Hey, Shun here!
I've seen some tentacle monsters from games but I've never gone out of my way to scrutinize their appearances in detail. That's just not my hobby.
If anything, you could say that I'm extremely disgusted on these monsters. Like, seriously. Who likes tentacles anyway?
(Shun's POV)
While I was completely dumbfounded upon seeing that they were all alright after seeing the pure destruction that we saw before reaching our camp, my eyes met with Kaede-san who just so nonchalantly invited me to eat.
"Oh, you arrived [Admin] Shun-san, Rokuko-san, Magi-san, Fenny, Tsuka, and Miu-san. You just arrived in time! We made some snacks! Come eat! Oh, we have two visitors? Come eat with us too! The more, the merrier!"
What the heck? I thought there was a huge emergency here or something? Where's the emergency at?
It seems like it was not just me who was completely confused but also the onces who came with me. They are namely: Miu, Rokuko, Fenny, Tsuka, and Magi-san.
Shizuka-nee and her friend Mikadzuchi wasn't that confused since they weren't too informed of what happened.
"What happened here, Kaede-chan!?" Miu asked.
"Yeah, I thought you encountered some attackers? Where are they?" Magi-san added.
Even Tsuka and Fenny were looking at the two of them with a confused expression. Seeing our questioning gaze, Kaede-san showed a wry smile.
"W-Well… You see… Satania-san and I accidentally eliminated them all… I-It was just by accident okay!? We didn't do it on purpose!"
"*munch* *munch*… *gulp*… Yeah. One guy tried to attack Taffy, Frederick, and the others so we got a little mad. Kaede-san protected me from their attacks while I cast the most powerful [Spell] of my [Flame Magic Talent] Sense."
According to the two, it all transpired like this…
(Third Person's POV)
It was all an accident.
It all happened while Kaede and Satania were running away from the assailants, minus one since the other one is now out cold due to the efforts of both Panchan and Panchamp who manage to deal massive damage to the man by hitting him right in his family jewels.
It seems like, after seeing the horrors that their companion suffered from, the other players regained their courage as they began running towards Satania and Kaede together. They even went into formation as they advanced as a group, the mages chanting spells while the warriors protecting them as they steadily advanced.
This spooked Satania slightly as she didn't think they would band up like that. She could pick them off one by one due to her superior firepower, but since the warrior-type players are ganging up together to take the damage from her spells intermittently while the previous one who got hit recovers, she could no longer hit one player until they are on the red.
She could cast her stronger spells from her [Flame Magic Talent] but those require a longer chant time, meaning she will be left defenseless during that period of time. The opposition is casting [Aqua Bullet] and [Fireball], spells that they could cast fast, so she could die while she is casting her spell.
"I will take the damage for you Satania-san! You can cast your spell while I block the attacks for you!" Kaede said while thumping her chest.
That was when Kaede stepped up and, with her 'manly' back facing her, Kaede began taking the damage for her. It was such a heartwarming sight to Satania but she didn't have the time to get emotional and thank her friend for covering for her right now.
"Alright! I'll make these lowly mortals taste fear! The fear of incurring the wrath of a devil!" Satania said in a rather dramatic manner while striking her patented pose.
"That's the spirit! Ah! An attack is coming! "Block"!"
With her free hand covering her face slightly, she pointed her staff towards the enemies while she was facing sideways. It was like she was already showing pity towards these lowly mortals who's been existing in this world without knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.
It's such a pity indeed.
Once Kaede saw that Satania is already casting her spell, she also activated her strongest [Shield] Sense [Arts] to protect her. It was an [Arts] than she gained after conducting a one on one sparring session against the Blade Lizard, along with Shun, Miu, Pochi, Tama, Fenny, Tsuka, and Rokuko who also wanted to train their Senses on the poor boss.
The acquisition requirements for this [Arts] is to not receive any damage from an incoming attack coming from an enemy with high Physical Attack. Essentially, she had to use her [Block] everytime the Blade Lizard attacks while timing it perfectly so that she wouldn't receive any damage from it.
After doing that 100 times, she managed to unlock this [Arts].
""Shield Skill - Fortress"!"
The activation of this [Arts] essentially meant that the enemy will no longer deal any damage on Kaede or Satania. Once they notice this, they will most likely suffer from a severe mental and emotional damage.
And that's just what happened. While they were dealing absolutely no damage to Kaede and Satania, they chose to attack the young animals who are watching the two in curiosity and with stars in their eyes.
Unfortunately for them, this was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Satania didn't want to eliminate them from the event at first so she was planning on just making their HPs go in the red and let them off after she and Kaede was done letting off their anger but it looks like these guys never learned.
With absolute fury burning within her eyes, Satania threw her current strongest spell towards the players.
""Flame Burn"!"
And so, after that moment, Frederick, the young black fox who Satania decided to be her young animal companion, began to respect Satania more. Just seeing such a high level [Spell] with such a huge amount of firepower is enough to make it look up to Satania as a young animal who's related to fire itself.
Even the young red panda Panchamp is showing a look of determination while looking at the huge flame pillar that continuously rose up from the ground. It's like a protagonist got inspired by something.
(Shun's POV)
"So basically, this devil young miss obliterated the heck out of the opponents and sent them to kingdom come before help could even arrive? The destruction we saw earlier was because of you blasting them so hard that the terrain changed, huh…" Mikadzuchi summarized after sipping some juice that Kaede-san made.
"That's very amazing Satania-chan. You're still so young but you managed to learn such a high level [Spell]." Shizuka-nee said while tilting her head, her hands holding her cheeks while the other is under her chest.
"Whoah~ Satania-san ama-ziing~?"
