Hey, Shun here!
Since time immemorial, the fist of love or corporal punishment has always been used as a parenting technique. However, it's only been questioned extensively during this modern time.
Raising awareness about psychology is really such a great thing.
(Shun's POV)
"Over here~, sensei~!"
Karasuma-sensei dodged to his right as a stab came from behind him. He attempted to grab the assailant's arm but he had no choice but to stop the attempt.
"Haaaa—, nanodesu!"
The reason why he needed to stop was because of this. A little girl who's holding a huge sword came at him with a wide swing from his left.
After the swing that made him back off a little, he suddenly noticed that a knife was already aimed behind him, where his heart is supposed to be.
"Tama and Pochi wins~!"
"Oooh! We won nodesu! How did we do Karasuma-sensei!? We didn't use our skills nodesuyo!?"
Upon hearing the two's words, Karasuma-sensei just smiled slightly while closing his eyes before looking at them after a few seconds.
"Both of you did good. As expected, you are even stronger than any soldier I know."
"Ooooohh… Pochi and Tama can be real Sergeants now nodesu!?"
"Nyuuu~? Tama likes to be ninja~. Will paaass~…"
"That's fine. You are still to young to be an officer, anyway." Karasuma-sensei said after grunting slightly while smiling.
Is that his laugh or something? Why a grunt? Can't you laugh normally, sensei?
"Oh… Pochi understands nodesu. Pochi was thinking of making it my… Uhm… What did Mutsuko-oneechan told me? Unununu…" Pochi was knitting her eyebrows as she began thinking long and hard about the thing that Mutsuko-san taught her a few days back.
"Oh, right! It's part-time job nanodesu! Pochi wants to make it her part-time job to make money nodesu. Pochi's main goal is still to become the greatest, most ama-ziing greatswordswoman nanodesu!" Pochi declared.
"But, still a shame nodesu. A shame… Pochi can't help Master [Admin-sensei] in the exsupenditures, nanodesu." Pochi said while once again striking a thinking pose, her head tilted. One of her hands is tucked under her armpits while her free hand is resting on her face.
"Mnn! Officer as main job, Tama no like as weeeell~. Hmm… What do now?" Tama said while striking the same pose.
Upon hearing the two's honest thoughts, Karasuma-sensei could only clear his throat in an obviously fake manner to gather their attention. I saw the corners of his brows twitch ever so slightly as well.
"Ku-hum! Anyway, even though you guys are already so strong, don't stop trying to improve yourselves."
After the two, it was Mutsuko-san and Rokuko's turn to do a sparring match against Karasuma-sensei. As for Pochi and Tama, they marched towards me and began telling me the things that they learned from Karasuma-sensei.
I listened to them patiently as we stood on a corner. Lately, these two have been hanging out with the girls in our class, specially with Kanzaki-san, Hayami-san, Yada-san, Kayano-san, and Okuda-san.
I was actually surprised that they even managed to get along with Hayami-san who's described by most of our classmates as stoic. Aside from that though, I'm just glad that they're able to make friends.
Why are these two worrying about our expenditures though? They actually didn't have to worry at all since, instead of losing money, we're actually making more.
Why? Well, under the identity that I made through the help of Ritsu, I bought an electronics company that filed bankruptcy. I had to absent for a whole week from school because of this, so that I could arrange a few things to start the company up, but it paid off since it's now up and running.
It isn't running as smooth as I'd hope to but I and Ritsu managed to patch up all of the most glaring mistakes. The only thing that's left is to get the help of Mutsuko-san so that we could build some machineries for making our first products.
That aside, a lot of things happened during my time away from school. However, before I could think about those events, the bell rang, indicating that our P.E class has ended.
Whilst everyone was talking about how hard they had it, facing Karasuma-sensei and all, Karasuma-sensei walked off without saying anything more. As he was walking back towards the building, Kurahashi-san approached him.
"Sensei! Come out with us for some snacks after class!" she said.
Unfortunately, she was, as always, rejected. I just noticed this but, she's interested in Karasuma-sensei, isn't she?
