The Girls' Arrival And The Ruckus At Our House

Hey, Shun here!

Love is complicated, that was one of the memories I received from my past.

There was a strong feeling behind it, causing the young me to be puzzled as to why that is…


(Shun's POV)

Classes just ended and since I am a part of the Going Home Club, I quickly packed my things. The girls should be arriving later so I have to get ready to receive them.

Whilst I was busy packing my things, when lifted up the last notebook that I placed on top of the table, there was a pastel pink envelope beneath it that just says, "To Shirakami-san".

Oh, right. After over a month of break, I almost forgot that I tend to receive these kinds of letters every other day or so… Although I could kind of predict what was written, I still chose to read it since it's the least I could do to show some respect to the one who wrote it.

It takes a lot of courage to write something like this and send it to that person. After reading it, as expected, it was basically telling me to go to the quiet corner of the school building after all the classes, which I did.

There, I waited for a good two minutes before someone appeared in front of me, panting heavily.

"Haa… Haa… Umm…" She tried to speak immediately but I stopped her from doing so.

"Relax. Catch your breath first. I'm not going anywhere." We can't speak clearly if she's panting due to running from her classroom to here.

"Haa… O-Okay…"

I waited for a few seconds for her to catch her breath and when she did, she began telling me things in a high-pitched yet nervous voice. She even stumbled a few times and seemingly forgot the words that she wanted to say.

I listened to her until the end and, after she was done, I looked at her in the eye. I recognize this girl. She's a girl who's from the class next to ours.

"I'm flattered, but no. I don't have feelings for you, and I'm so sorry but if I've learned anything in life, it's to not stay and try to force feelings."

I don't know why but at the back of my mind, it feels like something is telling me to reject people in this kind of way. Or atleast just say no directly.

It might have something to do with my past life, who knows?

When I said those words to her, the first reaction of the girl was to tear up and look up at me with her teary eyes. However, eventually, she managed to calm herself down.

While wiping her tears, she tried to bow but I immediately stopped her.

"There's no need to do that. You don't have to bow at me for anything." When I said that, she stopped midway and, after contemplating for a few seconds, she said.

"Thank you for being blunt. It would be rude of me to ask for a date at this point for us to get to know each other, right? S-So I won't force it. I learned something from you…" With that said, she stood on her spot, sobbing.

Since there's really nothing I could do, I just sighed heavily before turning around to leave. That's when I saw something from the corner of my eyes.

I saw a guy hiding in a corner with his eyes turning red and his fists clenched.

Well, I'll let them resolve this themselves. I thought to myself while leaving.

Love is complicated.


I picked up Miu from her school before proceeding to go to the local marketplace to buy many ingredients like meat and other food stuffs.

"Onii-chan, why are you buying so many today?" Miu asked, a confused look visible on her face.

How do I explain this?

"Well… There's an event coming up, right? Us, the first members of our Guild wanted to gather together to discuss some form of battle plan during the event… Yep." I definitely sound like I'm also trying to convince myself but, thankfully, Miu bought my lie.

"Ooooh… So that's what it was. Kanna-chan and Sakura-chan told me about that yesterday."

"Eh? They did?" Due to my surprise, I couldn't help but say that involuntarily.

"Yeah. They even said something about eating lots of hamburg-senseis. They're really cute, you know? I totally want little sisters like them!"

That's kinda impossible at the moment, Miu. With the state of Mom and Dad's business, I don't think they'll be able to make one anytime soon…

"Squeak, squeak~!? Tsuka, Miu little sis, you know~!?"

"Oh! I already have my adorable little sister Tsuka-chan as my sister, yep! Come, let Miu onee-chan hug you~!" Even though Miu couldn't understand Tsuka, she probably assumed that Tsuka was saying something along the lines of what she said. Is it just her instincts kicking in?

With Tsuka within Miu's arms, we went all around the marketplace until we bought everything that we needed. It was already close to dawn when we returned home.

Before we arrived at the gate that leads to our front yard, we saw a group of seven girls standing in front of the said gate while discussing something.

"Is that them, Onii-chan? I could see Kanna-chan and Sakura-chan there."

"Yep, that's them." I remember that my phone rang like crazy while we were busy buying food stuffs so that's probably the system telling them that they're about to be transported.

When we arrived at a certain distance away from the group, Pochi's nose twitched whilst Tama directed her eyes at us. They're wearing their [Illusionist's Cloaks] so their real appearances were hidden from us.

This meant that their ears and tails are now hidden from prying eyes.

"Ya-hallo~! [Admin-sensei], Tsuka, Myuu~!"

"It's Master [Admin-sensei] and Tsuka and Myu-oneechan nodesu! Ya-hallo, nanodesu!"

The moment the two of them spotted us, they immediately ran towards us with a speed comparable to the fastest man in the world. Also, when did you convince Pochi to call you Onee-chan, Miu?

With Tama clinging to my waist and Pochi holding both my and Miu's hands, we walked towards the girls who were waiting for us to arrive.

Where did our other groceries go, you ask? I secretly placed them in my [Storage] of course.

"What took you so long, Shun?" Asked the pouting Rokuko who have a pastel colored rabbit with fiery red eyes resting on her shoulders like an obedient 'guardian'. However, when it saw Tsuka, it stood up, it's back ramrod straight, before bowing to her.

Wait wait wait! When and how did Fenny managed to arrive here with Rokuko?

"You finally arrived, [Admin] Shun. I already told Rokuko-san that you'll come back in no time after foreseeing it with the power of my [Tyrant's Eye] but she never listened…" Rikka-san said while looking like a lonely expert.

What's with that dramatic pose, Rikka-san?

"Let me help you with the groceries you're carrying [Admin] Shun-san. Yoi-sho! Just one bag is quite heavy isn't it?"

While we were conversing, I heard the voice of an angel who took one of the bags of groceries I'm carrying voluntarily while speaking with a bright smile on her face. That's Kaede-san for you.

"Tama will help~…"

"Pochi will help too nanodesu!"

As if trying to copy her, Tama and Pochi tried to take some of the remaining bags from me, so I gave them the bags with the lightest contents, which they happily took.

"Hey, Shun-kun. I managed to create something called [Condensed Potion] in-game after taking up [Alchemy]. It's really awesome. There's also the poisons that could probably be coated on your arrows. Isn't it awesome?" Mutsuko-san told me after waving her hands at me gracefully. So she could act refined sometimes, huh.

It was ruined by her immediate change of subject though.

"*Munch* *munch*… Took you so long, [Admin] Shun. I was planning on ordering the lowly humans who passed by to *gulp* look for you but you're already here so there's no need for that…"

Satania-san was munching on some melon bread while talking so it couldn't understand what she was trying to say clearly.

"We bought some meat and other food ingredients, that's why we're late."

"Meat-san~? Many many meat-sans~?"

"You bought meat-sans nodesu!? Did you buy hamburg-senseis nodesuka?"

With our whole group assembled, it's time to come up with a good plan… Or so I thought until I remembered how this group is whenever we gather…

Yup, creating a serious plan is impossible, isn't it?


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page:! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

Author's Remarks:

※ Man, I'm glad we're able to start the quest right one time xD.