Hey, Shun here!
In this society, rarely would you ever have the chance to pursue your hobbies and passions and turn it into something that could feed you everyday. Reality just isn't that kind.
If you're planning to pursue your hobbies/passions and make money while doing so, remember to keep an open mind. You might just miss some golden opportunities if you don't keep your eyes open for other possibilities.
(Shun's POV)
"Hello. You should be Mutsuko-san's siblings, right? I'm Shirakami Shun. It's nice to make your acquaintance."
The moment I said that, Mutsuko's brother, Sakaki Yuichi, looked up at a location a little over my head before his eyes widened.
"[Administrator]? What does that mean?"
I looked at Mutsuko's little brother with a questioning gaze, wondering what he meant by that. But I guess Mutsuko told them about me being the [Admin] of our friend group's [Group Chat], eh?
I wouldn't be surprised if she did, to be honest. Also, it's not like it's a secret that should be well kept or anything.
There was no rule that told us that we should keep the existence of the [Group Chat] a secret. Many of us just chose to hide it from our family and friends.
After all, how would you explain, exactly, that you could jump from one dimension to another and buy superpowers? We'll just be looked at with confusion.
"Ah! No, it was nothing. And yes, I'm Sakaki Yuichi, big sis's little brother…"
Following him, the girl who should be Mutsuko's little sister also spoke up and introduced herself.
"I'm big sis's little sister, yeah. It's Sakaki Yoriko…" After she introduced herself briefly, she looked at me intently before once again speaking.
"You, you're really not big sis's boyfriend?"
"Yep, I'm not. Right now, we're members of the same [Group Chat] where we met a few months ago." I replied.
Now that I said this, it made me remember that time when I had to deal with the misunderstanding of her and Mutsuko's mom thinking that I'm Mutsuko's boyfriend.
There was a pretty heavy downpour outside so there's really not much I could do besides stay inside the comfort of our own home. I planned on going outside for a bit to maybe go to an arcade and play for a while but that was all down the drain now.
Although I could get to the nearest arcade without so much as getting wet, this weather really dampened my mood to go outside and play. It's like when you were a kid and you and your friends during your childhood was very pumped to go outside and play but then a huge downpour came, immediately giving you the signal that going outside to play outdoor games is a big no.
It's really a bummer and I guess that memory still haunts me to this day. It just sucks to go outside to play when the weather is so bad.
Since I'm in no mood to play any VR game right now, I decided to go to the living room with Tsuka to relax and play with her. While I'm at it, I also fished out my phone from my pocket and opened the [Group Chat].
As I was sitting on the sofa, with Tsuka at my lap, I read the stream of messages that was flooding my phone's screen. It was then that a video call notification came.
It's usually me or the other older girls who would initiate the call but, it looks like Pochi and Tama are very much excited to show off the song that they just learned.
✽✽[Video Call]✽✽
Rikka: [I sent some animes that I recommend you girls to watch. Did you finish watching it?]
Tama: [Un~! Was fun, nyanpasu~!]
Pochi: [Very fun, nanodesu! We watched it inside the stables with Martha-chan nodesu!]
On the screen, Rikka-san could be seen lying on her stomach on top of what seems to be her bed. She's wearing some very casual clothing today.
Compared to when we first started to talk on cam, they are now more comfortable overall. I just wanted to say this but, not only did this take a lot of effort from my side and theirs to get along in-game and in real life as well, I also needed to stay focused or else my line of sight will wander at all sorts of places.
This is specifically true when it comes to Mutsuko-san, Kaede-san, and Satania-san. Well, now, you could add Rikka-san to the mix.
Previously, Rikka-san would wear her pajamas, not unlike Mutsuko-san, Satania-san, who'd go in front of the camera wearing some short shorts and a cami. As for Kaede-san, she usually go with her usual sleepwear, a hoodie and some short shorts.
As a male and a teenager with some rather problematic teenage hormones, it felt like I was training to become a monk or something everyday. During these times, Pochi, Tama, and Tsuka were my solace, the ones who helps me banish those evil thoughts away and ascend to a higher plane of thought.
Like right now. Tsuka is currently singing along with the song from the anime called "Non Non Biyori" that Pochi and Tama are currently singing.
✽✽[Video Call]✽✽
Rikka: [I sent some animes that I recommend you girls to watch. Did you finish watching it?]
Tama: [Nya~, nyanpasu~!]
Pochi: [Hai!]
Tama: [Yabure kabure no yabuisha ga~. Takeyabu no naka e suttakora sa~?]
Pochi: [Yabu kara bou ni suttakora sa. Yabureta raburetaa motte suttakora sa, nanodesu!]
Kaede: [Hai~!]
While basically everyone is either singing or vibing to the song, I remembered that the lyrics of this song isn't exactly happy or anything. In fact, it's about a quack doctor.
I watched that anime that Rikka-san sent and the girl named Miyauchi Renge sang the song to motivate the others. Obviously, it didn't motivate anyone who's a member of their crew.
Once we were done singing and bobbing our heads to the 'beat', I decided to change the topic of conversation to something that has been bothering me for a while now.
✽✽[Video Call]✽✽
Pochi: [How's it, nanodesu!?]
