The Main Culprit And Playing A Fighting Game At The Arcade!

Hey, Shun here!

Fighting games are one of the first games that introduced me to the world of gaming in general. The combos are fun if you manage to connect them seamlessly but the punish that you will suffer from whenever you make even a slight mistake is nuts.


(Third Person's POV)

Whilst Shun was busy with Terasaka, his classmates are busy dealing with Itona. Pochi and Tama were fending off the tentacles that are trying to hit their sensei, while the other members of the class like Rokuko and Mutsuko helped them out as they wracked their brains to think of what they could do to lower the speed of Itona's tentacles.

It was then that Mutsuko remembered the vital information that she heard from their teacher when it was still the rainy season.

"Everyone, make him wet by splashing water at him! Quick! Hit the water, anything! Just splash water at him and his tentacles!"

Everyone followed her instructions as they started on stomping on the shallow water in order to make Itona wet, but this just made Mutsuko a little frustrated. She was especially frustrated at her friend, Rokuko, who's using the gun that the government issued to them to hit the water.

"Come on, that's not how you splash water at people! Cup your hands then scoop the water! Such a basic survival technique that could help you when you don't have a cup and you don't know it?" Mutsuko said, sounding a little amused. She was thinking to herself, 'Maybe I should also educate them about the way of survival!?'

Upon hearing her advice, Rokuko threw the gun away, casually chucking it over towards Itona, before using her hands at blistering speeds to get Itona wet. Everyone else also followed suit, following her example.

"Is it like this!? Haaaa~!"

While she did achieve just that, everyone else also got wet because of it, much to the horror of Koro-sensei whose tentacles are already swelling. Along with a horrified shriek, Koro-sensei frantically evaded the droplets of water from dousing his already drenched tentacles.

"Gyaaaa! Labyrinthhart-kun, gently, gently! I'm not your enemy!"

Although it costed some collateral damage on their end, Rokuko's 'attack' managed to achieve the desired result. Itona's tentacles got wet and he had a difficult time moving them due to the swelling.

Due to this, Pochi and Tama capitalized on it and launched a counter attack. With Tama fully distracting Itona, Pochi sneaked on his side and poked him at his sides.

"Caught you, nanodesu! Now, bad guy-san, surrender yourself to Pochi and you will not get hurt nodesu!" Pochi said in a rather polite manner. However, it was then that something rather unexpected happened.


"Achaa~! Forgot to hold back agaaain~?" Tama said while trying as hard as she can to sound and look like she was fed up, and absolutely failing to do so.

The poke that Pochi did, contrary to expectations, was packed full of power. It sent Itona to comically barrel on top of the water, before falling on the ground unconscious due to dizziness and the strike earlier.

"It was not on purpose nanodesu! Pochi didn't know that bad guy-san is so weak nodesu! He looks so strong and intimi… intimiditating earlier nodesuyo!?" Pochi said as she flailed her arms around, trying to explain herself.


"Yeah, Pochi is guilty this time!"

"Pochi is really not nodesu! Listen to Pochi nanodesu!"

Like what Shun has already proven, Itona is quite weak without his tentacles. Somewhat guilty and curious as well, Pochi, Rokuko, and Tama went over to check on Itona.

Well, if poking and prodding at his cheeks using plastic knives counts as that, that is.


"Are you still alive? Hmm… This would've been easier to solve if we're in my dungeon. I could just try and absorb his corpse to see if he's dead, after all…" Rokuko murmured while wondering how much DP would this guy cost if she did just that.

Meanwhile, Pochi was just watching them silently as she prayed that Itona is alright. Thankfully, a few moments later, Itona woke up while coughing violently.

While wiping the cold sweat off her forehead, Pochi heaved a sigh of relief.

"Phew… Pochi really thought you would die, bad guy-san!" Pochi said.

As if she's trying to ensure that Itona is really okay and awake, she once again tried to poke him.

"Stop~. Stooooop~! No touch him. Bad guy-san will fall asleep again, you know~?" Tama warned as she put a stop to Pochi's impulsive behavior.

Meanwhile, upon seeing that their assailant is alright, Rokuko called everyone to come over and bring him to Koro-sensei. She's not quite sure what they should do about him, after all.


