Hey, Shun here!
Have you been in love? How does in feel like?
I wish my past self have been in love so that I could have learned a thing or two from him…
(Third Person's POV)
The moment Touka showed up, the tide of the battle seems to have changed. Not minding anything at all, she focused her gaze entirely on Ritsu.
She wanted to strike and capitalize on Rokuko's attack that threw Ritsu slightly out of balance but, it seems like Ritsu was quick to calculate what would happen via her movements and she managed to dodge the upcoming attack by a hair's breadth.
Not only that, but she managed to quickly recover and, while Rokuko was 'distracted' by her teammate being in danger of getting eliminated, Ritsu tried to aim for Rokuko instead. She wanted to eliminate the biggest threat first before dealing with the variable.
However, what she didn't expect was the fact that, not only would Rokuko ignore her friend who's clearly in danger, she even grabbed ahold of Touka and used her as a meat shield.
The sound of a rubber knife hitting Touka resounded as Ritsu's attack hit her squarely.
"How cruel of you, Rokuko-chan. You didn't hesitate to use me as a shield…" Touka said while smiling wryly, her underbelly is now smeared with a good amount of red paint.
Rokuko didn't answer immediately as she stabbed her sword towards Ritsu, which was done by making her sword pass in between of Touka's arm and waist.
Touka and Ritsu are now out of the game.
"Hehe, that was the best I could come up with to help Shun faster… Sorry, Touka."
Whilst Rokuko was trying to explain herself to her friend, a gunshot resounded, followed by a squishy sound that came from behind Rokuko. Mutsuko took the opportunity to shoot at Rokuko whilst she was distracted and eliminated her.
"Hey! That's cheating, Mutsuko-neechan!" Rokuko shouted in indignance while pouting slightly. It was her fault for not maintaining her vigilance but still… She thought that Mutsuko was still being suppressed by Rinka.
Meanwhile, the battle between Shun, Pochi, and Tama are about to end as well. The moment Pochi used her [Unleashed], a gunshot came from a higher vantage point of the mountain, aimed at Tama who was just about to strike.
At the same time that the attack was reaching Tama, Pochi began hacking and slashing at Shun at blistering speeds. Unfortunately for her, Shun was able to easily dodge the attacks through the use of [Substitution] and [Body Flicker].
The moment all of her fast slashes ended and her body remained unable to move, Tama was supposed to go in and protect her from the attacks but, it just so happened that an attack came for her at the same time, distracting her for a moment. This was more than enough for Shun to capitalize on it.
*swish* *swish* *swish*
"Looks like the match is pretty much decided…" Irina murmured.
"Nyu-huhuhu… It seems like it is."
Knowing the result of a fight between a stupidly fast close quarters fighter and a long ranged attacker, the two focused their gazes at the remaining students of each team. To their surprise, it seems like the Blue team is in an absolute advantage.
Because of the unfavorable trade that the Red team took, which is now 4 to 6 — Rokuko, Touka, Megu, and Yukiko for Mutsuko, Chiba, Okajima, Ritsu, Pochi, and Tama — the Red team now saw themselves down by one man and that one extra man they had to deal with was none other than Shun. While some would think that they are now feeling down due to this, they actually weren't feeling such a thing.
After all, their goal for pitting their strongest group against the enemy's strongest wasn't because they are going all out to take him down, but because they wanted to buy some time for them to win the match. They wanted to stall Shun so that they could safely get rid of the other people on the opposing team and then go for the flag of the enemy for victory.
That was why they engaged out Shun as far as possible. Their plan wasn't full proof, it has many holes, and it was also naive, but they have the spirit.
Under Karma's leadership, they managed to wipe out almost all of their enemies save for three: Nagisa, Rinka, and Shun. Their group of five was just shy of a few meters away from the flag of the blue team but, someone descended from up above out of nowhere and 'killed' four of the five people.
Meanwhile, the remaining one on the group, Terasaka, made a break for it but, before he could reach the flag, he was taken out by a BB bullet that came from far away. The tides of battle quickly changed and it is now one against three.
By the end of it all, the Blue team won via forfeit, and with that decided, everyone decided that they would all let Koro-sensei live. But of course, there are a few people outside of this class who doesn't want that to happen.
(Shun's POV)
Months passed by and my classmates came up with many ideas in order to help Koro-sensei. We already asked Koro-sensei for clarification about his current identity and he told us that he is not the [Shinigami] anymore.
With this information finally known to us, we're now sure that our target isn't our teacher but another person. With our misunderstandings out of the way, we could finally focus on completing our last remaining quests, which is gathering and destroying the data about the Anti-matter experimentations, as well as killing the current [Shinigami].
Whilst our group was busy with our own plans, our classmates are also busy completing and discussing about their own plans. When I heard about them planning to steal the data from the Space Station, we immediately got on board.
While we're at it, I'll also destroy any and all data that they have hidden on the internet before that time comes.
"Ha—! Christmas is about to come eh. Say, what do you guys think about celebrating it at the Class 3-E building with everyone at the morning?" I said after I was done using the computer.
"That sounds like a good idea." Mutsuko said while standing up from the other set of computer that we have.
