Going Out With Miu And The Family Dinner

Hey, Shun here!

They say that spending time with your family is very important, and I stand by that saying. After spending almost a whole year away from my family, I would really like to spend some time with them.


(Shun's POV)

The moment the school bell rang, signaling the end of our class, I gathered my stuffs and got up from my seat. Right after I slung my bag over my shoulder, I heard my friend Taku call out to me.

"Yo Shun. Do you have any plans today? Want to go grab some snack outside of school?" Taku asked while tapping me on my shoulder. He's also ready to leave, as expected of my fellow go home club person.

"Well, I do have some plans for today. Maybe next week dude."

"Is that so? You're going out with Miu again today, or is it with your other girl friends?" Taku said while walking beside me as we excited the classroom.

"Nah, I'm going with Miu to buy some stuffs today. I'm planning on taking Mom and Miu out for dinner tonight so I won't be available."

Upon hearing my words, Taku went silent, as if he was contemplating about something.

"Maybe I should also take Mom and Dad out for dinner?" Just one look at him and I have a pretty good grasp of what he's thinking already.

"Oh, you plan on asking them to raise your allowance, aren't you?"

Taku wasn't surprised that I was able to guess his thoughts and, instead, he showed a wide smile at me. He then slapped me by the shoulder before smirking, as if saying that, "You really understand, don't you?"

"That's right! Isn't that what you want to do as well?"

"Nah. I was just doing this purely because I want to spend more time with my family." Speaking of that, I should give Dad a call and invite him as well.

Eventually, after we exited the school's premises, Taku decided to go home with a pretty buffed guy from a different section. This was mainly because there is someone waiting for me at the school gate.

"Onii-chan! What are we buying today~?" The one who's waiting for me is Miu, and she's still in high spirits like earlier this morning.

"Some stuffs I need, ASAP. While we're there, we could also buy some delicious snacks or something…"

Looking at my sister who seems to be a little bit more clingy today, I smiled and patted her on the head.

"Let's go. We still need to go to the restaurant I made the reservations at. We can't be late."

Thus, with Miu in tow, we made a bee line towards the busy streets before flagging a taxi so that we could reach our destination faster. After a little bit over a half an hour ride, we finally reached the mall.

Alighting the taxi, we went inside the mall.

"Pheeww! Finally somewhere cold!" Miu said.

"It's been a while since I went to a mall…" I muttered to myself while passing through the entrance of the mall where we got automatically scanned for temperature, deadly weapons, and etc. The security is quite tight in this world, after all.

"Really, Onii-chan? Ah, now that you said it, it's been a little over a month or so since we went here with just the two of us, right?" Miu seems to have heard my words, as she commented about my mumblings.

"Yep, it's been a while. Oh, there's your favorite shop that sells crepes. Let's go buy one…"

Dragging Miu with me, we went inside the store and bought two crepes. The VR Gears are being sold at the second floor of the mall, and it's quite far from the entrance we entered at, so we'll be buying a few different things while we go towards those stores.

While we mostly did some window shopping, when we came across a shop that sells accessories, I noticed a deep purple colored ribbon that fades into a pastel color at the tips, with glimmering things that decorates it. It looks like those glimmering things are the stars or something.

'This should suit Miu quite well…' I thought to myself.

I walked inside the shop and immediately took the ribbons. Miu doesn't wear earrings so this is the next best thing that I could gift her.

Miu was obviously puzzled when I suddenly walked inside the shop but she followed along without asking any questions. She's busy eating the crepe, so there's that as well.

After paying for the ribbons, I handed it over to Miu who is currently tilting her head.

"Onii-chan, this is?"

"A present. I thought it'll suit you well, so I bought it."

Miu was stunned for a few moments before she finally reacted by hugging me in an excited manner while squealing.

"Thank you Onii-chan!"

"Mm… I'm glad you like it. Why don't you try and wear it?"

The moment I said that, Miu broke off the hug and took a step backwards.

"Then, please change my ribbon for me!"

"Hmm… You're definitely acting more spoiled than usual, Miu. Well, nevermind. Let's go to that fountain nearby so that we could change your ribbons there without being a bother to other customers."

Looking around, there are many people around us who are also choosing accessories. Some of them are guys who are with who seems to be their girlfriends, even.

And so, before we went to the a VR Gear, we stopped at the fountain of the mall nearby and helped her change her ribbons.


