A Hungry Elf, Boss Fights, And Their Encounters (1)

Hey, Shun here!

I remember the time when I played Final Fantasy on a Gameboy Advance. I was having a good time, traveling through whatever world that was.

That was when the water travel was introduced…

All I could say is, I hate Sahagins. Those freakin' creatures would battle you during the most undesirable timings.


(Third Person's POV)

"Why… should I, give you?"

"Because I'm uh… hungry?"

Upon hearing the girl's answer, Fenny nodded her head slightly before taking out a pile of food from her inventory.

"Hunger is… bad, Majesty said. Here… for, you."

As some sort of kind gesture, Fenny tried to hand over some of the food in her possession to the downed girl but the girl couldn't take the food on her own, not because she didn't want to accept the kind gesture, but because she simply couldn't control her own body.

"…I cannot… move."

To this, Fenny just tilted her head and, probably to try and check if what she's saying is true, with food in hand, Fenny squatted down and began poking the girl on the head. When there was no movement, she placed the food back to her inventory, leaving only one on her lap, before flipping the girl over without even asking.

"…Uhh. What are you doing…?"

"Help… you. Here… delicious, food."

Without even letting the girl prepare for what's to come, Fenny shoved half of the hamburger on the girls mouth, leaving the girl to helplessly open her eyes wide. Her irises that's as green as a tree's leaves were now visible for all to see as the girl looked at Fenny in shock.

Given how Fenny is treating her though, it really isn't much of a surprise.

"*cough*! *cough*!"

The girl involuntarily gagged as she have a hamburger shoved on her mouth but she eventually got and, after chewing it, she swallowed the burger, restoring her satiety.

"Want… more?"

Feeling a little embarrassed that a kid was trying to help her, someone who is older and supposed to know how satiety works more than this little, the girl just silently nodded before eating the remaining half of the burger.

"Phew… Thank you. That restored 30% of my satiety."


"But… could you maybe spare some more food? Those tamed ones also needs to eat so…" Even though she had to act in a shameless manner, the girl stood up and asked Fenny this while pointing at a tree where a little rabbit and a Mill Bird is resting.

"Hmm…? You want… more?"


Without asking any further questions, Fenny took out the same amount of food that she was at first giving to the girl. Sharing is caring, as her Majesty's master always say.


"Ah! Thank you very much! Haru, Natsu, come here and eat!" The girl's blonde hair fluttered in the wind as it revealed a pair of pointed ears. The two was too focused talking about food that they didn't even notice that their ears are different from the norm.

"…Elf?" Fenny muttered while looking at the girl's ears. Similar to Tsuka, she also received some memories from her own bloodline, that's why she knew of a race with long ears like the bunny race.

"Ah, yes. I have elf ears indeed."

"Why? You are, elf…?"

"Hm, I was playing around with ears in the character edit. I wanted to look like an elf but I'm not a real elf."


"What about your—"

Before the girl could ask more questions, Rokuko arrived on the scene.

"Fenny~! Go switch with me! I will look after Phi-chan and the others! Eh? Who's this?" Of course, as expected, Rokuko wondered who this girl is who's talking to Fenny.

"Don't… know? I'll go, Master…"

And with that, the two blonde girls was left to deal with one another. While the girl who Fenny helped is feeling a little awkward, Rokuko quickly got over it and, after seeing the Rabbit and the Mill Bird munching on some hamburgers beneath the girl's feet, she immediately became curious.

"Your tamed beasts? You have [Taming] Sense as well?"

"Eh, ah, yeah. That's right. You too?"

"Uh-huh! I wanted to have little beast friends like these little ones, that's why I took it!"

Surprisingly, the two managed to hit it off as Rokuko sat down to hear the girl's story as they both ate some food, along with the young beasts.

"Now, self introductions. I'm Letia. I've made the character in image of the forest people; the elves. Now these tamed beasts, the Rabbit is Haru and Mill Bird is Natsu."

"I'm Rokuko. I'm an aspiring magic swordswoman!"

"A magic swordswoman, huh. Are you perhaps chasing on someone's footsteps?"

"Hmm? Oh, you mean if I wanted to be like someone? Yep! Oh, right. Rather than that, Letia, why have you fallen over in this place? Good thing Fenny saw you or you might have been eliminated from the game, you know?"

"That's… there's a profound reason for that…"

A profound reason, huh. Based on the girl's, Letia's, expression, this profound reason should be about her getting robbed or something along those lines.


"Although I went into the woods hoping to find a rare young beast during the event, I've distributed my portion of food to Haru and Natsu… a lot happened."

Well, looks like it wasn't so profound after all. She just ran out of food after idiotically giving all of her food to her tamed young beasts.