"Whoooooooah! Satania-san is very ama-ziing nodesu! If Pochi was here, Pochi will use her sword to BAAM! And BOOM those bad guys nanodesu!"
Tama and Pochi seems to be amazed at Satania's feats as well.
"A-hahaha! Of course, of course!" Satania-san had the expression that says, "Praise me more!" as she listened to Shizuka-nee, Tama, and Pochi's praises.
"Kaede, ama-ziing too~! Blocking and, no receiving damage, difficult~?"
"Un… No receiving damage, difficult…"
Tsuka and Fenny on the other hand seems to be amazed at Kaede-san's feat. As if to emphasize that the feat is extremely difficult, Tsuka and Fenny evem formed an 'X' with both of their arms.
It was really cute.
"Yep. Satania-san and Kaede-san, you were both amazing for protecting our base and the young animals all by yourself." I said while smiling.
"Hehehe… I just did what I thought was best. Geez… Stop praising me. I might blush…" Kaede-san said while hiding her face using both of her hands.
"But why did those guys come here to attack Kaede-chan, Satania-chan, and the young animals though? That's what's puzzling me." Miu said before taking some potato chips from a bowl and munching on it.
"Yeah. I'm wondering about that as well Miu-chan." Hino-san, Miu's friend, said while taking some chips out of Miu's bowl.
"Hey! That's mine!"
While Miu was busy yelling at Hino-san, Toutobi-san stealthily took some from Miu's bowl as well. Lucato-san, on the other hand, is gracefully eating some chips from her own bowl while guarding it from her friends.
"I think that it's just because of some petty revenge plot or something… You know? That one where we didn't even know what we did to incur their 'wrath'"
"I think so too."
"Hehh… Then, isn't it about the flames stuff?"
Rikka, Mutsuko-san, and Rokuko commented while eating some chips as well.
"That's a possibility." Lucato-san agreed.
While we were having a conversation about this, of course, this serious topic didn't last very long. The conversation eventually derailed and we are now talking about the unique monsters we encountered and the items we saw.
It was then that we heard some kind of announcement. It was a loud alert that sounded directly above everyone's heads.
『An Emergency Quest [Great Eater of Mythical Beasts' Interception] has been given to all players…』
『From now on, until the quest is finished, the penalty for joint struggle is cancelled on the stray continent…』
As soon as the announcement ended, the battle maniac of our Guild immediately shouted. Not only that, but she was also joined by the members of our group chat.
"Hey! Let's go for a hunt immediately! Let's locate the [Eater of Mythical Beasts] or whatever and hunt him down! Come on Onii-chan, Sei-oneechan!"
"How about we lure it over her and have everyone watch as we kill it? That way, I'll be one step closer in conquering Only Sense Online!"
"That's a good idea! Oh wait! There's one over there already! Let's go and see how strong it is!"
"Pochi will also come nodesu!"
"Tama too~!"
"Tsuka, will go, too, da-mon!"
"Fenny, too… da-mon…?"
Miu's enthusiastic shout was followed by Satania, Rokuko, Pochi, Tama, Tsuka, and Fenny. This was the probably the most enthusiastic they have been since this event started.
Surprisingly, Rikka, Mutsuko-san, and Kaede-san were still quiet. Well, I think I have an idea as to why though.
Just looking at their faces, I could tell that they are very much disgusted by the look of this monster. And I mean, I can't really blame them.
This [Eater of Mythical Beasts] monster is really disgusting. Who knew that the people who drew it didn't give its totally disgusting visage justice?
It was using its irregular mouth, with its sharp teeth lined up inside, to tear apart trees. The elements its body was comprised of, is nothing but eerie.
From its torso that's got a meaty texture, a mixture of brown and black tones, and the countless tentacles extending out from its body, it's really disgusting to look at. Not only that, but there seems to be places which seemed to have human fingers sticking out of it.
From the dark meat, white and pale pink muscle fibres peaked out. It was even painted with red to accentuate the colours.
The place that looked like its head seemed to have recessed; fallen in, the eye sockets were vacant and filled with darkness. Its raspy screech is enough to make anyone feel extremely uncomfortable.
Man, I hate how detailed I'm able to see this monstrosity with [Hawk Eyes]. I think Mutsuko-san and Rikka-san are also feeling the same?
"Say, isn't its design kinda cool and disgusting at the same time?" Rikka-san commented.
In response to her words, Mutsuko-san and Kaede-san voiced out their opinions, with Kaede-san voicing out some of her concerns.
"Yeah, I get what you're saying. It's design takes into account physiological disgust and intimidation, I think that's interesting. It's the kind of alien I've been picturing that would try to invade Earth one day."
"Don't you think the players are attacking it recklessly? I wonder, if they were to die here and lose the chance to gain EXP, would they regret attacking it so willy nilly?"
Alright. I take it back. These girls aren't disgusted by these monstrosities as much.
Well, before these girls could accidentally die from these monsters, I think I need to tell them in more detail about what the drawings at the bottom of the ocean says. I mean, I already briefly told them about it but it was often interrupted by them whenever they remember something that should be fun to do.
"Alright you girls. Before doing that, take a look at this video feed that I got. I'll tell you what I learned from it first. Then we can go kill these monsters, okay?"
"Hmm? What's this that you want to talk about boy? Does it have something to do about this monster?"
"Onee-chan is interested about this as well, Shun-chan."
※~To be continued~※
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Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ Alright. That was fun. The next few chap will be the battle against the monsters and then we could move on to the next big arc! I'll need some time to wrap things up for this Event but yeah, expect that they'd be in another dimension by the end of this Arc 11. I just know it since I'm JadePanda003 from the future.