Hey, Shun here!
Have you ever seen a rabbit kill a rabbit? I imagine not since rabbits are herbivores and I've never really heard about any of them showing any cannibalism behaviors.
Why did I ask, you say? Well, I was just curious…
(Shun's POV)
"Ehh? But we just met yesterday though, remember? It hasn't been that long. Ah, did you perhaps miss onee-san already!? How sweet!" Magi-san placed both of her palms on her cheeks and wiggled her body. I bet this woman who's slightly older than me is just trying to tease me.
"Haha, really? I kinda forgot about it since there's many things that happened yesterday…" I could only play dumb since I couldn't really tell her that it really has been a while since I last met her. I'm technically not lying since a lot of things really did happen 'yesterday'.
If you only know, Magi-san. Well, as they say, ignorance is bliss.
"Hee… I didn't know that you're quite the forgetful guy, Shun-kun. Onee-san's heart is hurt…" What a playful woman she is . Whilst I don't mind playing along, Tsuka should be done with her quest anytime now. That's if she have the heart to slaughter rabbits though.
"Sorry about that, Magi-san. A whole lot of things cropped up. As an apology, I'll give you a five percent discount on your total purchase today…"
"That's great!" Magi-san literally leaps out of her counter and hugged me tight.
This… now I'm convinced. She's kind of like Shizuka-nee when it comes to these kinds of things, but she's more cunning and knows how to use her appearance to her advantage.
I really did forget about our 'yesterday' encounter briefly though so giving her some form of discount or something to show that I'm sorry is the least I could do. Who knows if she'll take it personally? Our business partnership might end if that is so.
In truth, I'm only thinking of such things to avoid worldly desires from taking over. She might take advantage of me if I show any weakness in front of her.
Of course, I don't think she'd really do that but I'm just trying to be cautious. You never know, it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious.
Magi-san seems to have realized what she has done on an impulse and her whole face became bright red. It's interesting to see someone with a tanned skin blush. It's barely noticeable, in fact.
To dispel her embarrassment, Magi-san fake coughed before speaking in a tone as if nothing happened.
"Ku-hum… That's really appreciated, Shun-kun. Onee-san forgives you now."
I smiled slightly at her antics before handing over the [Boost Marbles]. In return, she handed over to me 1,282,500 G. She's quick with her maths, it seems.
"Thank you for bringing them here, Shun-kun. By the way, when is Mutsuko-chan coming here? I kind of sold out on her goods too so I wanted to resupply."
"Didn't you ask her? If I'm not wrong, you should be friends in-game by now, right?"
"Ah! Oh, right, that completely slipped my mind! Hmm, let's see here. There she is! Looks like she's online."
Magi-san then began busying herself with chatting with Mutsuko who I assume should be on the southern fields that I bought. Speaking of that field, I should expand it even more.
"Alright, I'll be going now, Magi-san. As always, thanks for purchasing my items!"
"Ah, no problem, Shun-kun. Just bring any goodies you created with you here and onee-san will buy it from you at a fair price." After winking at me, she went back to focusing on chatting with Mutsuko.
In return, I just waved my hands at her before going to the square.
"I wonder what Tsuka is up to right now…" I murmured as I looked at the direction of the grassy plains. Tsuka should be there right now, doing her tutorial quest.
(Third Person's POV)
On the grassy plains, a few newbies could be seen fighting some rabbits on the plains. Some were yelling about basic [Arts] while some were yelling about different names of beginner spells.
If a passersby who didn't know better were to come by, they would've thought that this was a cosplay convention and these lot were just delusional teens who's suffering from a severe case of eighth-grader syndrome. Which would absolutely hurt the feelings of everyone involved since it is definitely not the case.
Amongst these crowd of new players, the little girl who called herself by the name of Tsuka was looking at the rabbits being slaughtered with an almost scarily apathetic look on her face.
The reason why she's showing such an appearance? Well, it's simply because she couldn't feel any sign of life from them.
"Not rabbits, at all. Not, friends…"
She was, at first, hesitating whether or not she should kill some of her brethren to complete this so-called 'quest' but when she approached one of them, it didn't show any respect to her and just mindlessly rammed its head on her, making her lose HP. Based on the knowledge that she gained after being born, she knew that any member of the rabbitkind should be paying respects to her, but these rabbits clearly didn't.