At getting the VR Gears that I wanted to buy, I gave a call to Dad while Miu called Mom, telling her that we will be taking her out.

"You aren't busy Dad? That's good! Us four can eat outside then! Ah, also, Dad, can you tell your secretary to take Mom with her to the restaurant? We need to check out reservations at the restaurant and I can't really let Miu go out on her own…"

『Ah, I'll be picking up your mother then. Wait for us at that restaurant.』

After ending the call, I went to the restaurant we made our reservations at, along with Miu, and waited for Mom and Dad to arrive. Whilst they were away, I chatted with Miu.

"I'll give Shizuka-nee a call as well. She should be free right now, if I'm not wrong."

"That's a good idea, Onii-chan! We could have Onee-chan chat with us while we have dinner that way!"

Under the watch of an extremely excited Miu, I called Shizuka-nee's number.

*troot* *troot*

*troot* *troot*

After it rang the second time, my call was finally picked up. Immediately after that, Shizuka-nee's face could be seen in my phone screen. Unlike her in-game avatar which has light blue hair and eyes, in real life, she have a long and flowing black hair like Mom and Miu, as well as jet-black colored irises.

She's as beautiful as Mom, and she even inherited her soft features.

"Hello, Shun-chan? Do you need something from Onee-chan?" As soon as the call went through, Shizuka-nee immediately started talking. She have this very soothing voice that could probably make even an insane man calm down, and it's very nice to hear.

I was about to answer her question when Miu suddenly cut me off. She began explaining things to Shizuka-nee in a very excited tone, not hiding her elation at this event.

"Ah! It's Onee-chan! Onee-chan! We are having dinner with Mom and Dad today, a family dinner! Onii-chan decided to call you so that we could have some family time or something!"

"Hee… So you called because you wanted me to be part of the family dinner, huh." Shizuka-nee asked while cupping her cheeks and going into a thinking pose.

"Yep! That's right! It would've been better if you're here personally but, this is also fine!"

It was then that an idea hit her, and Shizuka-nee clapped her hands as she smiled.

"Then, I'll order food so that I could also eat something while you all eat."

Then, Shizuka-nee went away from her phone for a second to order a meal through her computer. As we waited for her to come back, Mom and Dad finally arrived.

When they got inside the VIP room that was reserved for us, Dad was only wearing his tie and his white shirt while Mom is wearing a pretty fancy red dress. She have Dad's suit draped on her shoulders, presumably to keep her warm.

Even though this dinner was arranged on short notice, Mom and Dad seems to not mind this arrangement at all.

"Did you two order food already?" Dad asked while showing a small smile on his face.

He then helped Mom sit on her chair before siting on the other empty chair and removing his necktie.

"We haven't yet, Dad. We were waiting for both of you to arrive." I said while taking one of the menu and giving it to him and Mom.

"Is that so? Then, let's go order our food. I'm a little hungry already." Dad then called out the waiter as he ordered some dishes that he likes.

As for Miu, she is already joining Dad in telling her orders to the waiter as well. She even ordered my and Mom's favorite dishes for us.

"You two really surprised me with this sudden dinner invitation." Mom said.

I could only smile wryly at that, since this really was a bit too sudden.

After a brief pause, Mom noticed my phone which is currently in a video call with someone.

"Ah, are you on call with Shizuka, Shun?"

Since Shizuka-nee is still away from her phone's camera, all we could see right now on my screen is Shizuka-nee's room.

'Mom could tell that I'm on call with Shizuka-nee just by looking at Shizuka-nee's room?' I asked to myself.

"That's right Mom. I thought I should give her a call and make it a complete family dinner. She's currently out receiving her order, I think." I replied.

"That's good. I also have something to ask her later so this is just great timing." What does she want to ask Shizuka-nee, I wonder?

Just as Mom said that, a waiter came inside carrying two trays containing many dishes with him. He was soon followed by two more people, and they placed all of the dishes on our table.

Right after they left, Shizuka-nee came back carrying a bucket of fried chicken, some fries, a pizza, as well as her favorite pineapple juice.

"Looks like everyone's here already. Then, shall we eat?" Dad said while looking around and taking a glance at Shizuka-nee who are currently looking at us left and right through my phone's camera.

"""Thanks for the food!"""

『Thanks for the food~!』


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

Author's Remarks:

※ Some bits of Slice of Life once again. Next time, I wanna go and advance the plot some more.