Secret Weapon: The Strongest Bunny Alive!? (2)

※~・Arc 7: Dungeon Battle And The Thriving Bussiness・~※

Hey, Shun here!

I'm actually proud of my spirit familiar and what she could do. I bet Haku will be in for a surprise if she were to underestimate what Tsuka could do.

As a Vorpal Bunny, the royalty among all of the whole rabbitkind, Tsuka have some sort of pride in her as well. Thus, it will be of no surprise to me if she were attack Haku out of irritation or something for ignoring her.


(Haku's POV)

While Haku was frozen in her place, smiling rigidly, one of her subordinates suddenly announced something.

"…Ah! The enemy has broken through the Boss Room! Th-They've found our Core Room! There's also an unknown figure slaughtering our monsters who's still loitering around the [Ordinary Cave's] entrance!"

"That's not an unknown figure but Shirakami Shun, princess's Dungeon Master, Dolce."

The one who said the report was Dolce, the wraith, while the one who replied to her was Chloe the succubus. Whilst they were speaking, the view on the Dungeon Monitor briefly showed Shun who is slaughtering their remaining troops who's still left on the outskirts to battle against the agile Assassin Bunnies.

The Lizardmen and Goblins stood no chance as Shun effortlessly gathered their lives like he's harvesting wheat. What's even scarier is that, he's not even using any skill to enhance his attacks.

"He's quite strong, isn't he? I feel like I'll have a good duel with him if I were to challenge him…"

This time, it was the living armor Sally who spoke. Including Misha, the werecat, she's one of the battle maniacs in Haku's midst. However, if you think about it, it does make sense, given that she's a living armor and all.

"There's no time to talk about that! Look~! That small little rat is already tapping its foot and gesturing at our dungeon monsters to come at her already!"

"What are you getting so mad about, Misha? It's just a little rabbit, you know? We can take care of it in a jiffy."

At Misha's dissatisfied voice of complaint, it was Amelia, the lamia, who replied to her in matter-of-fact kind of tone.


"Misha. Go and command the Minotaurs to attack. Let's see what this rabbit is made of." Misha was about to say something in return but she was immediately cut off by Haku who gave her the order to attack Tsuka.

That surprise and sudden appearance of a small rabbit right after a hard 'puzzle door' really caught her off-guard. She was kind of expecting a boss fight or something after that hellish door, but there was instead a small rabbit.

In which world would you end a hellishly 'difficult' puzzle with a battle against a tiny rabbit that can't even stand a chance against a Goblin? What in the world is that Shun thinking? And here I thought he was smart…

I should really take my sweet little Rokuko away from him. I don't want to risk her getting such devilish ideas from him.


(Third Person's POV)

Inside a room the size of about four regular classrooms, a small white bunny with green highlights on its fur and green colored eyes could be seen waving its paws at the 'visitors'. The bunny would sometimes even jump up in the air before wriggling all of its limbs just to show how much she is happy that they came.

If you thought that the visitors are just your normal, run-of-the-mill human, you're dead wrong. The visitors in question are: bipedal bull-like creatures that stands at around 3 meters tall, bipedal lizard-like creatures with the height taller than your average adult human, and green skinned creatures the size of a human child.

All of these creatures are carrying dangerous-looking weapons. If a normal bunny or rabbit were to be confronted with such an intimidating bunch who's wielding such a scary looking assortment of weapons, they would probably run away instantly instead of waving their paws while bouncing up and down.

Unknown to these clueless visitors, this is not your run-of-the-mill bunny. This is a member of the most powerful and regal species of the rabbitkind, boasting a combat potential that only a few species could match, a Vorpal Bunny.

Yes, these 'people' are the summoned monsters of Haku and the spirit bonded familiar of Shun, Tsuka. The reason why Tsuka is excitedly bouncing around like at excited kid who just saw a new toy was because… she finally found a new toy.

The truth is, this is the first ever 'protecting' job that her master gave her so Tsuka is rather excited. Also, she is referred to her master and her bestie Rokuko as a boss monster!

Do you know how much of an honor that is!? You don't!? That's a shame then.

You might just live your entire life as a mob if you've never have even a fraction of knowledge about how to be a boss. That's just how honourable and important that title is to monsters.

