Hey, Shun here!
I've been to a countryside town before and have experienced staying in one of the local's houses because there is literally no available hotel or anything to stay at.
Although my sleep was not the best during that trip, it was still quite a great experience to have, honestly.
(Shun's POV)
With the Dungeon Battle being over, Haku went home the next day, along with her retainer, Chloe. She's quite the busy individual so we can't take too much of her time, or that's what Chloe said.
After such a grueling battle, we all needed a good night's rest before we could start anything else. Oh, it looks like Ikumei and Zenko already fell asleep on top of my bed.
Well, can't be helped then, I'll go sleep on the sofa… At least that's what I intended to do at first.
While I was heading to the sofa, a few steps away from the my and Rokuko's bed, Rokuko suddenly called out to me.
"Hey, Shun. Why don't sleep with me and Tsuka? Ikumei and Zenko are already sleeping on your bed so you should have nowhere to sleep, right?" Hmm… Why do I feel like there's something wrong here.
"I can just sleep in the sofa though?"
"Isn't it uncomfortable to sleep in the sofa? Come on, Tsuka also want to sleep with you. Right Tsuka?"
"Squeak~? Master, sleep with, Tsuka?"
Even though I could feel that something is off about this whole situation, I just nodded my head and slept with Tsuka and Rokuko. I'm too sleepy to fuss about where I should sleep at this point.
"Huh? What's up, Rokuko?"
"Well… I want you to hug me and squeeze me tight." As requested, I hugged Rokuko, with Tsuka in between, tightly. Similar to Zenko and Ikumei, Rokuko have a smooth and pleasant to the touch skin.
This brings back memories. I used to sleep with Miu as well, back when we were at primary school. Good times.
"Hey, Shun…? Are you going to stay with me? You're not going to go anywhere, right?" Rokuko once again spoke to me in a sweet voice, as if seeking comfort. I'm telling you, she looks so cute while saying that in her DP saving form.
"What, do you want me to leave? I'm pretty sure you'd want to come with me if ever I were to leave."
"…Of course! I don't want to be left out, after all. Food don't taste as good if you're not the one who made it, Shun. Besides, I'm your partner after all." I'm not quite sure what she really meant by that, but… okay. While thinking of such things, I eventually ended up falling asleep.
The next morning, I woke up after feeling some heavy pressure coming from my stomach, chest, and head. Turns out that Ikumei and Zenko also joined us in Rokuko's bed, with Ikumei using my stomach as a pillow and Zenko using me as a hug pillow, along with Rokuko who's even drooling quite a bit.
By the way, if you're still wondering, the one who's sleeping on top of my head is Tsuka. She was hugging my head using her four limbs while sleeping peacefully.
"So... How do I get out of this position?"
It took the girls a few minutes before they all woke up. Since everyone's already awake, it's time to consolidate our total earnings.
Haku had given us a grand total of 550,000 DP as a reward for defeating her in the Dungeon Battle. Also, we had 120,000 DP left over from the initial DP she gave us. Right, I should also deduct the 40,000 DP that I promised the girls they'd receive.
After a brief calculation, I came to a conclusion that we have 630,000 DP to mess around with as we pleased. The best course of action after receiving such a large sum of DP as a developing dungeon is of course to prepare for the future... Meaning, we'd use it in expanding our dungeon and for our Capsule Inn's initial funds.
In regards to expanding, I expanded our dungeon boundaries to encompass the forest in front of our dungeon, about a 2km starting from our base. I plan on reclaiming these lands and turn it into a rental plot of land of sorts.
The price of the land around the vicinity of our dungeon will skyrocket once our dungeon and inn became well-known. That'll help me earn gold coins.
Yes, yes. I haven't forgotten about my quests.
As an aside, I tried doing that agriculture thing that all of those main characters turned Dungeon Masters did, but I eventually gave up. It was inefficient and time consuming. It might be a different story if I try to convert a larger portion into a farmland but that'll take too long a time.
Since we have a whole lot of DP, I decided to buy various kinds of magic scrolls for us to use.
The ones I took a fancy on are:
Survival Magic: [Revitalize Scroll (500 DP)]. A spell that, based on its name, revitalize the ground and promotes a far better crop growth. It's a spell good for farming.
Survival Magic: [Grow Plant Scroll (10,000 DP)]. A spell higher than the [Grow Weed] spell but lower than the [Grow Wood] spell of the same magic category. The main differences between these things will be which crops are they great at 'making it grow'. If you catch my drift.
Mid-Rank Wind Magic Skill: [Air Slash Scroll (5,500 DP]. A spell that allows the caster to summon sharp wind blades.
Low-Rank Water Magic. [Water Scroll (500 DP)]. A spell that makes a ball of water that you can send flying.
Low-Rank Wind Magic. [Air Voice Scroll (400 DP)]. A spell that makes wind that you can carry your voice on.
