Harem Protagonist, Who? (2)

Hey, Shun here!

Have you ever experienced that moment when you activated multiple layers of alarms but it still couldn't wake you up? If anything, you probably felt like you're becoming better and better at shutting them down fast and resuming your comfy sleep, eh?


(Shun's POV)

We are back at the huge opening from before we entered through the huge passageway. I'm currently standing face to face against Mutsuko's younger brother, Yuichi-san.

Both he and I are showing fed up expressions as we lackadaisically went into a 'fighting stance'.

"Let's get this over with…" Yuichi-san said to me while showing an apologetic expression on his face.

"Ah, it's fine. I guess I'll humor Mutsuko-san for now…" I said while getting ready for battle.

Now, you might be wondering how things came to this. Well, it all started when Rinka-san mentioned the words 'training' and 'sparring'.


"Koro-sensei is really doing his best in teaching us many things about fighting. I found myself constantly updating my database whenever he teaches us in fighting alongside Kayano-san and the others…" Ritsu suddenly mentioned to us.

We were just talking about school assignments and stuffs, which was by the way brought up by Kaede-san, Rikka, and Satania-san who had to deal with it previously with Risa-san, Kaede-san's friend. Well, it looks like Rikka and Satania-san have a personal vendetta against them since they aren't exactly the most diligent student out there.

That's precisely the reason why Kaede-san offered to lend them a helping hand, forming a group video chat with the two and bringing over her friend Risa-san who's also struggling with it. From what I heard, it's more like Risa-san just doesn't want to deal with it.

"Yeah, we had many sparring sessions along with our training." Rinka-san mentioned.

"It's actually getting harder, that training." Touka-san added.

Beside them, Yukiko-san just nodded her head gingerly while showing a wry smile. Looks like she also found the new training harder than ever.

It's most likely harder since Koro-sensei wanted to help them out in getting stronger or something. There's also the fact that they'd most likely be busy for a while due to the school year approaching in their dimension, that's probably why Koro-sensei is upping the reps.

"Speaking of sparring! I just remembered that this isn't the only reason why I brought you all here!" Mutsuko said while carrying more cookies.

She left earlier to quickly fetch some more cookies since it ran out. With all those little squirrels munching on it non stop, it's not a surprise, honestly.

"Thank youuu~! *chomp*! Delish~!"

"Ooooh! Thank you Mutsuko-neesan, nanodesu!"

Seems like the four are enjoying the cookies once again.

"Yu over there didn't want to practice harder so I want him to have a sparring with Shun!"

"Huh!? Why do I have to do a sparring match, Big Sis!? I'm not part of the Z-fighters!" Yuichi-san retorted while pointing at himself.

Z-fighters? Is he talking about Son Goku?

"You're asking Shun to beat up your brother, Mutsuko-neesan?" Rokuko asked innocently.

At this innocent remark, Yoriko-san raised an eyebrow at Rokuko.

"Beaten up? My onii-chan can't possibly lose to him." Yoriko-san said.

This comment of hers was of course immediately countered by the two kids who seems to be more offended by Yoriko-san's remark than me. Honestly, I find the proposition more troublesome than anything.

"[Admin-sensei], strong, you know~?"

"Master [Admin-sensei] is strong nanodesu! He's the strongest nanodesu!"

The two's words and just overall cute angry expressions made Yoriko-san back off.

"H-Hah… Okay, I guess?"

If she decided to double at that moment, I could already imagine the two challenging Yoriko-san in a fight or something.

"So, anyway, I just want you to give my brother experience a fight against someone stronger than him, Shun! Please? Pleaaaaseeee~?"

As a last resort to make me agree, Mutsuko showed her very rarely seen puppy doe eyes, which was admittedly very effective against me.

"Well, if it's just a little spar then, I don't really mind, I guess?"

"Alright! Let's go outside, then! Yu isn't practicing as hard so this will help him get that motivation!" Mutsuko-san said excitedly.

"Hey, Big Sis! Where is my say in all this!?" Yuichi-san protested.

"You already said something earlier and just now and that's it for you! If you don't want it, do you want me to be the one to fight you? Just telling you this but, I'll use all of my new gadgets at that time, you know?"

Because of Mutsuko's blatant threat, Yuichi-san could only follow along with an exasperated expression on his face. I guess he's already aware of the ridiculous gadgets that his sister has created.


And so, we arrived at this scenario where I have to face Mutsuko's little brother in a sparring match. From what I heard about him from his big sister, he knows this form of fantasy martial arts that Mutsuko taught him since young.

She apparently taught him exaggerated moves that could only be seen and done in an anime so, in summary, Yuichi-san's fighting style could be said to be unique and out of this world.

