Hey, Shun here!
Tentacles, which cultured gentleman have never heard of this word? Some hate it while some absolutely love it.
For me, I hate it since I'm not really into that sort of stuff. Well, to those who's into that sort of stuff, I'm not judging. There are definitely more people out there who have a much weirder taste than you guys.
(Shun's POV)
As me and my party traveled further towards southeast, we ended up encountering some monsters that was promptly taken cared of by Fenny who's using her [Fire Element Talent] to full use. She's utilizing [Fireball], and her newly learned spell [Fireshot] to deal with these low level mobs.
As we moved along the lakeside which leads to southeast, the young beasts suddenly tensed up as they began running 10 meters away from us. The azure colored little snake was trying to drag the white little snake with it to run but the white little snake hid inside my scarf for protection from something that we don't yet know.
Seeing that the little animals are looking at us worriedly, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to follow these little guys' instincts.
"Let's retreat and join the young beasts for now. Let's see what these little guys are so afraid of." The girls also fell back after hearing my instructions. We then started to inspect our surroundings to see what is happening exactly.
It then happened a few seconds later. The moment everyone gathered near the young beasts, we heard loud explosions from a distance, along with the sounds of metals clashing as well as a loud, ear piercing shriek.
When I looked at the where the sound is coming from, I saw Miu and Toutobi-san clashing with what seems to be a tree's branch and a large crustacean.
"—"Power Wave"!"
"Haaa—! "Smash" and, "Impact"!"
"Eat my flames of hell! "Flame Burn", "Flame Lance"—! A-hahaha! Burn!"
Along with Miu's, Satania-san's and Hino-san's shout, three huge monsters were blown away from the forest into the lakeside. One of the monsters was noticeably bigger than the other two.
"That should be them, Shun! Let's go! Hakkou, you stay there for now." Rokuko is already itching to help Miu and the others but I decided to stop her for now.
"Wait, Rokuko. I don't think they'd need our help anymore. Look, those three can't do anything against them."
"Why are you stopping me Shun!? Let me he— Eh? Oh, you're right."
Once Rokuko stopped on her tracks, we watched as Miu, Lucato-san, Hino-san, Pochi, Tama, Satania-san, Toutobi-san, and Kaede-san approached the three monsters. It seems like Pochi Tama, and Kaede-san are in a different party, dealing with one of the smaller bosses, while Miu and her party, along with Satania-san, dealt with the remaining two.
Hino-san and Lucato-san is keeping the smaller one in check while Miu, Satania-san, and Toutobi-san kills the bigger one.
"Being blown away by a single hit, you're too lacking to be a field unique! Come on, become rust on my sword!" While pointlessly being in such a high tension and acting pompous at the same time, Miu began brandishing her sword in such an over dramatic manner. I guess this is her own way to get ready to once again attack?
"I don't think they implemented that kind of mechanics into the game, Myu. Also, I think attacking two enemies at once is reckless." Yup. You tell her, Lucato-san.
The girls are currently taking on two tentacle tree monsters, with one being a much larger one, and a shrimp-type unique monster. According to Mutsuko-san, they originally encountered these three near the lakeside.
That explains why there's a crustacean.
"Look at Pochi, Tama, and Kaede-san. They being very…"
Lucato-san stopped talking when she saw what Kaede-san, Pochi, and Tama are doing to the smaller tentacle tree monster.
"Come hit me more, monster-san! Haha, your hits are not even tickling me."
""Sword Dance"~!"
""Gurando~ Slash", nanodesu!"
Kaede-san was purposefully receiving the attacks of the monster and not receiving any damage at all, while Pochi and Tama rained down hits upon hits onto the helpless tree monsters. It's a unique monster, but something about its current predicament evokes that feeling of pity towards it.
"Let me hit that hard crustacean a few times and I'll be fine. I want to level up my [Hammer] Sense!"
We just separated this morning but we already met up.
We watched as the lightly equipped Toutobi-san used her daggers to damage the tree monster while Hino-san used her sledgehammer while laughing. They sure are friends of my sister alright. Lucato-san could only smile wryly while joining Hino-san in pinning down the shrimp-type monster.
As for Miu? Well, she's currently running out of control as she went berserk on the poor monsters. And you're saying that you're a Paladin?
Feeling the danger that these girls are emanating, the young beasts bundled together, surrounding the white pony who's now invisible, while the other azure colored snake and the white colored snake stuck with me. It seems like the azure colored snake wasn't really scared though.
More like it's watching Kaede-san closely. I haven't introduced them with each other yet but it looks like the introduction will go smoothly.
"Ya-hallo, Master [Admin], everyone~!"
"It's Master [Admin-sensei] and everyone nodesu! Ya-hallo Master [Admin-sensei]! Ya-hallo everyone!"
"Eh? It's really Onii-chan! Heey, Syun-oniichaan!"
"Shun-san? Where? Oh, hey everyone! Look, this monster can't deal damage to me!"
