Hey, Shun here!
Strength comes in different forms but, honestly, it depends on the person which things they classify as 'strength'. Strength is not all about raw power, after all.
If the world was that simple, humans would've long been extinct.
(Shun's POV)
The moment Itona-san destroyed our classroom's wall, he nonchalantly sat at the seat directly behind Hana-san. During all of this craziness, Itona-san's expression didn't even change even for a little bit.
"Hey, Itona-kun. I'm just curious… Why didn't you get wet? It's raining cats and dogs outside and yet there's no telling signs of it on you."
It seems like Karma-san got curious as to why Itona-san is not wet despite being in the rain without anything to protect his body from the pouring raindrops. Karma-san's question seems to have went through one ear and out the other as Itona-san seemingly ignored his question.
However, after a brief period of silence, Itona-san stood up from his seat and approached Karma-san.
"You're probably the sixth or seventh strongest in this class… But, rest assured. I have no interest in killing those who are weaker than me…"
Oh, this is the first time I'm seeing someone pat the head of someone who have a pretty high pride like Karma-san.
"Those who I'm interested in killing are those who are probably stronger or… as strong as me…"
Itona-san at first slowly approached Koro-sensei as he continued.
"The strongest one of this room is you, Koro-sensei…"
"By 'strong' and 'weak', are you referring to fighting ability, Itona-kun? In terms of fighting ability, we are worlds apart, you know?" You could tell that Koro-sensei is not even taking this transfer student seriously.
Looking up at the 3 meters tall Koro-sensei, Itona-san dropped a bomb at us on short notice. This even made us question whether our ears were working properly.
"We're closer than you think. After all…"
"We're brothers related by blood…"
This single sentence caught our entire classroom up by storm.
While you might say that being surprised like this is overexaggerating it, you must first understand that even my classmates who've been here ever since Koro-sensei came have no clue whether Koro-sensei even have a family or not.
In fact, he rarely ever talked about his past. Even if he were to talk about it, he'd only mention it in passing and as some kind of passing joke.
Okay, hold on. First, let's ask the most logical question to ask in here…
"How can they be brothers when one is a yellow octopus and the other looks like a normal human to me… Strange…" I murmured.
"Yeah. Isn't this curious? Maybe their father had an affair with a human girl and did those tentacly stuffs on her until Itona-kun came out? That means Koro-sensei is the legitimate son of Father and Mother yellow octopus, a rare species that still remains undiscovered until today…" Mutsuko-san speculated. Man, she even came up with her own theory.
"Maybe the yellow octopus father is a royalty? Haku taught me that royals are well-known for having clandestine love… uh… What was it again? Affairs, yeah… I don't know what it means though?" Rokuko added.
"A man of royal descent having a clandestine love affair with a human commoner, huh… That would explain a lot to be honest. Is that what happened, Koro-sensei~?" Karma asked while sporting an impish grin on his face.
This immediately made Koro-sensei enter full-on panic mode as his tentacles waved all over the place. He tried to explain the situation but the class seems to have been a little convinced at Rokuko's and Mutsuko-san's deductions.
"Everyone, listen to me. I'm one who lived my own life so I'm the most reliable source of information you could possibly find about me. And, I can assure all of you that I'm a previous human!"
"Their deductions sounds about right based on what little information we have about you, Koro-sensei…" Hayami-san said.
"Yeah. And, if we're talking about reliable information, I think it's kinda farfetched when you say that a human became an octopus you know, Koro-sensei?" Yada-san added.
What she said is kinda true. I would be more inclined to believe that an octopus got experimented on and evolved because of it, gaining intelligence in the process, eventually becoming the Koro-sensei we know today.
Though, you could definitely argue that Koro-sensei is also a previous human since his self-proclaimed brother is also a human. But then again, none of this could be confirmed for certain.
"A-Ah, everyone! Believe sensei! I definitely don't remember having any brother at all!"
While we were all busy theory crafting about how this mysterious brother of Koro-sensei came to be, Itona-san ignored all of the noises.
"I want to prove my strength by beating you, but first, I want to see who is stronger… Me or this guy…"
After saying so, Itona-san approached me.
"The strongest in this class is no doubt Koro-sensei but I can't ignore someone who seems to be as strong as me… You, have a match against me…"
"Look here, muscle head. We're currently living in the 21st Century and not in the Prehistoric Ages. You get me? Besides, why do you even want to be the strongest?"
"If you don't want to fight me, I'll fight the third and fourth strongest, then…"
Itona-san wanted to go towards Pochi and Tama but, of course I can't have them fight this guy. I can tell that he's dangerous.
"Okay then. Remember, you asked for it."
"That's good… Later, after class, we'll have our match inside this same room. After I beat you, I'll fight Koro-sensei and kill him…"
Without waiting for my answer, Itona-san left alongside his suspicious caretaker.
'Yeah, that's if you are still on a fighting state after that…' I thought.
"Will you be okay, accepting such a challenge Shirakami-kun?" Koro-sensei asked.
"Ah. I will be fine, Sensei. If what that guy's saying is true, I could probably try out some things that normally I wouldn't be able to do…"
Anyway, as soon as Itona-san and his caretaker left, everyone inside our classroom couldn't hold their curiosity in any longer as they began to ask many things to Koro-sensei who's now panicking even more.
