
July 4th

The sound of crashing, popping, and squealing fireworks blew up in the night sky.

Adam and the rest of the family sat on lush green grass, watched.

Spitfire, Cindy, and Chocolate ran quickly

sparklers in hand,

laughing and chasing each other,

it was a joy-filled evening for the family.

Brooke sat next to Adam,

They had a large barbeque, so a delicious platter sat between them.

"This is great," Brooke says politely. she had a large dress on, almost southern bell-like, and a hat that matched,

laced gloves,

and an umbrella.

Adam nods

"Very good." He smiles

"Thank you, cooking for the family can be a stressful job,

how can I repay you?"

"Oh Adam, No need to repay me,

I love this family,

it was me being nice towards your loved ones" Brooke smiles.

"You're My family. " Adam says, placing his hand on Brookes.

Brooke smiles, her cheeks lighting up "I know." She says simply.

That Night (Later)

"Bedtime Spitfire," Adam says, peeking around the door,

Spitfire was still hyper from the night out

"SPITFIRE!!!." Adam shouts.

Spitfire heard his scream.

"Sorry Cindy, Chocolate,

We can hang tomorrow." he says with a frown.

"Dad wants me."

"Awww," Cindy says, hugging Spitfire sadly.

"Too bad your dad is a drag."

Spitfires face changes "dad is not a drag," He says sternly,

starring coldly towards Cindy

Chocolate watched

"I got to go now, see you tomorrow," he says and turns away running upstairs.

"Boy... where were you?" Adam asked, straightening the bed.

"Dad, I was playing," Spitfires says blankly.

"Get to bed now," Adam says, pointing that way.

Spitfire followed and covered up.

Adam shook his head, finished, and went to bed himself.


"Time to get up, Spit," Adam says, opening the blinds.

Spitfire opened his tired eyes "D-dad I don't want to go." He wept.

"Not my problem, you're going anyways, now get up," Adam says.

Spitfire grumbled and crawled out of bed,

Adam put him in Dance class, which was very strict on a six-year-old boy,

it was three hours every day and became annoying for Spitfire, as he wanted to play with Cindy and Chocolate.

Dance class...

"Lift your leg, now stretch, now lift again." Buddy the 2nd asks with a whistle around his neck,

he was head choreographer to the dance class,

and although Spitfire was his nephew,

everyone was treated with the same discipline.

"Nice Taylor," Buddy says and walks past him,

Taylor has been in the dance class for many years,

and never failed to impress.

"Spitfire." Buddy whistles, Spitfire stops and stands still, "Sloppy Bisket feet?..... awww come on, that's no way to act, what if this was a concert?"

Spitfire Frowns but listens to the Dance commander. " Sorry, buddy."

"Don't do it again, kid," Buddy shouts and walks down the line of dancers.

After Class...

"Finally," Spitfire says annoyed,

meeting up with Cindy in the park,

Chocolate was also in the dancing class and followed Spitfire.

"You're great at dancing, Spit." Cindy smiles.

Spitfire nods,

He was good at what he was learning, but it wasn't his passion,

and only followed through with it because of his dad.

"It's just so hard,

Uncle is a harsh teacher" Spitfire rolls his eyes.

"I enjoy dancing." Chocolate smiles.

"Well, I don't." Spitfire snaps,

and continues to walk down the street to the house,

He opened the door,

walking into the kitchen,

his friends followed closely behind.

"Hmmm, Apple?" Spitfire smirks and grabs a red apple from the bin on the counter.

"Oh, don't mind if I do." Cindy laughs.

"I'm not the biggest apple eater" Chocolate pouts "Bananah instead"

Spitfire took a bite before Adam walked in.

"We need to talk, spitfire," Adam suggests

"Upstairs, now!"

Spitfire glances at his friends and then traveled upstairs,

he went to the bedroom, plopping down on the bed.

Adam stood a few feet in front of him.

"I heard from Buddy, You were sloppy today, huh?... is that true?"

Adam asked, crossing his arms.

Spitfires nod hesitantly and suddenly felt a sharp smack to the cheek, Spitfires dark eyes look up to Adam with tears brimming his eyelashes,

he held his cheek, and his chin chattered.

"D-dad." Spitfire Whispers slowly.

Adam stood starring bitter towards his Child " You disappoint me."

Spitfire shook his head "It won't happen again, dad,

I promise." He says as a tear slid down his cheek.

Adam scuffs and turns away, leaving the room, and walked downstairs.

"I'm sorry, Spitfire is staying upstairs, Cindy, please go home," Adam suggest opening the front door.

Cindy stood in shock, but signed, and headed outside,

on the way to her house across the street, she glanced up to Spitfires bedroom, which he stood by the window starring down to her,

she sent a quick wave,

Cindy could clearly see Spitfire drying tears,

Cindy knew Adam was severe on Spitfire,

and Spitfire was being stabbed in the emotions at an early age.

9 Years Later...

"Now that is how it's done." Buddy the 2nd cheered as Spitfire did three backflips in a row,

Spitfire worked his body till it hurt, his hands bled, but he only wrapped them and started again,

He took Adams's extreme dancing qualifications to another level.

Spitfire was now fourteen years old,

Chocolate was the same age,

and so was Cindy.

Spitfire met another friend a year or two back,

His name was Scott Hoying.

He was much bigger than Spitfire and Ten years older,

Scott was recognized as Spitfires best friend,

The two grew close, and Scott waited every day by the corner of the dancing Studio for Spitfire to get off work.

He was like a bodyguard basically,

But several felt it was stronger... they were soulmates,

and nothing could separate their friendship.