An Invitation To Become Assassins (1)

Hey, Shun here!

Hitman, that's the name of the profession, if you could call it that, who take up assassination jobs from some employers. I've only seen one in animes but I bet it isn't such a fun profession to have.


(Third Person's POV)

Outside of the abandoned building, a three meters tall yellow colored octopus could be seen talking with the six of his students.

"Maan~! For a moment there, before we entered inside that room, I thought something bad was going to happen." Isogai said while putting both of his hands at the back of his neck, in an attempt to relax a little.

"Well, even if it'd been just me who got in there, I'm pretty sure everything would've worked out just as fine as how Shirakami did it." Karma replied while looking a little dejected.

"The guy's already quite scary so don't add up to it! Man, I'm still feeling the goosebumps when he and his group confronted Koro-sensei."

Listening to the two's conversation, Okuda and Nagisa just smiled slightly. Meanwhile, Kayano decided to chime in after breathing out a deep sigh of relief.

"Maa, thank goodness Shirakami-san was there. If not for him, who knows what those guys could've done to us! Ah, are you alright Kanzaki-san? Your face is a little red you know?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I just remembered something…"

Kayano and Koro-sensei seems to have an idea as to what it was while the four others was a little clueless about it.

"Did something happen Kanzaki-san? No one would've blamed you for being shaken after this traumatic incident, but it looks like you've shaken all of your doubts and hesitation instead."

"Yes, Koro-sensei. Though, I didn't have much time to thank that one who saved us earlier. They left so soon…"

At first, Kanzaki sounded very happy when she replied to Koro-sensei, but then her tone dropped during her latter words.

"We can't do anything about it. The younger kids was getting hungry after all. I heard that he wanted to buy more souvenirs for his friends. Also, I think we will all meet again somehow… Nyu-huhuhu!"

"Ah? Did you say something, Koro-sensei?"

Koro-sensei said his latter words in a very inaudible tone, making his students unable to hear it.

"No, nothing at all. Sensei is just jealous of Shirakami-kun damn it! How can he act all cool and steal sensei's thunder! Curse him! Sensei won't forgive himself if someone's acting the cool guy role other than himself! Damn it!"

"You're being so selfish Koro-sensei. Also, you've never filled up the cool guy role, you know?" Kayano quipped.

"Yes. It was just a coincidence that I bumped into him while I was running away from those high schoolers…" Okuda added.

"Speaking of which, where did they say they will be going?" Kayano asked.

"Saa… I think I heard Sakaki-san, Shirakami-san's friend, say that they will be staying at somewhere called the Hyaatt Hotel or something…" Okuda replied after pondering for a few seconds.

"Hyaatt Hotel? That sounds really familiar…" After a brief pause, Kayano continued.

"If I remember correctly, that's the huge hotel that's only a few streets away from where we're staying. It's a really huge and luxurious hotel you know? I wonder how they managed to book their rooms there…"

"Ah! Ku-hum! Well then, students, shall we continue our school trip?"



(Shun's POV)

After meeting the supposed target of our [Quest], we decided to go back to Gion for now to finish buying all of our souvenirs. Also, after slightly describing some traits of Kaede-san, Satania-san, Rikka, Miu, Mom, and Shizuka-nee to the lady who's renting and selling the kimonos, she suggested which designs will suit them, helping me decide which things I should buy for all of them.

While everyone is happily talking about how much fun they had during this sudden field trip, I stared at the outside scenery from the balcony of the place where we're staying at. Actually, at first, they didn't want to give me a reservation but when I told them my name, they immediately agreed to it and even offered me to stay at a Deluxe Balcony Twin Room, free of charge.

However, I declined their offer. Eventually, after a few minutes of talking, we came to an agreement that I will be paying for the room and the services that will be provided to us at half the price.

"What are you thinking so much about, Shun?"

"Oh, Rokuko. Nothing really. I was just thinking about how we could enroll at that school."

As soon as she heard what I was thinking about, Rokuko showed a look that's clearly saying, "What, so that's it?"

She then began to drag me by the hand, towards Pochi, Tama, and Mutsuko-san who's been waiting for us. I didn't notice it up until now but, they have a deck of uno cards on top of one of the beds inside our very large room.

"Come on, Shun! Everything will work themselves out somehow! For now, let's play UNO!"

"Pochi won't be losing this time, nodesu! Be ready to face defeat against Pochi's almightly luck, nanodesu!" It's almighty, Pochi.

"Hu hu… Tama will win~!"

"Squeak~! Tsuka will, help Master, win~!"

"Ah, that's not allowed Tsuka! If you do that, you will be eliminated!"

"Whaat~? Tsuka-chan wants to cheat? It's not allowed Tsuka-chan."

Well, seeing how relaxed they are right now, I guess they're right. Things will work themselves out somehow, huh…


It was the next morning, I woke up feeling warm all over my body. Like, it's no joke. It feels really warm but I'm pretty sure that the air conditioner is open right now.

When I finally looked at my surroundings, Fenny, Tsuka, Pochi, Tama, and Rokuko are all sleeping beside me. Heck, Pochi was literally using me like a bed as she slept above me.

