Quest's Completion; Tying All The Loose Ends

Hey, Shun here!

They say that people could do crazy things when it's about the thing they are most passionate about. Does that also apply to people in love? I've never been in a relationship before so I am not very knowledgeable on this part.

Seeing Koro-sensei though, I think the answer is yes…


(Shun's POV)

I've been out for two days and, after I woke up, everyone told me what happened. It seems like, right after we defeated the [Grim Reaper], numerous people boycotted their own governments and didn't work for these two days and it's still continuing.

What's more, impeachment complaints are going around everywhere, threatening to remove those who are on their presidential seats out of their position. Because their deeds has been all over the internet without them having the ability to delete all of those, some of the more thin skinned people directly retired from their positions and are now facing legal cases at their own countries.

As for this country itself, it looks like the Prime Minister and some other officials moved without the orders of the country's leader, leading them all to this precarious situation where the people who they are serving are now seething in anger. Their country was the epicenter of all of this situation after all, and they couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"So Shiro is already facing some legal actions, huh? Koro-sensei handed him over to the authorities that easily?"

At my question, Touka-san nodded her head.

"Yes. It seems like he has given it a lot of thought and that's the thought that he ended up with after two days. We talked to him already about Kayano-san's sister so…"

Touka-san seemed like she's a bit embarrassed that they didn't tell me about this but, I would've done what they did if I didn't pass out.

"It's fine. You don't have to feel guilty since I would've done the same. So? I take it that he's already undergoing the process of detentaclizing…"

Don't look at me. It wasn't me who thought of that name. Ritsu and Mutsuko wanted to stick with this name since it's straightforward.

I'm not the type of person to be fussy with names so I wasn't against them naming the process whatever they want. Not like I could present a better name, anyway.

So, anyway, right after I woke up, the first thing I did was spend some time with my friends. They were affected by what happened to me so I figured that, before proceeding to do anything, I should probably spend more time with them. This could also double as a time to recuperate more.

Since it seems like there were still some data that were left, it was the things that I left behind myself from Shiro's hideout, we had all the time in the world to go out and relax for a bit before going home.

I took Pochi and Tama to the arcade since it seems like they became fond of it. The next upcoming days after that was hectic since I had to take everyone out — individually this time, but it was time well spent, I think.

Some of them wanted to me make the plans for the dates themselves so every date was like a different experience entirely. I managed to go to a shooting gallery, an ocean park, a big shopping mall, a theme park, and a military facility.

That was really a mixed bag of things to experience, honestly. Thankfully, we didn't go out every other day or else that would be too mentally draining.

Once we were done with school and formally graduated, we also ended all of our remaining quest at the same time. We still have plenty of days before all five of us go home so we have time to do a graduation party.

Thus, after doing some preparations a graduation party was held at our classroom the following day.


It was the event day, and I am carrying some boxes with me that contains the gifts that we all bought yesterday for our classmates. It wasn't much really but the girls really put their thoughts into what they should give to our classmates.

Just as I was about to enter inside, I caught sight of a familiar guy with sharp features heading my way. He's wearing a formal suit, a tie, a business shirt, a well ironed pants, and a pair of shiny looking dark brown leather shoes.

The moment he reached where I was standing, he stopped on his tracks and observed me for a few seconds. Oh, wait, I finally remember who this is.


"Yaa~, it's good that you could still recognize me, Shirakami-kun. Am I late? It took me some time to get used to my new body…"

Although I did recognize him, it took me some time to process this information. Meanwhile, I used this chance to appear behind him with a toy knife that I have in my pocket and attempted to stab him in the eye.

Without even showing any signs of being surprised, the man in front of me easily blocked my attack and guided my hand with his hand while holding a knife on the other. Before his attack could reach me, I already blinked outside of his range.

After that brief exchange, I could finally confirm that this really is Koro-sensei. Even though he became slower by a lot on his standards, he's still as fast as Mach 2 or 3, give or take.

"That was a bit too sudden, Shirakami-kun. Now that I know that you could revive Aguri, I can't possibly die now, can I?"

"That's true. You won't be able to graduate from being a wizard if you die right here and now, isn't it?"

This comment or mine immediately triggered Koro-sensei as he immediately pointed the knife he was holding at me.

"Oi! Don't make fun of your teacher! You still have a lot to learn before you could mock your sensei for being a wizard! I was too focused on my job, okay? For your information, I was actually quite popular with the girls, you understand? A man who's driven is cool and handsome, don't you know that?"

"Did they say that, sensei? It looks like you aren't driven enough, then…" I said while contemplating a little.

"Oi! Ku-hum! Nevermind. I'm the adult here so I should be calm… calm… Phew… Anyway, Shirakami-kun, your skills and magic are pretty neat, aren't they? Being able to move places and all…"

"That's just me and Tama, sensei. I don't think the other girls have blink skills yet."

"That's true. I never saw Kuro-kun and the others appear and disappear like what you and Shirayuki-kun do."

