Hey, Shun here!
I've been with Tsuka for some time now but I never really tried out 'fusing' with her outside of training and using it for a brief moment against Itona-san. Even though the form I get after 'fusing' with her is great, it's actually also very… How to put it… Embarrassing to use that form.
(Shun's POV)
We just finished preparations but it seems like they had already launched their attacks at Koro-sensei.
"Do we interrupt them now, Shun-kun?" Mutsuko asked while looking at the feed on the whole internet and the news that has been going through all of the news channels all over the world.
"Wait for the second phase to start… We can't afford to fail now or we'll have a whole lot of problem catching that enemy that we need to eliminate…"
As we waited for everything to go forward, the girls already gave everyone in our class a call and they're all now on their way to gather at our house. It shouldn't take them long enough since they all know the schedule of the attack.
"Ah! Status report! They just launched the phase two of the plan!"
Aren't you a bit too much in character right now, Ritsu? Oh well, I guess it's time to launch our plan and stop them from deceiving the populace any longer.
Once our plans commenced, every news stations and the whole internet was taken over as we broadcasted what was happening inside the HQ of our enemy, as well as what they were using to power their mega devices. It took us many months to get this plan ready but it seems like that finally paid off.
The 'news' that was running on everyone's screens right now is a prerecorded video that our class's two geeks: Takebayashi Kotaro and Hazama Kirara, have recorded. These two were giving everyone watching the much needed context and information about what was happening on the shots that are being shown on their screens.
『The 'creatures' that you all could see on your screens are humans that has been experimented on against their wills by the numerous powerful government bodies. They are being trapped inside a capsule that could sap the so-called infinite amounts of energy out of their bodies, fueling the mega structures that they built to kill the creature that they themselves have carelessly created.』
Since we have been feeding all of the people all over the world about the dirty secrets that the government bodies have been committing and have committed, it didn't take long for them to understand what we were trying to convey here. This time, those guys can't run away anymore.
If they try to oppress their nations due to them being unable to handle the pressure that these people will give them, I think it wouldn't take long until they die through assassination. This has been true for almost every other rulers of the past.
History has proven what would happen and why it would happen one too many times so it's up to these guys to quell their citizens anger. We've already given them one too many chances to not go through this, after all.
In no way do I think that what I'm doing right now is right, messing with the power balance of an entire planet, but this is the only way we could think of to lessen the chances even more of people dabbling on that technology. I could have easily just eliminated all of those who knew even a little about this project but that was the last resort that I have in mind if we really needed to complete this quest in order to get back home.
Once everyone was gathered, Mutsuko gave all of them the equipment we will all need to sneak to our class building.
"With this, we should be ready to go in and rescue Koro-sensei, right?" Nagisa-san asked while looking at me.
"It's more than enough. In fact, I think we are over prepared."
"That's better than being unprepared, so isn't it fine?" Karma-san commented.
At his comment, each and everyone of our classmates nodded their heads in agreement.
"Well, since you guys are pretty much ready to take on whatever comes our way, shall we go now?"
With the spirited shouts of my classmates as our cue, we finally commenced our plan.
(Third Person's POV)
Currently, Koro-sensei is having a hard time defending against the attacks of his enemy. This one is much more bigger than him, with a black skull for a face filled with bloody veins that goes through its face, making it look very eerie and disgusting.
The creature Koro-sensei is facing right now is Koro-sensei's first student and the successor to his name as the [Grim Reaper]. Due to Shiro getting caught before they could initiate any of their plans, this man only had the serums that Shiro initially gave him.
Since he doesn't know anything about injecting it into his body, he randomly did whatever he thought was a good idea. This resulted in some major complications like some loss in sanity but, that's not as important as killing his teacher and mentor.
If Shiro was the one who installed the tentacles on his body, he would've gotten the best effects but, since it was only him and some scientist that came from the government's side, he was only a bit more powerful than Koro-sensei. Whilst his initial speed is Mach 2, his maximum speed is only Mach 30, far from the maximum speed he could've gotten with the help of Shiro.
However, this was all enough to deal with someone who could only go as fast as Mach 20.
Numerous booming sounds echoed on top of the mountain as the [Grim Reaper] gave Koro-sensei the beating of his lifetime. However, as the match went on, Koro-sensei could, somehow or another, adopt to the fighting style of his enemy and avoid some of the attacks he was receiving.