"So, you're saying that you starved because your tamed monsters wanted to eat more?" Rokuko asked innocently while petting Fuyuku on the belly. Phi-chan is sleeping on her lap while the two kittens are laying beside her, with their stomachs rounded.

"That's… it's embarrassing to say, but that is indeed the case. I've acquired [Light Element Talent] for overnight activities and cannot get another new Sense that could identify the food for myself…"

Yup, she reaps what she sows.

"Hee… so this is what Shun is talking about when he said that most of the idjit players should be dead by now, huh."

Rokuko didn't mean to say that right in front of the face of someone who's idiotic enough not to take any Sense that could help her to not starve, but she accidentally said it out loud. As a consequence, Letia is now hanging her head low, her elf ears drooping.

Seeing this, Rokuko became a little panicky. However, she eventually figured out how to salvage the situation.

"Umm, can you tell me more about the [Taming] Sense? I mean, didn't you say that you wanted to thank our party? You could totally just teach me all about it, you know?"

"Eh? You're fine with that?"

"Uh-huh! I haven't used [Taming] before so… Also, I think Shun would like to know about it, too!"


(Shun's POV)

"Why do you want to go swimming on that lake, Shun?" Kaede-san asked.

After we finished harvesting more than a third of the wheats on the field, I saw a post on the [Information Board] regarding a lake that was only nearby us while we were taking a break. Since it was just near, I convinced Tsuka and Kaede-san to go visit the place.

"My [Swimming] Sense is at level 40 now, Kaede-san. You don't have to worry. If anything, they should be careful of me? Haha!"

"Master~! Tsuka, want, go!"

"Eh, your [Swimming] Sense is a little low right now so you can't. I'll take you to a swimming adventure after this is done though!"

Tsuka initially showed an expression of disappointment so I had to promise something so that she would behave. If I didn't, I'm pretty sure she'd dive into the lake and drown because of her Sense's low level.

Anyway, you could reach this lake by following the river. There was a clean boundary between the lake and the canal, there were tidal flats by the edges of the lake.

"If you want to catch prey, you could try and catch some in the shallow parts of the water. There are fishes there too so you could practice your [Swimming] there. Right, Kaede-san?"

"Yup! Let's go Tsuka-chan. We will beat [Admin] Shun-san and gather more fishes than him, okay?"

"Yes~! Hunt, prey~!"

With Tsuka taken cared of, I began walking through the tidal flat. Similar to when you're in the seashore or something, the ground is unstable and there's a delay between my steps.

As I proceeded to go deeper, after a short while, I was able to pick up something that looked like oversized shrimps. As I was bending over to pick a new one up, the shellfishes attacked me with its limbs or shells.

"Oh, I guess these are treated as mobs as well." With that knowledge in mind, I took out a kitchen knife and equipped it.

You must be wondering, oh, how are you able to equip a kitchen knife and use it?

Well, that's mostly because I have the [Cooking] Sense. Kitchen Knives are considered as sub weapons so there was nothing wrong in equipping and using one.

This one was made by Magi-san herself, saying that it's to thank me for the [Fine Iron Ores] I gave her. I have another one of this, a wakazashi with the length of 60cm.

These two weapons are made out of [Fine Iron Ores] and a rare metal called [Blue Steel Ore]. The [Blue Steel Ore] is something that Rikka-san found during one of her journeys. She had me polishing the rocks where those ores came from, the very first time she got them.

Thanks to that, I got a pretty solid secondary weapon that could pass up as a cutlery.

✽✽[Kitchen Knife — Blue Slicer]✽✽

Item Type: Equipment

Equipment Type: Weapon/Kitchen Knife


An equipment made by the blacksmith Magi. This equipment could either be used as a weapon or a kitchen knife. Stat additions only applies when this equipment is used as a weapon.


ATK +45

Additional Effect(s):

DEX Bonus

Water Element Bonus(M)


✽✽[Kitchen Knife — Blue Seethe]✽✽

Item Type: Equipment

Equipment Type: Weapon/Kitchen Knife


An equipment made by the blacksmith Magi. This equipment could either be used as a weapon or a kitchen knife. Stat additions only applies when this equipment is used as a weapon.


ATK +70

Additional Effect(s):

DEX Bonus

Water Element Bonus(M)


"Alright. Looks like I'll have many ingredients by the time I'm done with this place…" I said before stabbing my knife through the gaps on the shell of the shrimp.

"One down, and many more to go."


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

Author's Remarks:

※ Took some time to make but here it is, new chapter! Finally I caught up to my release schedule. This arc is kinda taking some time so pardon me if I'll be glossing over things a lot after this chapter.