The First Event: The Crimson Archdemon, The Chūnibyō Saintess, And The Incomprehensible Blacksmith

✽✽[First Event Spectators]✽✽

Anonymous Spectator: This event so far has been a total banger.

Anonymous Spectator: Agreed. Especially when the screen showed Pochi-chan, Tama-chan, and Maple-chan.

Anonymous Spectator: Uh-huh. Those three are just so unique and outlandish that it's scary.

Anonymous Spectator: Can't wait to see which player will be showed on the big screen next!

Anonymous Spectator: I'm pretty sure it's just gonna be a cute or beautiful weirdo doing some weird things that our mediocre brains couldn't even begin to comprehend.

Anonymous Spectator: This seems to be the trend for the last three contestants, no?

Anonymous Spectator: I'm sure it's just the devs and cameramen being their man of culture selves…

Anonymous Spectator: Can't blame them though. They ARE cute.

Anonymous Spectator: Agreed +1

Anonymous Spectator: Agreed +2

Anonymous Spectator: Agreed +3


While the spectators are busy chatting, the scenery on the big screen changed. Unlike the earlier players that the screen showed, they are showing a group of three who are currently camping under the shade of a tree while eating some snacks.

The first person in the group is a girl with crimson colored hair and eyes. She seems to be around 15 years of age based on her appearance.

Her waist-length hair is tied in a twintail style, but she also bundled both ends of it at a portion of her forelocks to make a ring-like shape. Her hair is tied by a black colored ribbon, paired by a cute black colored hair clip with a bat-like wings as a design.

She's also wearing red robe with black and gold accents, paired with a black and red colored staff. Currently, this girl is munching on what seems to be melon bread.

"*munch*… What do we do now? Do you think we all have enough points to enter the top rankings? *munch*…"

Beside her is a girl with black hair and heterochromatic eyes wearing a white robe with golden accents over a platinum colored light armor. She looks so gaudy with her armor set.

"I think so? But I'm not too sure since there are many people participating in this event…"

While they were talking, the last girl wearing a simple leather armor also joined in. She has long flowing black hair that goes until her waist and pinkish red eyes that's currently shining in anticipation.

"Then, why don't we go hunt some players again? I want to try out my other inventions on them!"

"That… That's a great idea! We should go around destroying people to show them the might of my [Tyrant's Eye]!"

"Huhuhu! That's certainly a good idea! To conquer this game, I first need to make the players submit to the overwhelming might of my flames of hell! A-Hahahaha!"

Yes, these three are Sakaki Mutsuko, Takanashi Rikka, and Kurumizawa Satanichia McDowell.

The area on which these three are is on a mountainous area where many players were transported in. Thus, these three was able to gather a large amount of points from hunting groups of players.

They've been doing this for some time now after meeting up. In truth, these three were able to meet up because they spawned on a pretty nearby locations.

Mutsuko spawned in this mountainous area, Satania spawned on top of the mountain where an active volcano is, while Rikka spawned in a village at the foot of this mountain they are in. After wandering around for a good thirty minutes, they met up after being chased by some hungry for points players.


"Taste my flames of hell! «Fireball»!"

At a pretty vast clearing in the mountains, Satania, Mutsuko, and Rikka could be seen having a pretty intense bout against a party of eight.


Well, minus one since the opposing mage of the enemy party got obliterated by a single fireball spell from Satania. The poor man got turned into digital particles before he even knew what hit him.

Seeing this amount of magic damage coming from Satania, the party leader couldn't help but swear a few times.

"What in the holy blazes is that f***ing damage!? Holy sh**! Team, be careful of that mage! Or better yet, just target her! We need to make sure that she is killed in one blow!"

While it may be a bad idea to shout your commands out loud, the three girls didn't really have anywhere to go as they are pretty much cornered. After all, before bumping into this group of eight, they also met a group of five on their way.

Long story short, they got quite pissed by Satania and Rikka's attitude so they chased them. The group was originally a seven man group when they met but they got reduced into five as soon as a fight erupted, courtesy of Satania.

When everyone heard what their temporary leader has to say, everyone nodded their heads simultaneously. Soon after, according to the leader's command, they channeled all of their strongest attacks…

And attack they did.

Numerous single target skills was released onto Satania that she immediately got covered in smoke due to the resulting impacts. However, what's strange was that, Mutsuko and Rikka didn't even panic.

In fact, the two girls were even smiling at the enemies like they found their actions amusing.

"C'mon guys! Let's just kill them and me done with it! There's just two of them le—"

The leader wanted to prompt his members to ignore the girl's expression and focus on eliminating all of them so that they could get points. His words, however, was cut off by an almost maniacal laughter that came from within the smoke.