I said I would be fine even if I sleep at the huge sofa just a few steps away from the bed but they refused and told me that we could share the bed. It was decided that Rokuko, Fenny, and Mutsuko-san will be sleeping on their own bed but, Mutsuko-san is now sleeping on her own.

After a few minutes of struggling to get up, I finally managed to extricate myself, although with much difficulty. After that, I brushed my teeth and washed my face before going down to one of the services of this hotel, the Fitness Center.

There, I lifted some weight and ran on top of a treadmill at max speed in order to warm my body up. A few minutes later, Mutsuko-san, Pochi, Tama, Rokuko, Fenny, and Tsuka joined in as well.

It has to be mentioned that Mutsuko-san is really fit. Like, seriously, you can't even see any trace of fat when she wore that form fitting gym attire. The same could be said for Rokuko too.

Good thing there's still no other people in here. It's hard to deal with thirsty men after all… Eh, more like, I don't want to deal with them, as I might just hurt them, who knows?

Once we got finished up our morning exercise, we're finally ready to once again go out.

Our goal for today?

To gather more information about this yellow colored octopus named Koro-sensei.


(A Certain Sniper's POV)

My name is Red Eye, and I'm an assassin… a sniper.

I just received a call from someone very important. I was told that they will give me ten billion yen once I managed to kill this specific target.

The location that the employer told me to take position in is inside the forested area near the Hozugawa River that's below where the Hozugawa River Bridge stop by for a few seconds. There, as an experience professional sniper, I will for the target's head and kill him in one shot.

The sign for me to strike is when the target leans out the window to look at the boats passing under the bridge.

I downed a target in two klicks during a sandstorm in the Middle East. With these kinds of conditions, hitting the target will be a cinch.

I just found a good location to set up my equipments so I started to set my things up. The target will show up here in an hour or so, so I have plenty of time to prepare.

*rustle* *rustle*

As I was assembling my rifle, I heard some rustling sounds behind me. However, when I looked behind, there was no one.

"Probably just the wind…"

An hour passed and the target finally showed up right in the middle of my scope. There he is… I just have to wait for the signal and…


Eh… Something's wrong about that sound…

"The target?"

When I looked out through my lens, all I could see was yellow-ish fluids covering the face of the target and a blown up arm. However, it soon regenerated and, after wearing his gloves again and wiping his face, the target calmly picked up the yatsuhashi that was up in the air.

He was not looking at me but somewhere behind me… As I thought…

"Nyu-huhuhu. It looks like, even without a lesson, they're a really talented bunch… They even took into account how the bullet will travel, making sure that no one else will get hit. Wonderfully done!"

While I was looking at that place, someone suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Here~. We borrowed some~, sorry~…" It was a young white haired girl with red colored eyes. In her hands were the bullets that was given to me by the employer.

So that's the rustles that I heard earlier, huh…

After that, I got a few more chances to assassinate my target but I never succeeded. However, at the end of the day, I didn't really mind not getting the ten billion.

Besides, I think I have another thing in mind now…


(Third Person's POV)

Inside a hotel that was a few streets away from the Hyaatt Hotel where Shun and his friends were staying in, a dashing young man with spiky black hair and eyebrows, as well as a pair of piercing black eyes could be seen sitting on a bench at the side of what seems to be the entertainment room. He was wearing what seems to be a yukata as he frowned while looking at the papers on his hands.

The name of this man is Karasuma Tadaomi, the assistant teacher of Class 3-E and an agent sent by the Japan's Ministry of Defense to supervise Koro-sensei.

'Almost all of the snipers turned down the request after seeing the difficulty… And the only one who accepted, Red Eye, chose to give up on the request halfway after successfully wounding him once…'

Looking at all of the paper, there wasn't anything good about what was written in it as well.

'So much for our sniper plans here in Kyoto…'

The moment he flipped to the last page, his eyes widened at what he saw.

'I have a few people that I want to recommend to be part of the class, you say? Who was it that managed to catch the eyes of that guy?'

When he looked into the paper further, there were childishly drawn doodles of five people on it, with names written on it.

"Shirakami Shun, Sakaki Mutsuko, Labyrinthhart Rokuko, Kuroinu Kanami, and Shirayukineko Sorashi, huh… What did they do to… Uh—!? They managed to suppress and land a few hits on him, you say!?" He was so surprised that he couldn't help but stand up from his seat.

"Ah, Karasuma-sensei. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

After briefly answering his student's inquiry, he immediately went back to looking at the paper on his hands.

'I guess I have talk to him and the higher ups about this. If what he's saying is true, we'll have even more additions to our class…'


※~To be continued~※

Author's Remarks:

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page:! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

※ Phew. That's done. Man, this took some time to write because I had to think up of a way to somehow integrate Shun, Tama, Pochi, Rokuko, and Mutsuko to Class 3-E. There's still more research to do xD.

※ To clarify things, the sniper part happened in between Shun's adventure at Gion. Gion to Sagano-tenryuuji is around 30-40 minutes interms of travel distance, or so what Google Maps say.