✽
- Allows the user to create invisible platforms midair that he can use momentarily to step on air. Every time the user drops to the ground after each skill use, a 2 second AoE stun will be inflicted on the enemies in around a 1 meter radius from the user. This skill also deals 50% of the user's STR as an AoE damage.
- Enhances the user's instincts and reflexes, allowing the user to momentarily exceed her limits. For 20 seconds, the user will gain a momentary boost of attack speed, allowing her to release eight successive strikes — momentarily gaining attack speed(Attack speed is equivalent to 50% of the user's STR when converted to AGI). However, after this, the user will momentarily be unable to perform any attacking motion for half a second. Each time the user completes eight successive strikes, the user will release a suppressing aura that would slow all the enemies down by 50% while simultaneously dealing damage equal to 5% of the user's STR in a 5m radius around the user.
While Pochi is singing the meat song and trotting on the grassy plains, numerous spectators watching the event unfold didn't even know what they're about to witness.
✽✽[First Event Spectators]✽✽
Anonymous Spectator: I figure Pain's gonna win it. Highest level in the game, can't beat that.
Anonymous Spectator: He's nuts. Dude doesn't even move like a human anymore, lol.
Anonymous Spectator: The people racking up wins are all famous already. I guess people are hungry for their nuts?
Anonymous Spectator: The top players are superstrong, what a shock.
Anonymous Spectator: Are you being serious or are you being sarcastic?
Anonymous Spectator: r/whoosh
Anonymous Spectator: Huh? What the hell? What the hell is this dog girl doing!?
Anonymous Spectator: Everyone they show looks so strong.
Anonymous Spectator: Did I hear someone say dog girl?
Anonymous Spectator: Provisional score ranks…
Greatsword User named Pochi…
247 kills, no damage taken…
Anonymous Spectator: Whah?!
Anonymous Spectator: Is she cheating? No… That's rather unlikely…
Anonymous Spectator: Yep.
Anonymous Spectator: If she's racking up results like that, they're gonna show her soon, right?
Anonymous Spectator: Is that her now?
Anonymous Spectator: It's really a dog girl! Where's her fluffy tail though?
Anonymous Spectator: FBI! There's a criminal here!
Anonymous Spectator: What the! She one shots Great Shieleders Lol.
Wtf did I just witness?
Anonymous Spectator: Correction. She one shots everyone. Lololol.
Anonymous Spectator: Cute dog-girl… Scary play style…
What's with her damage, maneuverability, and that f*** ton of AoE? She's a close combat type of player, right? RIGHT!?
Anonymous Spectator: Didn't you notice it? She just slashes at wherever and somehow manages to slice up an enemy…
Anonymous Spectator: She's quite slow though!
Anonymous Spectator: Yeah, normally, she'd get hit by attacks.
I knew it, look, she's… Eeeeeh!?
Anonymous Spectator: Huh????
Anonymous Spectator: What the… Huh?
Anonymous Spectator: TF!? Did she just dodge that attack coming from her blind spot without even looking!?
Anonymous Spectator: Is that like, even humanly possible…?
Anonymous Spectator: If it was, we'd all be doing it. Unfortunately, it's not.
Anonymous Spectator: Like the person earlier said. She's got sick instincts it seems. Oh, she just chops up the dude like tofu…
Anonymous Spectator: Are you all blind or am I the only one seeing things? Didn't she just fly to dodge that attack?
Anonymous Spectator: Strange game. Even dog-girls can fly now…
Anonymous Spectator: Sounds about right…
man. This dog-girl sure is terrifying.
Her damage output is nuts, her survivability is nuts, her burst damage is nuts, and she's even got that stun and fear double stack to boot.
Anonymous Spectator: She reminds me so much of those strong animals going berserk in some animes and movies.
Anonymous Spectator: So, in this case, it's a dog going berserk?
Anonymous Spectator: She's not a doggo though? More like a puppy.
Anonymous Spectator: Uh-huh. She's so tiny and cute so she should be a berserk puppy instead.
Anonymous Spectator: Pochi, The Berserk Puppy, sounds great. It rolls off the tongue quite nicely.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
If you want to get early access on up to 20 chapters, go and check out my ko-fi! Buy me a coffee!
Author's Remarks:
※ Aaaaand cut! That's gonna be all for Pochi's adventure for now. Next up, it's Tama's turn.
※ By the way, isn't Pochi's skills kinda terrifying? If a hero with this kind of broken kit were to be released in a MOBA, I'd definitely call hax. NERF HER RIGHT THIS INSTANT!