I've interacted with her a couple of times since I wanted to get to know her and the other girls in this class more before deciding on who to invite but, after our interactions, we decided to put her in the undecided list. Take note that I'm not the only one who's deciding who we will be inviting, but the five of us.
It looks like they put a lot of importance to my opinion, most especially Pochi and Tama, but that doesn't stop them from saying their opinions as well. I would even tell them my opinion last so that they could come to a decision without my influence.
While I was thinking of such things, someone arrived, carrying a whole lot of paper bags. He's wearing a white polo shirt under a blue colored jacket, paired with some pants.
"Hey! I'm Takaoka Akira, and I'll be assisting Karasuma as of today! Nice to meet you, everyone in Class-E!" the guy said with a wide smile on his face.
He's got this laid back attitude in him but… yeah. He doesn't strike me as a kind and approachable guy. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that he looks like those guys who's acting amiable to curry favour from others, in order to climb up the corporate ladder.
His smile and entire demeanor just reeks of that, a well practiced amiable attitude and a fake, well-meaning smile.
"Umm… This new sensei is like the slave traders that visit Pochi and Tama everyday when we're at the slums nodesu!"
"Fumyu~! Smile and good person act, very fake~?"
I do remember this two talking about that at some point. I think it was about that slave trader who often come to them carrying some snacks and inviting them to come with him or something?
Thankfully, they didn't and would just run away without taking any of the food he's giving them. Turns out that, according to Liza, that guy was a s*x slave trader. They talked to me about this without even knowing what Liza's words meant, which was kind of funny.
But, heh, I totally did not expect them to say that. That's an accurate description though.
Sure enough, as soon as he got down after greeting Karasuma-sensei briefly, he unpacked some delicious-looking dishes on top of a piece of tablecloth that he himself placed on the ground. He's also acting a bit too friendly with us, and some of my classmates seems to be really happy about that.
I myself just ignored this guy and the dishes he laid down. While eating food from outside is good from time to time, I would much rather eat something that my family or I myself made. I don't know, it's maybe because my tongue has been conditioned to like home-made food since childhood?
Aside from me, there's Hayami-san, Yada-san, Okuda-san, Kanzaki-san, Chiba-san, Pochi, Tama, Rokuko, Mutsuko-san, and some other people. Anyway, majority of our class thinks that Takaoka guy is a good and friendly teacher.
That's why, what happened the next day really surprised them very much. As for me, I wasn't that surprised. However, I do have a problem with what he did.
"You guys will come with your old dad to train until night, right?"
That was what the Takaoka guy said while putting his arms over my other classmate's shoulders, acting all buddy buddy.
"I-I'm sorry but I'd like to attend Karasuma-sensei's class rather than yours!" Kanzaki-san said while standing up.
"Ah~, Pochi, look ouuut~?"
Meanwhile, while the two were talking, Pochi and Tama who were just having a bit of fun doing some kung fu-like movements and having a mock battle, approached them before Pochi accidentally bumped into this Takaoka guy.
"Ah, Pochi is sorry nodesu. We didn't see you there, sensei." Pochi of course apologized but this guy seems to be having none of that.
"Apologies… huh? Didn't I tell you that this is a serious training and not a game? Huh!? And you! What's so hard about just saying 'Yes'!?" Finally, the guy showed his true colors.
He seems to be planning to kick Kanzaki-san and then clobber Pochi based on his body's movements but, that's it. As I expected, this guy is no good…
What's more… He now dares to raise his hands on our classmates, and most especially Pochi and Tama? Hmm? Is that a knife I see him taking out?
Without even thinking about it, I grabbed the guy's feet and slammed him on the ground before kicking him on the stomach and sending him flying by a meter or so. When I looked at Pochi and Tama, it seems like they're fine.
Pochi got grazed by the knife on her shoulders but she should be fine after we make her drink some poition. What's really bothering me is how they are shivering non-stop right now and acting really meek, similar to how they were when we first met them…
It seems like this guy just triggered the memories that they have when they were just kids…
They're now in the embrace of Mutsuko-san and Rokuko, so they should be feeling little better now. Kanzaki-san is also in the same situation, surrounded by Kayano-san, Yada-san, Hayami-san, and our other female classmates. Good.
