Hey, Shun here!
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing something that they said you shouldn't?
Sometimes, even though you knew on hindsight that you should lie when asked what you are doing, some of us still couldn't help but do so. Well, it's not like they'd believe our lies since they already caught us.
Did you know that the world's best liars are those humans called 'pathological liars', individuals who really believes that their lies are the truth?
(Shun's POV)
"Hello, Master [Admin-sensei], desu! We're here, nanodesuyo!? Ah! Mutsuko-oneechan is already here, nanodesu!"
"Ya-hallo, Master [Admin]~!"
That should be Pochi and Tama. Hmm? Is that Miu and her friends behind them?
In response to Pochi and Tama's call, Tsuka waved her hand back at them.
"Kannami, Shiraneko~!" Her response, in turn, made the two beastkins tilt their head.
"Hmm~ hmm~? Rabbit person~? Whoo~?"
"Ah! It's Tsuka, nanodesu! Ya-hallo, Tsuka nodesu!"
Tama seems to be clueless as to who just greeted her back is, while Pochi managed to recognize Tsuka almost immediately. After a bit of a twitch on her nose, Pochi managed to pinpoint who it was even though Tsuka have a completely different appearance and we're also in-game.
It didn't take long for Tama to catch on though as she ran as fast as she could, along with Pochi, towards Tsuka for a hug. Even though they've only been playmates for three days, Tsuka considers Pochi and Tama as her very first friends.
So as to show how important they are, she's even calling them by their first names, though you have to pardon her for not being able to speak the words correctly, even omitting some of them. Well, that can't be avoided as she's still a kid.
"Wow, Tsuka really became a rabbit person nanodesu!"
"Riiight~. Like what Mutsuko-oneechan said~!"
"It's nice to, see you Kannami, Shiraneko!"
"Ai~! Onee-chan will teach you~?"
"Pochi is an onee-chan too so Pochi will teach you too, nanodesu!"
While the three kids are busy reacquainting themselves with each other, I welcomed the girls who arrived alongside them. There's the [Group Chat's] group: led by a beaming Kaede-san and Rikka-san, along with Satania-san who's trailing behind the two of them, and Miu's party which is composed of my little sister herself, Lucato-san, Hino-chan, and the new person referred to by Miu as Tobi-chan wearing a cloak to hide her face.
When everyone arrived, everyone who knew Tsuka immediately asked the one question that's been in their mind right after seeing Tsuka in her rabbitkin form.
""""Is that really Tsuka/Tsuka-chan!?""""
Knowing that the secret might leak at this point if the four girls were to blabber it out, I stealthily winked at them before confirming their suspicions.
"Yeah, she is. She just started playing just now. She could surprisingly use the VR Gear even though she's still quite young."
"O-Oh! Yeah, that's right. Tsuka is still young after all, hehe…"
"Uh-huh, I'm surprised that the cute little rab—! Mugggu! Muguu!" Before Satania-san could carelessly blurt it out, Rikka-san immediately covered her mouth while laughing in a dry manner.
"Ha-Haha. Yeah, we totally didn't expect her to choose that kind of appearance. She's like a cute rabbitkin now."
Similar to Satania-san, there's also a blabber mouth in our family so I also had to stop her from speaking.
"I didn't expect that Tsuka would be able to play, she's a ra—" Sure enough, she had to be silenced.
"She's a really cute rabbitkin, sure. She likes rabbits so she took that kind of appearance. I'll tell you about the specifics later but for now, don't talk about Tsuka's race, okay?" I said my former words loudly whilst I whispered my latter words to her ears where only she and I could hear it.
"You don't want Tsuka to be taken in some lab, right?" I added. In response, Miu shook her head vigorously. Convinced, Miu nodded her head to show that she understood.
After getting out of my restraint, Miu walked in front of her party and tried to change the subject.
"Well, Onii-chan, everyone in my party agreed to join our Guild. You already know Luka-chan, she's currently our party leader, Hino-chan, our mid-range attack, CC, and semi-tank, and there's Tobi-chan, our scout and burst melee DPS."
The three girls didn't seem to mind the abrupt change of subject, only showing an obviously confused look on their face for a time. They took it in stride and introduced themselves in an amicable manner to us.