(Shun's POV)

"Man, you really put us in a bad spot there, Terasaka-san. Good thing no one got extremely hurt. Or else, you would've received much more than that…" I said while looking at Terasaka-san who was clutching on his aching midsection.

"There's something much more than this, a**hole!? It f*cking hurts ya see!?"

"Did you know? A bacteria, an organism that is smaller than your pea-sized brain, as small as your social circle, and as big as your micro penis, has more use to us than you are to this world? Stop being such a Drama Queen and man up dude."


Terasaka-san seems to have been surprised by the insults that came out of my mouth but, I didn't have the leisure to pay attention to it. Although everyone didn't get hurt, they almost did get hurt because of his a**hole.

"While you're over here moping like a b*tch, getting manipulated, and being an overall useless individual to this class, everyone are doing their best to improve themselves. They're facing their adversities, challenging them, and eventually overcoming them. What about you? What have you done since Koro-sensei came here?" I said. I don't even know what expression I'm showing right now.

Although it wasn't exactly his fault that he got manipulated by that a**hole dressed in white, he had a hand in almost killing our classmates. I did see and know that he didn't know about this part of the plan at all but he's at fault regardless.

"Oh, I know. You probably continuously whined like the b*tch that you are, hating on anything and everything that moves and breathes a lung full of air. Everybody have their own sob story and it's not just you so, wake up. Look at Yada-san who have a terminally ill brother. Do you think she's showing what she's going through to us? What about Hayami-san who's suffering from maltreatment under her own mother? Is she constantly being a pain to deal with because of it?"

"W-What the hell are you even trying to say!?"

I continued to talk and talk, not minding about anything at the moment at all. I'm just so pissed off and I don't know where I could vent all of this frustrations at the moment.

Wrong, I do know someone who I could vent my frustrations on but that could wait for another day. First, I need to deal with this guy who's only way of coping with the changes in his surroundings is to be a nuisance to everyone surrounding him.

"Look, I'm not hating on you but, at this rate, whether you're intentionally doing it or not, you're becoming nothing more than a thorn on everyone's sides." Terasaka-san seems to be quite shocked by my words but I ignored him and continued.

"Your friends are trying to get better but you, on the other hand, is still inside your own enclosed box, never trying to let anyone else get close, never trying to improve. They're trying hard to accompany you through it all, can't you see?" I continued to talk and talk about what I think about him, eventually causing him to blow his top.

"What do you understand about me, you f*cker!?"

"Sure, sure. But, you know, if you continue on doing this and it resulted on my friends being hurt, you better run and hide, okay? Cuz I'm going to kill you. Got that?" After tapping him on the shoulders and giving him one last look, I stood up.

Just as I was about to go to that guy who was the culprit of all of this trouble, I remembered something that I forgot to say.

"By the way. I don't really care if you hate on me but please atleast try to be a respectable human being and don't betray your friend's trust on you… Ah, and, Koro-sensei, sorry about that little rant. I just couldn't stand this guy any longer."

"It's fine, Shirakami-kun. It might be for the better that you said those words to him, despite the words of love that you said to him at first." Words of love? You call curses as words of love, Koro-sensei?

After that, I went to Shiro but, it looks like I couldn't touch him publicly. Although I don't really care about the government, Pochi, Tama, and Rokuko's school experience will get affected. He's got some friends from the high ups after all.

However, that doesn't mean that I can't do anything about him at all. I already know where he is, so I could deal with him easily. I just need to wait for the right timing to do so…


(Third Person's POV)

Whilst Shun was busy dealing with the guy who have created problems for them, the girls were busy helping in their own ways. Mutsuko is helping out in the company, accompanied by a curious Rokuko and her bunny Fenny, as well as Ritsu.

Meanwhile, Pochi and Tama volunteered to 'observe' their classmates that they have all collectively decided as a candidate to be invited into their group. Rokuko is also a part of the group that would observe these potential members but today, she didn't get the chance to do so since Okuda immediately went straight towards her home.

Today, Pochi and Tama went to a nearby arcade, accompanied by Kayano and Kanzaki. At first, they just observed Kanzaki play.