Now, I can focus on this a-hole.
"*cough*! *cough*! *wheeze*! Wha-What! Who f*cking hit me!? Is it you, a**hole!?" Takaoka guy said while clutching his stomach, facing the ground.
"Oh? You finally showed your true colors? I thought it'd take some time for you to come out of your shallow and obvious act but I guess I gave you too much credit." I said while appearing next to this Takaoka guy, before picking him up by the garter of his underwear.
"You would've gotten away with a few hits that would be enough to nearly kill you if you laid your hands on my classmates, especially the girls, but you just have to try and hit Pochi and Tama, of all people? Hmm?"
What's more, he's been subjecting my classmates to some really rigorous and even downright inhumane training earlier. Some of my classmates weren't even in any shape to protect themselves, let alone others.
He doesn't seem to be listening properly so I hit him on the stomach with my knee. This made him vomit some of the food that he ate with my classmates earlier this afternoon, but I didn't pay attention to that.
"At first I thought you just came here to show your superiors that you're better than Karasuma-sensei or something but, I guess you also want to die now?"
I once again smashed him on the ground, and this time, he was sent tumbling down towards the stairs. The back of his pants was ripped off and his rear is now exposed.
"Don't think you can stop me, Koro-sensei. I'll hit him for how much I want until I'm satisfied." I said while glaring at Koro-sensei who appeared near my classmates.
"Don't worry… I myself want to kill him myself. Go and hit him however many times you like before Karasuma-sensei arrives. To think that this is what he's been up to when my back was turned!" Koro-sensei was visibly pissed as his previously yellow colored body is now fiery red in color. His eyes would sometimes wander towards the blood that was dripping from Pochi's shoulder.
Without replying, I took out two sizable sticks before bringing the garbage inside the nearby forest. There, I beat him up until I'm satisfied while using [Vorpal Dance].
What happened inside the forest will be omitted but, let's just say that, when I was done with him, aside from a shivering Takaoka and his tattered clothes, he doesn't have any visible wounds on his body. I didn't want him to use his wounds against me at some point so I used a potion to heal him from his wounds when he was unconscious.
When Karasuma-sensei arrived, he saw a shivering Takaoka, grovelling on top of a smelly and wet ground.
"What happened here!? What happened to Takaoka?"
Everyone who's still at the school explained what happened, omitting the part that I hit the guy several times. The principal also arrived to fire him so everything ended well on that front.
The problem was Pochi and Tama. For a few days, they didn't talk to anyone aside from me, Rokuko, and Mutsuko-san.
Our female classmates tried to communicate with them but only Kanzaki-san, Yada-san, Hayami-san, and Okuda-san was able to make them say a few words and nothing more. As for the teachers, only Irina-sensei was able to get any response from the two.
They've completely shut down any communication with the others. Seeing them go through their past traumas inside their heads once again, I can't help but think that I didn't beat that Takaoka guy enough…
It took a few weeks until they are back to their previous selves. As expected, that Takaoka guy awakened some kind of memory inside them. Thankfully, we managed to help them recuperate or else, they'd go back to being those shy, beastkin girls that we first met.
The two haven't really talked about this before but, it seems like Pochi and Tama have many traumas. Some of them seems to have gone away during their time with us in our quests, but it looks like some of them still remains.
I'm assuming that those were the more traumatic ones. Hopefully, it'll heal during our stay in this dimension.
While I was thinking of such things, the said girls spoke to me.
"Master [Admin-sensei] nodesu! Pochi wants to go swimming nodesu!"
"Tama too, nyadesu~!"
Seeing them slightly go back to their energetic demeanors, I was more than elated.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
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Author's Remarks:
※ Some character development. The Takaoka guy is really such a good plot device. I wanted to take my time writing this one but, then again, I don't really want to write about violent stuffs for too long a time xD. I experienced this kind of violence as well during my childhood(typical Asian parenting technique), so I don't want to delve on it too much hahaha.