Tama: [We practiced a lot~!]
Kaede: [Really good singing! Tama sounds exactly like Renge-chan, too!]
Rikka: [That's why I recommended this anime to them. I thought that Tama acts and sounds like Renge…]
Mutsuko: [I think I've heard of this song before as well somewhere.]
Shun: [Right, really amazing singing. It's cute.]
Shun: [By the way, Pochi, Tama.]
Tama: [Yes~?]
Pochi: [What is it, Master [Admin-sensei] nanodesu?]
Shun: [Did you say you are currently staying inside a stable? Why does it not look like a stable at all?]
I've been meaning to ask this to the both of them as it bothers me very much. They did mention at some point about them staying at an inn but I didn't expect for them to be staying inside the stables.
Given how their stories about where they're staying at goes though, I pretty much have a good idea as to how they are treated there but…
✽✽[Video Call]✽✽
Rikka: [Yes~! We're staying inside an unused stables nanodesu! Martha-chan and Martha-chan's mom let us stay here nanodesu!]
Tama: [Un~! We bought different things from [Dimensional Store] to make it look preetty~!]
Pochi: [Onee-chans helped us nanodesu!]
Looks like the girls helped them decorate the place a bit, that's why it looks nothing like a stable right now. Good thing that the inn owner didn't mind them doing that, then.
She's a kind heart for letting them stay there despite the risk of their business going down due to the fact that she let Pochi and Tama stay there. They could just stay inside the inn through the use of the [Illusionist's Cloak] but, it seems like, due to how they grew up, they'd just feel restless sleeping inside an inn room.
If not for Kaede-san and the others sleeping with them during our quest at Kaede-san's dimension, they wouldn't even be able to sleep.
✽✽[Video Call]✽✽
Shun: [Right, Mutsuko-san, everyone?]
Mutsuko: [Yep?]
Kaede: [Umm?]
Satanichia: [What is it, [Admin] Shun? If it's about the melon bread from my family's bakery, I won't give you any more…]
Shun: [It's not about that, Satania-san. The melon bread was delicious and I'd like to have some more but what I wanted to ask was about our research about our own dimensions. How's your research about our worlds going?]
Right after I asked that, the door to Mutsuko-san's room opened and in came a beautiful teenage girl that's the spitting image of Mutsuko-san. Their only difference was with the hair and how fashionable the girl looks but, aside from that, they're basically twins in terms of looks.
『Onee-chan, did you see my comb somewhe— Eh? Who's that?』
Right after the girl asked that in confusion, I think our eyes locked through the screen and she almost jumped in surprise.
What's with that surprised look? It's like she saw a ghost or something.
Whilst her sister was very much surprised, Mutsuko-san calmly got up from her bed and told her sister where she saw it last time.
『Oh, Yori! You came! Hey everyone, this is Yori, my little sister! Ah, about the comb, I think I saw it at the bathroom the last time? Check it there first.』
We tried to say our greetings to her but, it seems like the mind of the girl is already out there somewhere. While still wearing her dumbfounded expression, she left Mutsuko-san's room.
That was when we all heard an ear splitting squeal, followed by a loud shout.
『Mom! Moooom! Listen to this! Big Sis have a boyfriend now!』
I will never forget that moment. That was an anime level misunderstanding that happened in real life. Like, seriously.
"Yori, don't be rude. Wasn't that misunderstanding fixed already?" Yuichi-san said.
Yeah. It was indeed already fixed.
To fix that misunderstanding, I had to explain things to Mutsuko's mom, who seems to be very eager to have her daughter get a boyfriend. Even though the misunderstanding was cleared, she was still smiling from ear to ear as she talked to me though.
"Ah, it's fine. After knowing Mutsuko-san for months now, I think I would've reacted the same…" I said jokingly, which made Yuichi-san chuckle for a bit.
"Honestly, I think I have to thank you all for befriending my Big sis. She's been doing some sketchy stuff inside her room all alone but now, we frequently see her smiling."
"Yeah. Her stories has become even more ridiculous over these past few months, talking about beastkins, supernatural, devils, a yellow octopus who could move at Mach 20, and many more but that's just how she usually is." Yoriko-san commented.
As expected, Mutsuko told them about the group already. It's a shame her siblings don't believe her stories though.
While I was talking to the two, Pochi and Tama suddenly took ahold of my hands and placed them on top of their heads. Looks like they're very nervous right now.
"Ah, by the way, this is our friends. Come on, you go introduce yourselves to Mutsuko-san's brother and sister." I urged the two to introduce themselves. Meanwhile, while I was doing that, Rinka-san, Ritsu, Rikka, Satania-san, and Tsuka beat them to the punch and introduced themselves to the two.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! You could read up to Chapter 232 from this chapter(Chapter 205).
Author's Remarks:
※ Phew. Life, it's really tough to live during these times. If I'm being honest, if I were the past me, I would've stopped updating this fanfiction long ago, given how these past events were, in my perspective, tougher than what happened the last time I first started writing. I'm kinda happy to see such growth within me and I would certainly continue this fanfiction just to give a huge middle finger to my own circumstances right now. Also, of course, because I am genuinely having fun writing this!