Well, Tsuka is technically a spirit familiar but she's also a monster as well.

Tsuka's honor aside, it's time for the party to begin.

"Squeak! You, come at, Tsuka, at, once!" Tsuka tried to get the party started but all she got in return was silence. The other party have absolutely no idea what was going on.

Upon realizing that nobody is paying her any heed, Tsuka immediately snapped as she began stomping her feet on the ground while voicing out her frustration.

"Squeak, squeak! Tsuka, said, to come, to her! Squeak!? What, can't you, understand!?"

She even said something like, "Or are you too weak to face Tsuka, that's why you're not moving!?" and, "You can't fool Tsuka! Tsuka is not an idjit like you!"…

It came to a point where Haku who's on the other side, seeing the live feed, ordered Sally to attack Tsuka with her eyes half-closed.

"Order the Minotaur to kill that little rabbit already. I don't have time for that thing…"

Haku's order would've ended there, if not for a certain air headed werecat who can't read the mood.

"I can't understand a thing that this little thing is saying bit I can tell that it's mocking you, Haku. Oh, look! It's even making gestures at us!"

"Make that rabbit disappear right this instant. Also, Misha, get ready for your punishment after all of this is over, okay?"

"Lady Hakuuuu! Nooooo!"

Back at the [Ordinary Cave], Tsuka is still busy doing her little antics. She was so caught up in her frustration that she didn't even notice that a large warhammer came crashing down on her, thoroughly turning her into a meat paste…

…Or at least that's what Haku and her retainers thought. The next moment though, a sudden flash of green light — with a mix of blood red — flashed from the exact same place where the warhammer landed.

Then, after that, the Minotaur who was holding the hammer flew away with a loud booming sound. At the same time, the hammer that it was holding shattered into dust, revealing the seemingly unscathed silhouette of small bunny.

It's now bright crimson colored irises are emitting some kind of lightning with the same color as her eyes, while her surroundings are now covered by a strong gale with the color of green and red. Only an idiot would think that this isn't an indicator of her getting angry after seeing this sight.

Unfortunately, that was all that Haku and co was able to see. After that, their dungeon monitor's screen blacked out, indicating that every monster that's inside the [Ordinary Cave] died.

All of them.


(Haku's POV)

"I'm afraid we can't win against that bunny, unless one of the five of us go there to battle against it." Chloe said with a slightly grave tone.

Meanwhile, Haku was not saying anything and just remained silent about it. She seems to be in deep thought.

"I think it's stronger than the five of us combined when we were still in our infancy?" Sally commented.

"I think it is. That terrifying aura… That's the aura of a dragon."

"Even though it's just a young rodent, it's kinda strong."

"As expected of Lady Haku's little sister."

Whilst their master was deep in thought, Haku's retainers said their own opinions about the earlier scenario. That's aside from Amelia's praise that came out of nowhere.

"My Lady, what's our next move?"

That little bunny seems strong but that's also the final room that might lead to the core, Haku thought.

After for several seconds, Haku finally came to a decision.

"Bring out our lizardmen who's wielding magic swords and order them to go to that room. No matter what, I don't want Number 695 to see me lose without a fight."

"What about that puzzle door?"

"Order the lizardmen to go up and down the staircase until we get the riddle that we already know the answer."

Seeing how determined and decisive Haku is, Chloe finally showed a rare smile. This is the master that they know and serve. She may have been mentally drained due to the severe psychological attacks she had to suffer from but she still managed to recover so fast.

Unfortunately, this happy atmosphere was broken due to one news coming from Amelia.

"The enemy troops reached the last floor of our dungeon! There are about 150 rodents, 16 golems, and their Dungeon Master, Shun."

"Chloe, get ready to defend."

"Yes, princess."


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Support me on my ko-fi page: if you are kind enough to become my sugar mommy or daddy xD. There's 20 advanced chapters there currently for you to read!

Author's Remarks:

※ I wanted to show more of Tsuka's power but I figured that this would be enough for now. To be completely honest, I was just planning on making her into a minor character and wasn't intending on making her take the spotlight of some chapters. Welp, it's fine I guess? This has been this fanfic's theme ever since it started anyway. Unexpected turn of events not preplanned at all by the author.