As the battle was raging, Koro-sensei tried to talk to his previous student but, it was all for naught. The guy has long lost his sanity and this 'creature' in front of him is just moving because it is being fueled by its own instincts.
While Koro-sensei was thinking of how bad this situation is, a group of very familiar voices called out to him.
"Koro-sensei, we're here to help!"
"Sensei, are you fine!?"
"No, everyone, don't come he—!"
Before he could issue a warning, the [Grim Reaper] was already out to deal with his students. He tried to catch up but, it was already too late.
The [Grim Reaper] had already reached his students. It's target was one of the smallest people in the group, Pochi.
However, instead of hearing a loud impact that sent his student barreling midair, he instead heard a different sound.
When Koro-sensei looked on, he saw that Pochi was fine. She had managed to dodge the attack coincidentally and retaliate by cutting off one of the [Grim Reaper's] tentacles.
"Ooooooh~! Ama-ziing. Pochi, good dodge~!" Tama said, praising her little sister for managing to dodge that attack. Even she was not confident of dodging that ultra fast attack.
Before they could even celebrate more though, the [Grim Reaper], out of anger, tried to attack again. This time, it's target was one of the girls, Kayano.
However, before it could touch Kayano, its tentacles disintegrated mid attack after getting shot by a blue beam of light.
"Hmm… This laser was really great. I didn't get the chance to test it on Koro-sensei but, with a few more tweaks, I should be able to make it be able to damage physical objects as well…" Mutsuko murmured while looking at a huge, cannon-like object that she is holding.
Knowing that it was too dangerous to approach this group, the [Grim Reaper] tried to go back but it was once again attacked. Although it managed to block it and not receive any damage since the weapon that the assailant used is a real sword, the [Grim Reaper] felt an even more ominous aura coming from this guy.
"Everyone, back off and don't join in on the fight. Everyone, protect our classmates. Although we already have our anti-sensei military clothes to protect us from any attacks, the impact could still kill us if we're not careful…"
The one who attacked the [Grim Reaper] was Shun who is now holding a pair of katanas in both of his hands.
"This is the last quest so I should be able to go all out this time. Let's go, Tsuka. You wanted to go all out for the longest time, right…?"
While murmuring to himself, Shun canceled the [Transformation] [Ninjutsu] that he casted upon himself. This revealed his full set of light armor with white color as its motif, as well as the now white colored hair and the pair of piercing red colored irises that he have.
Ignoring the shocked looked on his classmate's faces, Shun's body got enveloped by a light green colored aura and his pupils turned into vertical slits. Then, both of his irises turned golden in color.
His transformation didn't just end with that as a pair of white colored pair of rabbit ears grew on top of his head. His white hair and rabbit ears now have green tints, highlighting it.
"Whoah, what the heck is that?" Maehara involuntarily said as he looked at the drastic change in appearance of his classmate and friend.
"He… transformed?" Nagisa commented.
"He's going to get serious now. Remember what he did with Itona-kun? That's basically what he can do now…" Mutsuko said.
"That's… His strongest form?" Itona murmured.
"Is that still Shirakami?" Terasaka asked.
"That's him but with more power, is what she's basically trying to say, Terasaka-kun. I'm just wondering what he could do against someone that's even stronger than Koro-sensei…" Karma replied while observing the battlefield with keen eyes.
While everyone was wondering what the heck was even happening now, Shun suddenly began to speak.
"Koro-sensei, I will assist you. This guy is already too far gone to be saved…"
"I know that, Shirakami-kun…"
Meanwhile, at the HQ of the people who were controlling the [Spear of Heaven].
Just as they saw the students from Class 3-E appear, their signal was interrupted. Then, out of nowhere, a series of warnings and alarm sounds went off on their computers.
High up in space, a series of explosions has occurred. The [Spear of Heaven] is exploding, and the people who are controlling it from their HQ on Earth are all panicking.
Just as they were losing their minds, the image of a girl with pastel colored hair and blue eyes filled all of their screens. They all know too well who this is.
『You all can't peak on what is happening so I will be taking over this headquarters for now. We've already rescued all of the people you guys are using as your batteries so there are no casualties.』
Seeing the innocent smile of the girl on the screen, even the man who have the highest position amongst the people in this headquarters couldn't help but just show a defeated smile.
"This is the end, huh…"
『Un! It's good that you know, uncle!』
※~To be continued~※
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Author's Remarks:
※ Owright! Just some one or more chapter and we could get this Arc behind us. What a journey this was, seriously.