"A-Hahahaha! You think you can kill me with just those attacks that deals a measely amount of damage!?"

As the smoke cleared up, all the opposing players saw Satania standing there without a single scratch on her body.

This phenomenon of course left them puzzled as, according to the norm, she should be dead from the amount of damage they dealth. She's a mage after all.

When they looked up, they saw the thick shield that's covering about a quarter of her health.

"A-After all of those attacks, y-you still have a fourth of your shield left!? No. Why do you even have a shield in the first place!?" One of the members of the opposing party could no longer hold himself back as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Of course, seeing that this is the perfect time to boast, the culprit of the opposing team's heartache puffed up her chest in pride.

"Kukuku! Do you now understand the horrors of my [Tyrant's Eye]!? This is just a fraction of my power, just so you know!"

"You!? Who the heck gives her allies shields that thick! Are you cheating!?" It looks like the leader of the group also lost it as he bellowed at Rikka, the culprit.

Instead of getting mad at the guy for yelling at her, Rikka just calmly raised her hand before shaking her index finger at him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk… You don't understand, do you? Would I be here if I was cheating? Besides, who needs to cheat if I have such a powerful ability, no?"

The conversation between the two went on as Rikka, still on her high horses, boasted on the enemy party like there's no tomorrow.

Meanwhile, while Rikka was busy in making the enemies even angrier, Satania and Mutsuko are busy doing their own things. They seemingly weren't paying attention to what was happening in front of them.

Satania is murmuring something to herself while fireballs the size of a basketball are floating around her. Mutsuko, on the other hand, is busy rummaging through her inventory.

A few seconds later, a deafening roar of explosions rose from the ground up, catching Rikka and the group by surprise. The next moment, the group of enemies were nowhere to be found, replaced by a large number of digital particles that are starting to fade.

"H-Hawa—! Oh, wait, it was just you two! I thought it was an enemy attack…" Rikka was, at first, surprised, but then she remembered that her two companions have some insane firepower that's usually accompanied by loud explosions.

The main reason for this was the new skills that Satania and Mutsuko acquired.

Satania acquired the skills: [Delay Chanting], [Concurrent Chanting], and [Parallel Chanting] that allows her to essentially stack up many fireballs until she is satisfied. With some preparation and enough time, she could pretty much one shot anything in this game.

Meanwhile, on Mutsuko's end, it's a bit different. You see, after much dedication to smithing and crafting a few weird things, she stumbled across a dying old man that told her a secret.

The old man saw her toying with some NPC criminals using her rather unique inventions, which made him amazed and overjoyed. Inside the NPCs mind, he thought that he finally found what he was looking for.

After some boring crafting quests, the old man gave Mutsuko a futuristic looking core that seems so out of place in this game world with a fantasy feel to it. The item thingy definitely didn't come from the first layer of this game, that's for sure.

After looking at the item for a while, Mutsuko took it from the old man's hand which was faintly emitting some electric arcs. To make a long story short, Mutsuko gained a skill that's called [Mechanical Crafting God].

✽✽[Mechanical Crafting God]✽✽

Passively increases the user's crafting speed and crafting success rate by 10 times. Crafted items will have the highest stat corrections possible. Improves the item/equipment effectiveness by 5 times when used by the user. Improves all of the user's stats after crafting an equipment that is rare grade and above(stat gain depends on the rarity of the item/equipment crafted).


• "Item Destruction"

- Destroys an item/equipment.

• "Item Construction"

- With the power of a Mechanical Crafting God, craft items/equipments through the use of your built in workshop. Using this skill, the crafting speed and success rate is increased by 2 times.

• "Create Armaments"

- Create mechanized armaments out of the materials the user have. The strength of the armament is proportional to the raw material's strength.


Mutsuko have used this skill rarely but she had fun tinkering and making some new items and equipments. In fact, she was the one who crafted Satania and Rikka's armors and weapons.

As for the bombs that she used earlier, that was a thing that she learned from her country's military and crafted through [Item Construction].

Why does she know such military secrets? It's for the survival purposes, of course.

Why else do you think she'd need such knowledge?


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:


Read up to chapter 85 on my ko-fi page:

Author's Remarks:

※ Think of Mutsuko's skill as something akin to becoming Pagma's Descendant, reference being Overgeared, but as a skill and not a title. If I remember correctly, there are no titles in this game after all. Oh, now that I think about it, I have a new idea for a power for Mutsuko in the next and last VR game aside from NWO and OSO.

※ I was planning on pulling a prank, posting an update like: "I will not be posting any chapter until further notice..." but I decided not to.