"I'm Lucato. You could call me 'Luka' as Myu-chan and the others call me that. I'm currently the party leader in training." Like the typical japanese refined lady that she is, Lucato bowed slightly to greet everyone.
The next one to introduce herself was Hino-chan who enthusiastically greeted everyone.
"Hello everyone! I'm called Hino! Everyone call me 'Hino-chan' since I'm the same age as Myu-chan! I'm a hammer and spear user, I change weapons depending on the situation!"
As for the last member of Miu's party, well, she was quite nervous but she atleast managed to introduce herself in a short and concise manner.
"I'm Toutobi. A scout and burst damage dealer. Nice to meet you…"
Of course after the other party was done with their introduction, our party have to also follow suit.
"Nice to meet you girls. I met the two of you already but I'm Syunpo Panda, Myu's big brother. My friends and I decided to create a Guild and, since Myu said that you guys didn't have any Guild that you belong to, I want to formally extend an invitation towards you, Lucato-san, Hino-chan, Toutobi-san."
"Of course, that's not a problem. The more the merrier, as they say." It was Lucato who responded first while maintaining her composure. Toutobi-san, on the other hand, just nodded her head meekly. Talk about two people with differing personalities.
"I'll join you too, Myu-chan's Onii-chan! I recently saw your videos and I'm now a fan! Can you give me an autograph please?"
"Uh… Yeah, sure."
"YES! Haha, I'm going to brag about this to my classmates!"
Once I was done with my introduction, it was time for the girls to do the same. Well, it wouldn't be their introduction if they didn't have to exaggerate things a bit.
"My noble name is ArchDemon in this game! I'm an expert when it comes to magic, the magic of hellfire. I'm also the one and only best Arch Demon in this game, A-hahaha!" Whilst covering her mouth using the back of one of her hands, Satania-san showcased her prominent fang and her classic rich ojou-sama laugh.
You're saying that you're the number one Arch Demon here but isn't that only because you're literally the only Arch Demon playing this game?
"Since thou art our friends, I shall introduce myself to you. The name's WickedLord and I hold the truth of this world within my [Tyrant's Eye]!" Damn, you could really tell that she thought of her introduction long and hard.
As expected of the patient number two of the chūnibyō syndrome of our group. Who's the first one, you ask? Your answer is probably as good as mine.
"Hi, I'm Maple! I hate getting hurt so I specialized on defense!" Even though she didn't have to tell them that, Maple still told them why she specialized on defense.
"I'm Dream! I'm the president of the survival club, specializing in battling paranormal, aliens, supernatural, and such. You guys are welcome to join!"
Pochi, Tama, and Tsuka then introduced themselves but since they were so cute while doing so, they were unfortunately swarmed by the older girls except for Toutobi-san, Lucato-san, and for some reason Satania-san. She probably didn't want to be seen pampering her juniors in front of strangers? You know, pride and stuff.
Speaking of the younger girls… No, don't look at me like that, I can't save you right now. On second thought, I probably could.
"Alright girls, stop that. Let's talk about why I gathered you here." Boos and dissatisfied noises soon followed when I said that but this is for the younger girls. You're squashing them, you know?
"It's about time to organize the party and register each other as friends."
"Ah, you're right. Are we all going for the boss? We're too many…" Rikka pointed out.
"No, if we do that then there will be a penalty. ArchDemon and Maple will join the party of Myu to complete a team of 6 while the others will just be accompanying them."
"Aye aye~!"
"Aye aye nanodesu!"
"Aye, Master!"
The three kids were evidently feeling a little scared of the older girls so they are all near me. Miu, Lucato-san, and Hino-chan was curious why Tsuka is calling me Master. Well, I managed to dodge that one when Tsuka said that she is training under me in-game.
I don't praise her enough for it but Tsuka really is smart, isn't she?
"Understood. We will be helping out with the small fries then?" Rikka-san asked.
"Yep, we will. We could use it to level our lower leveled Senses. Tsuka could also use such experience to level up her Senses."
"Onee-chan will teach~?"
"Tama and Pochi will teach Tsuka as the onee-chan nanodesu!"
We all registered each other as friends, and those who could form a party formed a party.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ End of chap. Next will be the battle and then we will be progressing with our story after that.