This then led her to the conclusion that these rabbits are not at all real rabbits. Or they're probably another type of monster parading as a rabbit, who knows?
This conclusion removed all of the hesitation she was feeling and she is now ready to complete the task that was given to her by that person who doesn't seem human at all. Unlike her master, that 'human(?)' sounded very stiff to Tsuka.
"Haaa, "Aqua Bullet"!"
""Delta Slash"!"
A few people were already killing rabbits that are near her so she had no other choice but to move away and find somewhere else to hunt these 'rabbits'. In her mind, she already labeled these 'rabbits' as impostors.
Arriving at a location within the grassy plains that's a bit far away from the town entrance, the massive group of people finally became thinner and she could now hunt.
"Tsuka, needs five? Tsuka will, do it! Then, call Master~!"
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, Tsuka mowed down the 'fake' rabbits as they got absolutely no chance of beating her whatsoever. She slashed and slashed using her one-handed sword, which is quite disproportionate to her size, and managed to kill rabbits without receiving a single blow.
These faux rabbits are much easier to predict than their original counterpart so Tsuka had no problem at all defeating them. It was a walk in the park.
After defeating some faux rabbits here and there, she finally heard a notification telling her that her quest is finally finished. Thus, she immediately ran away from the plains, her rabbit ears bouncing along with her footsteps. She then used the voice call function to call the only 'friend' that was listed on her screen.
『How's it Tsuka? Are you enjoying the game so far?』 The voice of her beloved master rang next to her ears, making them twitch.
This is quite the surreal experience to her. She could hear her master clearly but she knows that he isn't anywhere near her right now.
『Master! Tsuka met, rabbit impostors!』 Tsuka said with fervor. This, in turn, made Shun dumbfounded as he was momentarily at a loss of what to say.
『There lots, of them! Tsuka killed many, as prey!』
Shun could finally kind of understand what she meant so he laughed over the call and said.
『Hahaha! Oh, you're talking about those rabbits huh. Well, good job in completing the quest by yourself!』
『Thank, you, Master!』
『Go back to the fountain you were before and I'll meet you there, okay?』
『Yes, Master!』
(Shun's POV)
Tsuka called me earlier so I went to the town square, straight towards the fountain where players spawn after dying or after joining the game. I'm still wearing my beginner's clothing but I already commissioned Cloude to make me a set of leather armor.
My long bow is gathering a lot of attention but I decided not to pay any heed to them. Meeting Tsuka is a more important matter.
Many players who came back from the death. Well, it's kinda weird to say that, but yeah, they really did came back from the dead, are roaming around aimlessly.
Not like they could do anything right now because of the debuff applied to them.
Meanwhile, some newbies are looking at these players who are now wearing different sets of armors with shining eyes, even though some of them were all slimy and all. I guess you'll gain points with the newbies if you have such a cool set of armor.
"Excuse me but, do you know where the town chief's place or something is? We're kinda new to this game so…"
While I was looking at the people passing by silently, two males approached me. They're wearing newbie equips and they don't have any weapons yet so they're probably one of those really new newbies.
Yes, really new newbies. They're newbies who's really new to the game, thus the phrase.
"You just have to walk straight from here then take a left turn after coming to a crossroad. The house of the town's chief is quite big so you'll notice it right away."
"Thank you so much bro! You're a lifesaver. C'mon man, let's go! This guy said it's over there!" The guy who asked me dragged his reluctant looking friend to the direction I pointed.
"Wait! I want to get his autograph!"
"Autograph for what? C'mon, let's go!"
With the two gradually going away, I focused my attention elsewhere. But then, before I could go back to my auto pilot mode, I saw a pair of rabbit ears twitch in front of my eyes.
"Master, Tsuka here!"
Hearing a very familiar voice and tone, even though it's on a different language, I immediately recognized who it is.
"Yes~! Master, where go?"
This is really unexpected. If I remember correctly, she only spent like 5 or so minutes setting up her in-game avatar so, like me, she probably used her initial appearance as the base.
The question is, why does she look like a beastkin?
※~To be continued~※
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Author's Remarks:
※ Tsuka's finally in-game. Apologies for the unintentional cliff. I set a time for when I would stop writing and this is where I ended up so… yeah.