A Disaster(?) And Seiryuu City (1)

Hey, Shun here!

Have you ever seen a meteor shower? It's really such a breathtaking, right?

Many believe that making a wish whenever you see them could grant your wish but, from my experience, that doesn't seem to be the case. Making a wish to God personally is more reliable and effective.

Look at me now.


(Shun's POV)

The moment the two wyverns put a stop to their flight, which puts them at around 20 or so feet above us, they spotted all of us and, for a brief moment, I think I saw the two pairs of reptilian eyes flash with a slight gleam.

A few seconds later, the two let out high pitched screeching noises that is a little similar to how the lions or the tigers roar, but high pitched and screechy. Its ear grating sound is not something that is pleasant to hear, and rather than feeling amazed at this specimen that is almost triple the size of the largest living creature that ever flew in our skies, the Quetzalcoatlus, I feel nothing but annoyance right now.

"An enemy!?"

The moment they heard the roars of the two, aside from Kaede-san who's still a little confused, everyone didn't skip a beat in taking out their weapons and pointing it at the enemies that just appeared. Ritsu took it even a step further and fired some shots at the first one, her lower caliber bullets barely doing any damage.

Looks like this creature's scales are strong, maybe it's as strong as metal?

After further observation, I noticed that this two is quite different from the dragons I knew from all the fantasy stories I have read. The main difference is that this one is more like a chicken, with its upper body's claw being connected with its huge and imposing wings.

"It's a wyvern, everyone. It seems like it sees us as food right now so be careful when they swoop down!" I immediately warned everyone.

"I read in the stories that they like to eat farm animals. They also occasionally attacks humans. They look really hungry right now." Ritsu calmly said after observing the two. Did she read that from the books that Mutsuko and Rikka recommended her to read?

"A wyvern!? Just as we arrived!?" Kaede-san asked in disbelief.

However, even though she was still clearly surprised, she immediately took out her newly acquired huge shield, the [Magical Shield Fortress • Pridwen] that was taller then her by a few inches. This shield look so intimidating and majestic.

I haven't seen it's effects yet but, based on Kaede-san's reaction about it, I'm pretty certain that it's an upgrade to her shield in [NWO], [Night's Facsimile]. I haven't seen her use it outside of her trying to swing it around the first time.

Aside from us who is slightly annoyed by the fact that it sees us as food, there is someone else who's clearly extremely annoyed by being seen as food.

"Squeak! Tsuka, not food!"

I could feel the annoyance and a bit of anger mixed within Tsuka's emotions. With her being like this, I decided not to stop her from what she is about to do.

As if she understood my thoughts, Tsuka looked at me for a second with gratitude in her eyes before disappearing along with the slight wind breeze. The next moment, one of the two dragons were already crying miserably as Tsuka began to attack it relentlessly with her two daggers.

Seeing this, everyone knew exactly what to do and that is, focus fire on the other one that Tsuka isn't targeting. Since most of us knew a long range magic or two, a hail of magic attacks as well as bullets and arrows flew towards the poor wyvern who was so confused about why its partner is squirming around midair and screeching.



*pew* *pew*


The booming sounds of magic making contact with the wyvern's body, as well as the sound of arrows and bullets penetrating its scales resonated midair as the wyvern cried in agony. The two flailed around midair as the former tried its hardest to lose Tsuka while the latter was trying its best to avoid all of the attacks.

Unfortunately for these two predators that turned into prey, us, their assailants, aren't gonna let them off the hook so easily.

"Are we going to kill them here?" Kaede-san asked as she occasionally threw a spell or two at the wyvern.

At her question, I looked at her for a second before answering her.

"We could and I think we should. After looking at the two with my [Sky Eyes] I saw some disturbing things dangling on the side of its mouth so, I think it would be better for those who are living at that city nearby if we exterminate them."

"Disturbing things? What kinda things, Shun-kun?" Touka-san asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah! I'm curious, too!" Kaede-san said.

Beside them, even though they were still focused on shooting down the wyvern, Yukiko-san and Rinka-san are also curious about what I saw as well. To be honest, I don't think I should tell them about this.

After all, from what I saw, these wyverns seems to have just eaten a hand or something that resembles that of a human's. I'm assuming these two just came back after going to that city, or atleast around the vicinity of it.