Low-Rank Fire Magic. [Fireball Scroll (500 DP)]. A spell that makes a ball of fire that you can send flying. Men have always dreamt of casting fireball spells at least one in their life. I think?
Low-Rank Light Magic. [Light Scroll (500 DP)]. A spell that makes a ball of light that you can float around.
Low-Rank Darkness Magic. [Blind Scroll (600 DP)]. A spell that makes a ball of darkness that makes it harder to see.
Bottom-Rank Space-Time Magic. [Wallet Scroll (600 DP)]. A spell that lets you store and withdraw money.
Mid-Rank Space-Time Magic: [Storage Scroll(10,000 DP)]
If you're wondering, the ranks of magic in this dimension seems to be Bottom-Rank, Low-Rank, Mid-Rank, and High-Rank. At least that's what I could tell from the list of spells in my Dungeon Catalog.
Since this is also the perfect opportunity to strengthen myself, I took the chance to buy [Physical Increase Scroll], [Swift Legs Scroll], [MP Increase Scroll], and [Natural MP Recovery Increase Scroll]. These costs 10,000 DP each.
Of course, I also bought Zenko, Rokuko, and Ikumei the two former skill scrolls, [Swift Legs Scroll] and [Physical Increase Scroll]. Man, I think I bought one too many scrolls, but I guess that's fine?
Except for [MP Increase Scroll], [Natural MP Recovery Increase Scroll], [Grow Plant Scroll], [Wallet Scroll], and [Storage Scroll], I bought each and everyone of us a scroll. Yes, that includes Tsuka.
What? You have a problem with a rabbit using spells? Grow up. I'm in a fantasy world so anything is possible.
Anyway, in total, we spent 185,000 DP in one go today. Sounds like a lot to the past me who hardly earned any DP but this is obviously just the beginning of our prosperity.
Since I figured that I already spent that much DP today, why don't I look for more things I could spend on while we're at it? It's definitely because I wanted to better our dungeon's condition and not because I just wanted to splurge, alright?
Looking at the DP Catalog after the Dungeon Battle, I soon realized that there was a new trap… or rather, a new contraption available. The [Monster Spawner].
It cost one hundred times as much DP as the selected monster, but it would regularly spawn that monster in return. According to Haku, new items and options would be unlocked within the menu by fulfilling certain conditions with our dungeon.
Is winning a dungeon battle the condition for getting monster spawners? No, I think it has to do something with the overall number of monsters summoned.
Makes sense if this is indeed the case. We had summoned a lot of monsters for that Dungeon Battle, after all.
Oh, and, fun fact, monsters born from the spawner couldn't leave the dungeon. They wouldn't earn us DP after they died, either, which is their downside.
However, the good thing about them is, they would leave behind corpses like a normal monster. What does this mean? Well, this just mean that I'll get an infinite amount of any material I wanted.
Just summon or make a spawner for the specific monster that provides that raw material and voilà! We now have a factory of raw materials!
Speaking of raw materials, I think I'd need a large amount of iron if I want to make a lot of swords made out of golems. Iron Golems would be perfect for this.
A single one of those costs 500 DP. That means the spawner would cost 50,000.
"I'd need all the iron I could get so… I'll happily buy two."
While I'm at it, I also bought two [Stone Golem Spawners] and [Wood Golem Spawners]. Stone and Wood Golems costs 100 DP each so the spawners are just 10,000 DP each.
Wood and stone are necessary for the business I wanted to build, especially the wood, so I bought two spawners for Stone Golems and three for Wood Golems. With this, I spent another 100,000 DP.
"Wow… We spend so many DP at once…" It looks like Rokuko was watching me over my shoulder as I literally spent almost half of our total earnings on that Dungeon Battle against Haku. She couldn't get over the fact that she earned over half a million DP in just one day.
"Why are you already feeling overwhelmed with with spending this much DP? What would happen when you're already a full-fledged dungeon? The other Dungeon Cores won't look up to someone who gets overwhelmed by this measly amount of DP, you know?"
Roluko gave a surprised look for a few seconds before finally recovering.
"O-Of course I know that, Shun! I want to become just like my big sister, Haku, and become one of the best Dungeon Cores!"
Seeing the renewed determination that's burning within her eyes, I couldn't help but pat her head.
"That's the spirit!"
Our dungeon's rise is just beginning, Rokuko. You need to get used to at least this much.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Merry Christmas! Since it's Christmas, do me a favor and become one of the members on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! xD.
Author's Remarks:
※ I actually wanted to use more of the DP but I suddenly remembered that there might be something I'm forgetting so I stopped. By the way, I didn't think that thinking up of a suitable price for things would be so hard and time consuming.
※ Psst, if you're reading this during Christmas Day, you should seriously consider going out or something with your friends or family. Don't go wasting your what, 11-15 mins of your life reading this during the event that happens only once everyday! xD