Despite being in the middle of battle, Pochi, Tama, Miu, and Kaede-san had the leisure to wave their hands at us who's watching them from the sidelines. In case of Kaede-san though, she is technically not doing anything aside from letting the clearly frustrated tree monster hit her.
"Myu, in front, IN FRONT!" Hino-san shouted as she warned Miu of an upcoming attack. However, she easily evaded the upcoming attack without even looking at it.
Yep, you guessed it, some of our mom's amazing traits rubbed on her and Shizuka-nee.
""Wall Breaker"!"
Toutobi-san pierced through the blind spot of tree-type monster while Hino-san swung her sledgehammer to crush the studs of the shrimp-type monster.
Whilst the two of them dealt with the monsters they are assigned to attack in their own ways, Myu took on the tree-type unique monster called Sweets Tree head on. Satania-san is covering her with her spell's while Toutobi-san is mostly looking for a weak spot to attack.
"Hey hey! You won't hit me with such a slow attack!"
"A-hahaha! This is so much fun! This guy can't even dodge my flames of hell! Good, good, take all of them!"
"*sigh*. How does Shun-san manage these two?" Looks like Lucato-san is having a hard time dealing with Myu and Satania-san's rambunctious nature.
Myu continued to resist curses the tree has been casting because of her high magic defence and avoided all the wooden spears made from the tree branches. Satania-san, on the other hand, is leisurely chucking those fireballs at it.
Now this is what you called a true unique monster. It could quickly switch between offence and defence, unlike that Spice Spider that we've seen just earlier and the other day. It was honestly weak. Very much so.
As the battle continued, the small Sweets Tree that Pochi, Tama, and Kaede-san are dealing with finally died. Once it turned into digital particles, they quickly join in dealing with the shirmp-type boss that was also quickly dealt with.
I think they couldn't take watching any longer so even Mutsuko-san, Rikka, Rokuko, and Fenny joined in on the fun as well, leaving me with dealing with the small young beasts by myself. If Tsuka was here, she'd probably be joining on the fray as well.
Once the battle ended, the girls headed towards my direction, making the young beasts tense.
"Don't worry guys, they're friends. Look, your companions are here too." To calm them down, I had to speak in a lower voice in a calm manner.
Once they saw Rokuko, Rikka, Tama, Pochi, and Fenny arrive, the young beasts were clearly overjoyed. Well, the white pony was clearly a tsundere type of character so it tried to act all cool and unbothered as Rokuko caressed its mane while saying, "Did you miss me? Did you miss me Hakkou?"
"Amazing work, everyone. Also, you're amazing as usual, Myu. Looks like you're in gaming mode as always. Though, I have to say, taking those shots during the berserk mode of the boss is reckless. If I didn't heal you from a distance, you probably would've died."
"I took those shots to level up my [Armour] Sense! Also, I know that Onii-chan will have my back!" Well, she certainly wasn't wrong as I healed everyone who are about to take fatal damage from a distance but that's still reckless. I guess I should consider making her punishment worse?
"What's with that look, Onii-chan!? I won't do it again so please don't add any more punishment!" Hm? How did she know?
"I could tell because you always have that look when you're thinking of something bad!"
"Really? Do I? Well, anyway, we can't waste our time here! Let's go and find Tsu—"
"Wait, Onii-chan! Let us check our treasure chests first!"
Since I was curious as to what they got first, I waited for them to open up the three treasure chests that they got from killing the unique monsters. From the shrimp-type boss monster, they got some utensils like tongs and chopsticks.
From the tentacle tree monster called Sweets Tree, on the other hand, they got an egg beater, a bowl, cups, cookie cutters, and so on...
"All right! It's another step towards the sweets-making plan we dreamed of! There's only one thing missing!"
"That's true. There's one thing that's missing. Since no one in our party have the [Cooking] Sense, this dream will never come true."
"Nuh-uh, did you forget that many of the party members from Onii-chan's party have the [Cooking] Sense!? Even Onii-chan have it. Onii-chan is really good at cooking sweets you know?"
"Eh? Your Onii-chan could cook too, Myu-chan? What else can he do?"
Since this is slowly turning into a long winded conversation, I had to cut them off. There's something important that we needed to do.
"He's also good at martial ar—"
"Alright guys, let's get a move on. We can continue talking while we're on the way. Tsuka seems to have went further east so we need to look for her there."
"Eh? Tsuka-chan is missing!? Why didn't you say so at the beginning! Let's go!"
And so, our entire group went on our way towards east. The pointer on the map tells us that she's there so we need to make haste before the sun sets.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ Alright, looks like this will take another four or five chapters before it ends. Well, I think it's just right on schedule still since the next arc was originally planned to be about the next world.
※ I was actually wrong about the acquisition conditions of [Fifth Breaker]. [Fifth Breaker] is gained after using [Delta Slash] 100 times while the one that you would unlock after attacking a high DEF enemy 100 times was [Shock Impact].