"Are you ready? For this sparring, I will be using this toy gun that fires BBs so as to not inflict harm, as well as my bare hands." I said while showing the toy gun that was handed to us previously when we were at that assassination classroom.

Well, if he ever gets injured, Rokuko or I could just heal him with [Healing Magic]. As long as it's not a life threatening injury, I think we could manage.


"With that out of the way, start the match… NOW!"

The moment Mutsuko announced that, I immediately started firing some shots towards Yuichi-san. However, it was all dodged by him rather easily.


(Third Person's POV)

*bang* *bang*

Shots has been fired and Yuichi easily evaded these bullets. His eyes never left the barrel of the gun that Shun was holding as he weaved through the shower of bullets that's coming towards him in rapid succession.

Since he doesn't have any weapon, Yuichi approached Shun little by little, as carefully as possible, as he simultaneously weaved through the rain of bullets. A few moments later, after trying several times to approach Shun, he finally reached melee range.

Just as he was about to mount his counter attack, Shun pointed the barrel of his gun at his body in point-blank range. Normally, this would result in him getting hit by the bullet but, to everyone's surprise, aside of course from his sisters, Yuichi easily evaded the attack.

Although a bit surprised, Shun recovered immediately and fired a couple more shots at Yuichi. However, like what happened the first time, it was all easily dodged by Yuichi.

The reason why Yuichi could so easily dodge the bullets that are being fired at him in point blank range was because of something that Mutsuko has taught him when he was young.

You see, during his training arc in his childhood, Mutsuko taught him a whole lot of things. One of them goes like this: "As long as you can see where the barrel of the gun is pointing at, you could easily dodge them…" or so it goes.

Yuichi is upholding those teachings til' this day. Even though it's a trick that he honestly could live without, it has also saved him in multiple occasions, especially during a few days back when he had a fight against his serial killer classmate.

"Hmm… I see. So you dodge it like that, huh…" Shun muttered while disappearing from his previous position.

In the process of him disappearing, he managed to dodge Yuichi's incoming attack as well as surprise Yuichi.

"Behind me!?" Yuichi shouted while hurriedly trying to roll away to create some distance.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Shun already pulled the trigger.


Yuichi frowned slightly but, aside from the slight sting that he felt on his skin, the shot did no damage to him. Physically, that is. Mentally, Yuichi is wondering how Shun managed to sneak up on his back so fast that he didn't even notice him move there.

Whilst he was wondering about it, he once again felt the same feeling creep up from behind him.

'Again!?' he thought to himself.


This time, he was extremely alert and was barely able to dodge the bullet.

"Mm, as expected, you could tell where I am slightly. Maybe I should step up my game now…"

While leaving these words, Shun once again disappeared and reappeared behind Yuichi. This time, he didn't manage to notice him in time.



(Shun's POV)

"Yuichi-kun! Are you okay!?" Noro-san shouted worriedly while running towards Yuichi-san who didn't really sustain any injury.

"Ah, I'm fine…"

The reason why she's worried about him was most likely because I threw Yuichi-san to the ground using a takedown.

While Noro-san is getting all worked up, getting worried about Yuichi-san, Pochi and Tama are getting worked up as they directed victory signs towards Yoriko who seems a bit shocked at what happened.


"Winner, nanodesu!"

A few moments later, I got surrounded by the girls as they talked about the earlier sparring and how I held back a lot. I mean, I couldn't possibly use my sword in this match, you know?

Although Yuichi-san is very much beyond human capabilities for being able to withstand some of my blows, as well as being able to react to some of them, in the end, this is still a sparring match.

Whilst I was talking to the girls, I heard someone say "Harem Protagonist? It changed?" but it was immediately drowned by the chatter so I couldn't identify who exactly it was. It must be Mutsuko's little brother muttering odd stuffs again like earlier.

As we continued to talk amongst each other, a familiar notification suddenly resounded, all coming from everyone's, the [Group Chat] members, smartphones.

There's a quest again, huh? I wonder what it is this time?


※~To be continued~※


Thank you very much to Francisco, Holo, NuA, Vero, Soulsmsher, Ototsu_Yume, Sam Morgan, and GOOOOSE!

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! Read up to Chapter 233 at my ko-fi page(that won't be long since WN will soon catch up and the advanced chapters will return to the 20 advanced chapter like before…)

Author's Remarks:

※ Phew! Barely managed to finish it in time before I go to bed xD! I wanted to edit this alongside the second chapter I'm working on but I couldn't finish the second one in time so, yeah, only one chapter for today. I'd rather post this now than do it later so, yeah.(Thanks for the info, past me. Really nice.)