"Ohh, you're very ama-ziing, Yukiko-oneesan! There's boom boom and pow everywhere nanodesu!"

Kanzaki got a little bit embarrassed by the praise, evident by the red hue that appeared on her cheeks, but she didn't refuse the compliment.

"Fufu… Thank you very much, Pochi-chan."

While Pochi was really amazed by all the crazy stunts that the character on the video game did, Tama was more interested to try it for herself.

"Can I tryyy~?" Tama asked after poking Kanzaki on her shoulders.

In response to this, Kanzaki smiled widely before patting the seat next to her.

"Of course! Come on, go sit next to me and let's try one match!"

"What is it? What is it? Shirayuki-chan wants to try playing a fighting game?"

"Pochi wants to try as well nanodesu!"

"Fufufu okay, okay. I'll teach you too, Pochi-chan."

And so, Kanzaki played a few rounds against Pochi and Tama. Kayano would sometimes make fun of the two when they make a blunder, especially Pochi, while Kanzaki joined in from time to time before letting out a giggle.

"Ah! Why didn't muscle guy-san do that kapow technique nodesu!?"

"Fufu… That because you clicked the wrong button, Pochi-chan. The combo was wrong."

While they were having an absolutely good time, a tall, red haired guy walked up to them while showing a hint of a smile on his face.

"Oh, it looks like you girls are having a blast playing in here. Why don't you teach me how this is played as well?"

"P-Principal!?" Kayano and Kanzaki bellowed in shock.

Even though he sounds intimidating, even more so when you see the look on his face and eyes that's completely devoid of emotions, Pochi and Tama doesn't seem to be bothered by him. In fact, they even happily agreed to have a few matches with him.

"Ku-ku! Pochi is very strong you know, Principal-san! Pochi can beat the crazy robot-san, nanodesu! Are you scared of Pochi's powers now, desu?"

"Hahaha! Is that so? Well, I am extremely honored to have a match with an expert such as you, then."

Upon hearing the reply of their school's Principal, Pochi nodded in contentment.

A few seconds later, they had a match between them. At first, Pochi taught him a few things that's completely based on her own 'understanding' of how the game is played. Tama would interject from time to time but it didn't remove the fact that Pochi's lesson was not at all very easy to understand.

As time goes by, the principal learned how to play the game and, after a few more rounds, challenged Pochi in a match. Unsurprisingly, Pochi lost. Of course, not before taking one win and a draw.

He already got a pretty good understanding of how Pochi plays but, for some inconceivable reason, he would still encounter unexpected moves coming from her. This really surprised him.

Meanwhile, seeing the huge, 'DEFEAT' word plastered on her screen, instead of feeling dejected that she lost, Pochi looked at the principal as if she acknowledged him as a strong rival.

"Principal-san, you're very good at this game nodesu!"

Seeing the genuine look of amazement in Pochi's eyes, the Kunugigaoka Junior High School's principal, Gakuhō Asano, this time, showed a genuine smile of his own before saying something that completely baffled the two teenagers who were watching on the sidelines.

"Haha. Of course. That's because I have a really great teacher. Well, I just went to check on you girls but I have some things to do—"

Asano wanted to leave now but he was immediately stopped by Tama.

"Let's fiiiiight~? Tama is strong too, you know~?"

"That's right nodesu! You also have to fight with Pochi again nanodesu! You can't quite while you're ahead nodesuyo!?"

Seeing the burning fighting spirit within the eyes of the two little girls, Asano rolled up his sleeves and sat back down.

"Alright. I guess I'll have a few matches against you two before the board meeting starts. Also, it's not quite, Kuro-kun. It's quit."

"Ooooh! Pochi understands, nanodesu!"


※~To be continued~※

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Author's Remarks:

※ Man this thing was hard to write. I was considering to write a whole 500 or so words worth of Shun's monologue slash rant but I decided to delete some of it in order to make way for this bit. Since I know that it's getting kinda boring, I'll continue sprinkling these kinds of side stories of sorts to add some breath of fresh air to the chapter(even though that would completely mess up the chapter count on which I usually end my chapter in). I hope it wasn't too boring?