After a brief chat, Koro-sensei asked me more about whether or not it is true that we could find a way to revive Aguri and his eyes were different from the last time I saw it. It's really true that people deep in love could do almost anything for their loved ones, isn't it?

I heard that, after hearing more about our group, he even wanted to join us so that he could find a way himself. After much convincing by Touka-san, he finally agreed to look after the state of this dimension when we go back.

As compensation, we will find a way to revive his loved one. Honestly, I'm amazed that Touka-san managed to convince even Koro-sensei.

To be honest, I was planning to invite just her if the girls didn't plan on inviting anyone due to her negotiating skills but, looking back to it, we really overdid it with the inviting, seriously. I bet Kaede-san, Satania-san, and Rikka will be surprised to find out that we have so many new members…

After having a conversation with Koro-sensei who seems to be doubly determined now, we entered inside the classroom together.

As soon as we passed through the classroom's door, Koro-sensei showed an extremely wide smile before shouting.

"Yo, everyone! Did you miss me?"

"Koro-sensei! Did you hear him, everyone? Koro-sensei's here!" Kurahashi-san shouted.

"Ah, is he!? Did that operation went smoothly?" Nakamura-san said.

"Oh, yeah, I did hear that Koro-sensei will be getting a plastic surgery or something. Was he so desperate for a more beautiful face?" Okajima commented.

"Ah! It's Koro-sen… Who are you?"

Seeing all of his students look at him with their gazes full of doubt, Koro-sensei was somehow frustrated.

"Everyone, why are you looking at me like that!? Also, Okajima-kun, what did you just say about your sensei!?"

And so, our rowdy Graduation Party started on a high note. Our classmate's parents went and even thanked Koro-sensei profusely for taking care of their children. It was really such a heartwarming sight, honestly.

Not until we saw Koro-sensei beat Okajima up left and right out of frustration and pull some Karma-san levels of pranks on him out of spite. He really is quite petty, isn't he?


It was late at night, right after the party we just attended. We already got the rewards from the system but we have decided to open it all up tomorrow together.

Right now, I'm currently reflecting on my life choices… I mean thinking of the things that have transpired during our stay in this dimension.

"Why am I looking up at the sky right now when the moon's not even there?" I muttered out loud.

Whilst I was in my sentimental mode, I felt someone stand next to me.

"They're already asleep?"

"Uhm-hum… They are… Want me to bring some drinks and snacks?"

"Ah, it's fine. I'm still full from all those things we ate in the party, Mutsuko-sa… Mutsuko…"

When I looked at my side, I saw the side of Mutsuko's face who's looking at the stars in the sky.

"Haha, we did eat a lot earlier. My tummy's still full from all the desserts and chicken I ate."

Seeing her look at the night sky, I also looked up once again and continued on stargazing. A few seconds later, I strands of hair brush against my cheeks.

When I looked to the side again, I saw Mutsuko leaning onto my shoulder. She's been doing this for months now so I have gotten quite used to it but, as expected, she's really very forward, isn't she?

As I silently gazed into the distance while feeling my heart rate go up, I suddenly heard Mutsuko mutter something under her breath.

"This adventure was really fun, Shun-kun. Don't you think so too…?"

"Yeah, it really is. It's a lot more fun than going in an adventure by myself." I replied with a chuckle. Although Rokuko, Tsuka, and our friends back in Rokuko's dimension was there, the homesickness I felt back then was really something else.

Although I am still feeling homesick after being away for so long, it was at least more bearable due to the many bonds we forged in this dimension. I bet they also felt the same as me.

"I really want to do this again. Next time, I want it to be on a different world with aliens, supernatural, and many more!" An adventure to a fantasy world seems like it's goingcyto be a fun one if everyone's coming.

"I'm pretty sure that will happen eventually… Mutsuko."

"Heeey aren't you getting used to calling me without honorifics now!? That's good!"

As if she wanted to show her joy, Mutsuko nuzzled herself even closer to me, completely ignoring personal space and such. Whilst some sort of atmosphere was beginning to form, someone suddenly appeared, bursting through the door of the balcony.

"What are you talking about, Shun, Mutsuko-neechan? Hey, can I join!?"

It was Rokuko. I could recognize her boisterous and bubbly voice even if it's from far away.

As if they were summoned by Rokuko's shouts, everyone else appeared one by one.

"Wait a minute. I thought you were all already sleeping!?" Mutsuko asked.

"Can't sleeep~?" Tama replied nonchalantly.

"Pochi wants to sleep with Master [Admin-sensei] nanodesu!" Pochi said while raising her free hand. Her other hand is being used to cling onto me.

Agreeing to Pochi's words, Rokuko initiated a group hug and said.

"Yep! The more, the merrier! Let's all go and sleep together again!"

"And I was just about to get the lead!"

"Lead on what? Mutsuko-san?" Ritsu asked, puzzled.

"You know what? Nevermind."


※~To be continued~※

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Author's Remarks:

※ This was a little weird chapter to write, to be honest. I felt satisfied with the outcome so I guess it was probably just my imagination?