As soon as the bell rang, all of the chairs were moved out of the way and piled up on the sides of the classroom while everyone inside our class were also on the sides, surround both me and Itona-san. Even our teachers are here to spectate the fight.
Our desks formed a sort of parallelogram shaped formation that doubles as some kind of barrier between us and the spectators.
"So they made the desks into a ring?" Irina-sensei asked.
"Yes. It's like a real match."
Before the match started, Itona-san removed his blazers while I kept mine on.
"Now then, how will we go about this match? What's the win condition?" I asked.
My question was not answered by Itona-san but his suspicious caretaker.
"Since you will be some kind of warm up before Itona faces the real deal, why don't we set the rules like what we plan to do with Koro-sensei as well? Stepping outside of the ring means instant death."
When I heard the word 'death' I felt like something was triggered deep inside me and my mind cleared up. The world around me lost its color and luster as in my eyes, everything around me seems to be on a grayscale.
There was something about this guy this pisses me off greatly… That look, it reminds me of something…
"Death… huh… Okay then…"
"Wait, Shirakami-kun! Why are you accepting that kind of bargain!" I heard someone shout but I couldn't tell who it was already.
"I think we should leave him be. For some reason, something about what Shiro-san said triggered something in him. Look at his eyes…"
"He's… That's some frightening level of concentration. What's with Shirakami-kun, really?"
"Well then, BEGIN!"
The moment Shiro-san said that, I saw a white flash come after me in slow motion. Without panicking, I used my [Ninjutsu] skill's [Substitution].
Itona-san seems to be confused as to what happened but I didn't pay attention to that and attacked him on the side with a side kick that made him slide, clutching his stomach.
"I don't know what it is but something about you and your suspicious caretaker pisses me off… Death, huh… I'll be sure to make you and him feel what that really is…"
Summoning my two trusty katanas, Akujiki and Muramasa, I began slashing at Itona-san. However, my slashes kept on being blocked by the white tentacles that are coming from his back.
Heh, so he have something similar to Koro-sensei's tentacles. Well, this is good.
"The longer the fight, the better it is for me…"
(Third Person's POV)
*slash* *slash* *slash* *slash*
*slash* *slash* *slash*
Countless clashing sounds kept on reverberating all throughout the classroom as a black figure kept on appearing and disappearing while the gray haired boy kept on trying to defend against the onslaught of attacks that are coming his way. Everytime he try to attack, the other boy would be able to dodge it by using a multitude of techniques that he didn't even know about.
Meanwhile, at the side, a black colored Koro-sensei is looking at the guy named Shiro menacingly.
"Hahaha. I have no obligations to answer your questions, Koro-sensei…"
"We should stop this match immediately, Karasuma! Shirakami-kun might just die because of this!" Irina said before shooting a spiteful glare at Shiro's direction. Everyone in the class was doing the same, most especially Pochi, Tama, Mutsuko, and Rokuko who are now brandishing their weapons, ready to strike at any moment.
While the atmosphere inside the classroom became even colder, the battle that was at a stalemate earlier gradually changed. Everyone noticed the reason why.
"Hey, is it just me or Shirakami-san is becoming faster and faster?" Sugino asked while rubbing his eyelids.
"No. It's not just you. Shirakami-kun is really becoming faster. He reminds me so much of Koro-sensei now rather than Itona-kun who have the tentacles…" Karma replied.
Watching the current standing of the match, Koro-sensei gradually calmed himself down. Even he couldn't believe what he is seeing.
Amongst the people who are inside this room, he's probably the person who's the most aware of just how fast Shun is going. Currently, he's now going at a speed of Mach 5.
Shun's raw speed is certainly much lower than that but the constant appearing and disappearing acts elevated his speed at that point. However, that's not what's surprising him. It's that his attacks are gradually hitting harder and his speed even faster.
"Shirakami-kun… Is he really human? No matter how genius a human is, there's no way an ordinary human could maintain this kind of speed while still managing to keep on hitting his enemy precisely and accurately."
What's even more frightening is that he's been hitting the same tentacle at the same exact place this entire time… Koro-sensei thought.
"But still… Why is he constantly sheathing and drawing his katana? Is that his style?"
Koro-sensei's question seems to have been heard by Pochi and Tama who are standing beside him due to them guarding the movements of Shiro.
"Nyuuu~? [Admin-sensei] is doing combos, you know~? Very important~."
"That's right nodesu! Master [Admin-sensei] is very ama-ziing, you know desu? Master [Admin-sensei] calls that clinkity clank combo nanodesu!"
Shocked by this revelation, Koro-sensei couldn't help but raise his voice.
"What!? He's trying to act fancy and cool while in this life or death fight!? I know he's strong but I didn't know that student Shirakami-kun have balls of steel! I knew I should have stopped this fight from the start!" Koro-sensei said while shouting "I missed my chance to act cool in front of my students!".
The moment he shouted that, a change happened during the fight. Itona, who has been using his tentacles to defend against Shun's attacks up until now, has lost one of them.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ Phew. That was intense. What are your opinions regarding the fight? Itona couldn't land a hit because Shun have too many evasion skills. Even if he land a seemingly clean hit, Shun could just simply [Substitution] his way out of it…