She was stretching her body since she probably have shoulder ache due to how much time she spent in front of the computer. However, please, Mutsuko-san. For the love of all that is holy, don't do such things when there's a healthy man nearby.
"Eh, isn't that a great idea, Shun! Let's buy them all presents! Then, we could have a happy party with everyone!" Rokuko said while glomping on my arms.
Today, Yukiko-san, Rinka-san, and Touka-san is busy so they didn't go to this house of ours. They were busy helping with coming up with a plan to hijack a satellite on space.
"Squeak~! Master~! Can, Tsuka and Fenn, go~?"
The moment she heard about a party, Tsuka immediately disappeared from her previous position and reappeared in front of me.
"Of course you guys can. I didn't say that you can't, did I? We can't possibly leave you two behind here, after all."
Time went on, and then came the time for us to go into space. It was Karma and Nagisa who was initially decided to go to space but I said that I will also be coming with them when they're out there at space.
The plan was to have our two classmates who are, let's just say the top students of Irina-sensei, Kurahashi-san and Touka-san, distract the people inside the control room while we sneak up to the rocket. In order to lower our chance of getting noticed, I used my [Divine Warp Feather] to teleport us to the visible entrance to the rocket.
Why am I coming with them, you ask? Well, this is just a part of our multi-layered plan that has an end goal of saving Koro-sensei.
'Save' in a sense that we will help him return to his human form. Whilst that bit is already underway, and we already have the necessary data to proceed with numerous research about this topic months ago, the purpose of me coming there is to erase the data that they have about Anti-matter experimentations.
While I'm not gonna fully erase it but modify it so that they would no longer come up with anything of substance, I didn't want to tell them immediately and give them false hope. After all, our research about it is still underway and we still need some time to come up with a plausible solution to Koro-sensei's problem.
Anyway, after I entered inside the cockpit and scanned the area with my eyes, I immediately went away using my [Divine Warp Feather] in order to lessen the load that Koro-sensei will have to take. After all, he might just get into trouble if more weight is added onto the rocket.
As we watched the rocket fly into space, some of my classmates, especially Pochi, Tama, and majority of the girls, wished them good luck.
"Good bye rocket-san! To the moon, nanodesu!"
"To the mooon~?"
A few months after our space expedition and people are now all in a very merry mood. Gifts are lined up at the side of our room, right under a tall Christmas Tree that has been decorated by the girls.
Might I add that Pochi and Tama were the ones who placed the star on top of it, alongside Fenny and an excited Tsuka?
Today is the morning of the Christmas Day and everyone is scrambling to arrange all of the food that everyone either cooked or brought with them at the table in the middle of the classroom.
If there's anyone that's the most excited about this day, that would be our teacher, Koro-sensei. The moment he saw Okajima try to taste the pudding that he have in his hands, he immediately blew his top.
"Hey, Okajima-kun! Don't think of dipping your dirty hands on that pudding! Sensei might just punish you for it, you know!? Hmm?"
After a slight pause, Koro-sensei directed his gaze at Maehara who was drooling at the huge bucket of KSC in his hands.
"Maehara-kun, eating will have to wait! First, arrange that on our table!"
Everyone are in a festive mood as everything is going swimmingly with regards to school and the plan to help out Koro-sensei. Well, that's probably except for someone who's hiding outside, peeking at a certain pair of individuals, one who have green hair and the other a light blue hair.
"Hey, what are you doing here, when its so cold out here? Moping at the fact that you didn't make the move at Nagisa-san sooner?" I said while looking at a certain blonde girl who's probably one of the girls who's very good at concealing their emotions like Rinka-san, Touka-san, Kurahashi-san, Kayano-san, and etc.
"W-What the heck!? D-Dang, man, you almost gave me a heart attack!"
She's Nakamura Rio and yes, she have a crush on Nagisa-san. She's the type of person to tease the person she likes often but fails to show her affection towards them.
"Again, why are you hiding here, peeping like you're a pervert?"
"You're the pervert! Dang it! Did you just come out here to mock me or something?" Nakamura-san said with her face becoming red up til her ears.
"Well, if you like him, then go show it to him. I've seen one too many mangas and animes to know that the quietly admiring approach won't work in Nagisa-san's type…" I said while looking at the embarrassed face of this gyaru.
"W-What do you mean I have a crush on him!? I don't!?"
"Well… Hmm…"
"I'm not convinced. Anyway, if you really like him, go show it to him and fight for it. If you end up losing, then fine. Atleast you managed to put up a fight against your rival. Koro-sensei said it to me at some point but, you know… Love is like assassination. You need to seize the opportunity for the kill or you will get yourself killed the next instant that you don't…"
Nakamura-san went silent when I said that but I really just came here to say my piece. While I myself am not good at handling love myself, I think it's just appropriate to give some advice to a troubled classmate, you know?
"Anyway, if you somehow lose, you can run to me and I might just accept you, you know?" I said teasingly before running away.
"What the heck!? Who'd want to be with a guy like you!?"
"Ah, you can't say such words like it's already decided, you know? You might just eat that when the time comes~!"
"Screw you!"
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ Alright. The next three chapters would be the end of this Assassination Classroom Arc. It's rushed, I know, but I seriously don't want to prolong it any further. After this, we'll do some shorter missions.