I used my [Sky Eyes] earlier and I saw that an entire battalion of what seems to be knights are wandering about at around 2 or so kilometers from this cliff where we are standing. It seems like they were searching for something.

"It's nothing. I may be wrong, anyway. I think its better to exterminate them so that we could have a smoother entry inside the city nearby. There should be some merit on killing these things, after all…"

I tried to divert the subject by saying that and, thankfully, these girls were understanding enough to not pursue the subject. I very much appreciate the fact that they are very understanding at times like these.

A few more minutes later, just as we were about to continue on our journey, we saw something really disturbing in the sky.


"What the heck is that…?" I muttered to myself as I gazed at the huge spectacle that was happening right before our eyes.

Ten huge burning chunks of building sized fireballs were coming down from the sky as if it was about to deliver divine punishment at the world. Just one of this is enough to doom Earth from hell and back and there's ten of them?

Why the heck is this coming down, anyway? Is there someone who performed a taboo spell here?

As I was wondering what to think of this entire situation, Kaede-san suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, isn't that the meteor thing that happened at the start of the light novel that Rikka sent us? Then, this should be the second this meteor display is happening, isn't it?"

"How can you be so calm when there's ten meteors that are falling from the sky, Kaede-san?" Yukiko-san asked while looking at Kaede-san in awe.

"Now that you mentioned it… She did sent an epub copy of the volume 1 of this story that she said was just serialized." Rinka-san commented.

"Ah, that? She said that it came from a webnovel, isn't it?" Touka-san added.

Oh, now that they mentioned it I did remember seeing that. I haven't really read it yet since I was busy with school, games, and taking care of Mom who's currently pregnant.

"Have you seen anything more after that?" I asked. It is tantamount to learn what happens next.

In Earth and according to science, ten meteors the size of this could doom Earth multiple times. However, since its from a fictional story, my guess is that that kind of damage somehow didn't happen for some unknown reason?

Being someone who could use magic, I believe something like the latter is more likely to happen…

"It killed lots of dragons from what I remember. It didn't destroy any other terrain other than that though…"

Huh… Strange.

"That's… Somehow unbelievable." Touka-san said in disbelief.

"This kind of meteor is enough to destroy at minimum a quarter of Earth. Ten of them is like Koro-sensei blowing up…" Ritsu commented while looking at the meteors in wonderment.

"But magic is also one of those unbelievable things so I guess it makes sense?" Rinka-san commented.

"You're quick to adapt, aren't you, Rinka?" Touka-san said with her eyes half closed, looking at the still nonchalant Rinka-san.

After that, Kaede-san talked about the first few paragraphs that she read on the light novel. The only thing I can glean off of what she said was that we aren't in any danger from those meteors and that a main character with ridiculous cheats just got transmigrated.

I don't really want to meddle with that main character guy for now, personally, so I guess we better avoid that place…

"We should go to a safe clearing. There might be an earthquake so, everyone, come here. We're leaving this place…"

After I said that, I took out my [Divine Warp Feather]. Before I forgot, I also took the two wyvern's carcasses and put them in my [Storage].

"Everyone, hold onto me, okay?" With that, we left the cliff where we first arrived.


We spent our first night in this dimension outside. It seems like the place where the meteors fell was very far away from the place where we're in so we only felt a bit of shaking on the ground during the night.

Despite what we experienced that night, the girls were pretty calm and collected about it, to the point that I don't even half to help calm anybody down. Right now, they are more curious about the [Status] thing that are on each of our [IDs], those things that we all brought from the [Dimensional Shop].

On these [Status] bars were stats that are RPG-like, completely aligning to what Pochi and Tama told us about the contents of their [IDs] whenever they are at their home dimension. If I'm not mistaken, they said something about already being at level 14 or so?

As for us, we're all still at Level 1. I guess we need to grind, huh?

Hmm… Wait, huh? We're not level 1…

Strange. I could've sworn we were all still level 1 last night.


※~To be continued~※


Thank you very much to NuA, Soulsmsher, Sam Morgan, Francisco, Vero, Holo, Ototsu_Yume, and GOOOOSE!

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! Read up to Chapter 236 at my ko-fi page…

Author's Remarks:

※ That's it for this chapter for now. I gotta read the LN and WN of this again for more ideas to write. There's a lot of catching up I need to do.