His Name is Spitfire

Two Weeks Later

"Morning Adam" Brooke beams

Brook Wendel had a dancing position in Adams's worldwide famous tour,

but always had a close bond with Adam,

they called each other moon siblings.

"Same to you... what do you have planned today?" Adam questions

"Nothing, to be honest, Just Gina and I are going to go shopping,

It is the Sunday from the dancing competition, and I thought I'd take it easy for a change." Brooke replies

Adam laughs

"Phew.... saying this little tike is a tiny baby, he's sure a handful," Taylor green Kascinon says, holding the baby

Adam walks over to young Taylor and reaches out to exchange the baby for dancing papers for Taylor.

Taylor was only eighteen years old, and although he was eighteen, he was much wiser than some would like to assume,

Taylor had curly red hair, freckles,

and dimples on his pale pink cheeks,

he was a heartthrob to the ladies and stole Buddy the 2nds daughter Turtles heart.

Turtle was Gina and Buddy the 2nds youngest daughter,

She had caramel skin, Dark wavy hair, and red lips,

She also had a position in the dancing team and lived under Buddy the 1st house.

"Well, he's growing,

he's going to be a big boy," Adam laughs, swinging the baby in the air playfully, "I just call him baby" Adam laughs

"He seriously needs a permanent name."

"Maybe tonight at Cousin greys meetings, we can have a name draw?" Brooke asks

Cousin Grey has a meeting every night.

"That sounds like a plan,

I have a few names,

but want to make a decision that everyone can agree on." Adam signs, "He's sure a little spitfire though." He simpered, making Brooke and Taylor giggle.

"Well, you two have a good day," Adam says

"I'm going to go and wipe this little guy's face off." he smiles.

"Ok, Adam," Brooke says with a slight smile.

Taylor caught on with this sudden smile that Brooke had developed towards Adam lately.

"Brooke." Taylor chuckles and elbows her playfully " You have the hots for him." he smirks

Brooke hesitantly put her head down, attempting to avoid eye contact with Taylor.

"T-Taylor Stop," She says near the verge of smiling while she blushed hard-core.

"Brooke Wendel, you fox." Taylor laughs " You have a crush on Adam."

"No!... Not a crush

I simply enjoy watching Adam grow and become a wonderful father I've always known he was." Brooke says, chewing her fingernail nervously.

"Brooke, are you ready to go?" Gina asked.

"Oh.. yes, of course," Brooke says, fleeing the scene immediately,

leaving Taylor curious.

Four hours later.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

"Can someone get the door?" Adam shouted from upstairs

"I can!" Taylor says, reaching for the door, but placing his hand quickly on a young lady's gentle hand on the doorknob, "Turtle... I'm sorry, I didn't think.." Taylor starts.

"Shhhh." She smiles flirtingly, placing her fingers upon Taylor's lips

"it's ok Taylor,

I'll get the door," she says slowly, looking deep into Taylor's blue eyes.

Taylor backed off and watched, Turtle was beautiful and Taylor was truly in love with this young lady.

Turtle cracks the door open, " can I help you?" She asked

"Uhm... is this the Dundee house?" This strange man asked

"Yes, it is," Turtle says cautiously.

"I'm here from the children's adoption center, weekly written report about the child, a family member had found? is Adam?" The man looks at a note " is Adam home at the moment?" The man asked

Turtle looked over her shoulder, seeing Adam come down the stairs "Excuse me, sir, this is my niece... I'm sorry, please come in." Adam says politely, taking the door.

The man dressed in a suit comes in.

"My name is Robert,

I'm from the CAC

how is the child?" He asked

"Oh, he's doing great

he's very healthy." Adam smiles

"He's upstairs at the moment with a family member."

The Man Robert took notes, "We haven't found No living family members to this child, glad he's joined a nice family, with.." Robert looked around the house, noticing the chandeliers, and gold "Clearly a family with money if you don't mind me saying." He says

"You cannot buy happiness, sir," Adam smirks.

"Of course not, well," Robert says, glancing down to the floor,

"I'll give a good word to the corporate office, take care of that little angel, Adam,"

"I sure will, He's apart of our family already," Adam says, getting the door.

"Good day," Robert says, tipping his hat and leaving.

Adam shut the door behind him.

"Who was that?" Fancy asked, standing at a near.

Fancy was Adam, Buddy the 1st and 2nds first cousin, and along with her family, she was a very close family member,

although she didn't live at the residence, she came over almost every other day to help maintain the cleaning.

"A man from the Children Adoption Center, he was checking up on.... well... whatever his name is." Adam laughed.

"Don't worry, Adam,

The baby will have a name soon." Fancy simpers "Probably tonight."

"I'm going to go get him ready,

Tonight is a big night." Adam smiles, heading upstairs.

9:00 PM Meeting.

The meeting room had chairs and couches,

and a table in the middle of the floor,

it was a room that everyone was free to speak their mind,

and naturally, cause drama.

Cousin grey looks to see if everyone was seated,

Turtle and Taylor seemed to have better things to do than to listen to a boring meeting but sitting in the back sharing a kiss and holding hands remained better than nothing at all Cousin Grey assumed.

"I have a few names, Adam" Fancy smiles.

"Oh... so do I." Buddy the 1st shouts.

"Quiet down everyone,

We're gonna wake the baby." Cousin grey says, "Let's hear Adams name suggestions first."

Adam nods, and sat in silence for a few seconds,

"Well, I kinda want to name him,

Dwight, but," He says slowly,

"That would only be a biological name though,

I would like everyone to call him,

for a permanent nickname... Spitfire"

Cousin Grey glanced to everyone,

and actually, the meeting room became quiet,

almost scary quiet.

"Spitfire?" Buddy the 1st questioned curiously.

"Yes... Spitfire'" Adam says proudly.