Goodbye Friend

Scott flinched at the sound of Adam's Hand on the side of Spitfire's faces.

"How dare you hit him" Scott screamed, Marching to Adam, taking his hand and pointing his finger in Adam's face,

Adam stepped back as Scott raged.

"No, Scott." Spitfire yells, "Go... please." he cries. "Don't fight."

Scott turns towards Spitfire, Adam mocks Spitfire annoyingly behind Scott's back.

"Please Scott... I'm ok," Spitfire cries,

"Go... Call me later,

We can talk later."

Scott chews his lip agitated, turning to Adam again

"If you ever lay another hand on Spitfire,

So help me, I'll," Scott says but stops " I'll," He continues,

"I'll take Spitfire away from you,

Forever, you'll lose your kid,

you already have,

I'll just officialize it," He says sternly.

Adam smirked, " Get lost,

you aren't welcome here anymore."

Spitfire whimpered, tears raining down his cheeks,

Scott angrily Stomps to the door, "This isn't over Spitfire,

we will be together again, I promise."

Spitfire nods, his eyes puffy and red from crying " B-bye Scotty." he murmurs.

Scott frowns, looking at Spitfire, then slowly shuts the door,

He sighs roughly,

his blood boiled inside as he stood outside of Spitfires door,

Adam soon followed behind Scott,

meeting eye to eye again.

"I told you to leave," Adam shouts.

Scott shrugs "I warned you, Hit him again, I dare you." he snarls.

Adam gazed coldly at Scott,

Not speaking and walking quickly away from Scott,

Scott followed and made his way to the front door, Leaving...

Spitfire ran to the window in his room, waving in tears to Scott,

Scott was in the driveway,

walking to his truck.

"Scotty," Spitfire yelled, desperately with the window open, " Please" Spitfire cries, " I'm sorry." he frowns.

Scott frowns, throwing a wave back before saying, "You call me if you need me, I'll come to get you." he declares,

Scott gazed sadly at Spitfire,

then slowly gets in his truck and sits for a few minutes,

from the depths of Scotts heart, he meant every word,

This abuse had gone far enough,

and Scott was very hostile towards Adam for mistreating Spitfire.

Spitfire slammed his fists against the wood border,

tears dampening his grey shirt,

He watched Scott drive away,

He had Pure Hatred towards everyone,

his young soul was very black,

and Spitfire sat nauseated.

9:30 PM...

Spitfire had not moved from his window seat looking outside since Scott had gone, he looked blankly at nothing, sorrowful,

he felt cold and hungry,

but just simply didn't feel like eating anything,

he sniffed his nose taking a deep breath,

it was the first time since the fight he took a deep breath, it was a relief.

He watched the tree outside his window blow from the wind,

it moved gracefully, the breeze moving it.

Spitfires eyes were heavy,

he had dozed when they closed, resting his head against the wall,

he was frozen and shivery, and Cindy, Spitfires best friend visited to give him some unwanted news, dejectedly, she woke him.

"Hey, Spitfire," Cindy asks, Shaking his shoulder to awake him, "I heard you were ill." She pouts.

Spitfire opened his eyes slowly, looking at her, "C-Cindy" He smiles.

"Spitfire your so cold,

let's close this window," Cindy explains,

grasping both windows and closing them tightly.

Spitfire observed it was late,

and he was concerned about why she was over at the house.

"There!" She says, relaxing down next to Spitfire on the seat,

then starts to frown "My parents are fighting."

Spitfire lowered, Watching Cindy's face change sadly, "I'm sorry, Cindy,"

Cindy wipes her tears sadly as they started to run down her face, "I'm having to move away." She cries, leaning over to hug Spitfire tightly.

Spitfire sat in silence, Cindy was his best friend, hearing this broke his heart right down the middle.

"I'm sorry, Spitfire" She apologized, "My parents have been arguing for a few months now, I've never felt the need to explain, but..." She complains Sorrowfully looking towards Spitfire who was sitting blankly looking outside, he sat in silence, no emotions,

"Maybe I should have told you in the morning?" Cindy pouts, placing her hand on Spitfires' knee.

Spitfire sighed heavily " When do you move?" He asked.

"When we find a place to stay,

Mom is contacting a real estate agency,

there might be a place in Ba Sing Sai?" she says with a nod " That's close, Spitfire, we can still be friends."

Spitfire yeses, "You speak the truth, No doubt, But Cindy," he says,

in a whisper, "Chocolate is also moving away," Spitfire says sadly, "Gina got a job Offer in Zimbabwe, she'll be leaving on the 14th, and Chocolate is going with her,"

Cindy sighs, roughly " I won't be far" She smiles, with tears in her eyes.

In the back of Cindy's mind, she hated this,

She tried to stay strong and whimpered as tears run down her cheek,

She reached Spitfire, giving him a tight hug,

the two stayed in one position for a few minutes, both crying,

she skips a exhale, trying to breathe, drying her tears, trying not to smudge her makeup.

Spitfire put his head down,

his black hair, dangled in front of his face,

The moonlight putting blue highlights on strands,

"I'll miss you," He explains " it won't be the same without you here,"

Cindy frowns, feeling awful, "If I could stay I would." She weeps.

Spitfire nods, glancing up at her, he sighs heavily, standing up managing to the bathroom to dry his tears.

Cindy sat in silence, waiting for him to return.

Spitfire gazed at himself in the mirror, he was pained, felt like his heart had burst, but he walked back to Cindy, sitting next to her, he says "We will always be friends, right?"

Cindy laughs, "Of course," She says, encouragingly "We will always be friends, you have nothing to worry about."


That made Spitfire feel better for a short time,

but heartbreak wasn't far from that specific night,

Two weeks from the upsetting news and one day from Chocolate and Gina's Move, Cindy told Spitfire that her mother

found a place in a city far from where Spitfire lived,

Much further than Ba sing sai, or any surrounding areas,

Hundred of miles away,

A new school,

And possibly new friends for Cindy,

Spitfire felt very alone.

September 15th...

it was a cold day, spitting rain, that soon was going to turn into snow,

Spitfire helped Cindy put the last box of her belongings in her Mothers' SUV, The two hugged and tried very hard to not shed any tears throughout the dreadful goodbyes.

"Goodbye Cindy, Safe travels, Call me," Spitfire says, with a simper.

Cindy nods, she had long wavy lavender hair that blew in the chilly breeze, " I'll miss you, friend,

we can three-way chat over the computer with chocolate tonight, ok?" She grins.

"I'll be waiting." Spitfire says, with a smile "I'll be waiting."

Cindy smiles, giving him one last hug before getting in the passenger seat, her mother was driving, "Alright, I guess this is goodbye, I'll see you whenever god decides" She says "Goodbye Spitfire,"

Spitfire lowers, with a frown "Goodbye, Cindy" He says...

Cindy nods, rolling up the window, she left, and Spitfire stood in the middle of the road watching, grievously...

This Part is dedicated to, Two family members.

...I will never forget September 15th 2017...