Black Rose Confidence

Beau quickly texts back, " ohh... Bad day?"

Spitfire replies within seconds, " call me,"

On Beau's side, he was very thrilled to receive such news,

he was fine texting,

but calling is way better,

seconds later, Spitfire's phone rang.

"Spitfire?" Beau asks.

" Hey, thank you for calling me,

My dad is being a loser as a routine," he goes on.

" I'm sorry to hear that, " Beau says, " where's Scott?"

" Hey, you got his name right," Spitfire laughs, " he's at his house,

I just got done doing a video chat with the band,

we're going on tour real soon!"

" That's awesome... I'm excited for you,

Where's your first stop?" Beau asks curiously.

" Minnesota, we're touring all of America, I believe this is when we're going to hit it big, Scotty said we have over 3 million views on YouTube, of just our cover song hallelujah,"

Beau listens, " that's amazing, a big milestone for a vocal artist,

like I mentioned before,

I'm very untalented,"

Spitfire giggles, " No, your not,

you just haven't found the momentum to find your mojo,

you know,

your talent yet!"

" Maybe your right!" Beau responds, " maybe your right,"

Spitfire smiles to himself,

there was a pause between the two,

then Beau spoke, " are you doing anything tonight?"

Spitfire was quiet, "why?" he asks, shyly.

Beau answers, frankly, " answer my question,"

Spitfire could feel his cheeks varying pink, and he placed his hand on his head, combing his fingers through his hair, " No... I'm not doing anything," he clarifies.

" Alright then, do you accept my invite to the Italian restaurant down the road for a date tonight?" Beau questions.

" Sure, I'll be there," Spitfire answers gently, " what time?."

" I'm going to pick you up... Uhm... Be ready by Seven," Beau says, excitingly.

Spitfire smiles, turning to the mirror, " alright, I'll be ready,"

" I'm gonna let you go,

I'll pick you up tonight,

I promise," Beau replies,

"bye Spitfire,"

"Bye, Beau... " Spitfire says, hearing a click on Beau's side,

Spitfire moves over to his dresser,

pulling out a few pairs of pants and shirts,

they were all so modest,

and Spitfire wanted to show a little bit more skin tonight.

He walks over to the smaller dresser in the corner,

grabbing the scissors,

next, he walks back over to the Pants and shirts on the bed,

he takes a black short sleeve shirt,

cutting the bottom to where it's a belly shirt,

he quickly put it on,

going after the pants now,

With one hand, he cut a section,

pulling with the other hand,

he seemed to rip the pant legs a bit,

leaving a very teasingly, exotic look.

He took the pants, slipping down in just his boxer shorts,

Spitfire put the new pants on,

heading to the mirror,

he turned from side to side,

checking every angle and curve.

"My hair?" He says in a soft voice,

grabbing the hairbrush,

although it was short,

Spitfire has always had thick hair,

pulling it back straight into a bun then back over his eye

which is his usual hairstyle,

not many options he had.

With a heavy sigh, he spoke again, "My makeup?" He asks himself,

taking a seat in front of the mirror,

He pulled out his drawer,

many different makeup tools were loose in the bottom,

Spitfire took the eye shadow out first,

seizing the delicate sponge brush in his long fingers,

applying very dark dramatic colors on his eyelids softly,

Black Rose looked very attractive,

above his remarkably dark brown eyes,

Spitfire then goes to the lipstick,

he only had one color,

his favorite color in the entire world,

Ruby Red, A distinctive blood-red color covered his lips elegantly,

although Spitfire was obviously a male,

he could pull off Red lipstick better than any girl in town.

"Perfect." He says with a smile feeling very self-confident.

Spitfire stood up from the chair going to his jewelry box

to find his necklace that Scott had given him for his birthday,

He looked into his Grandma's jewelry box but couldn't find it,

"Wait... I think I left it in the bathroom?" He remembers,

and head back into the bathroom,

turning the light on,

He hurries over to the sink,

recalling he left it there by accident,

"Where did my necklace go?" He says in dismay,

"Oh god... where did it go?... why did I lose it?" He cries, dropping to his knees to run his hands over the rug in front of the bathroom sink,

"It has to be here somewhere? I left it right here?." He said to himself Very frightened and upset,

Spitfire then opened the cupboard in front of him,

going through towels and washcloths,

Slamming the cabinet shut,

"Where is it?" He cries, grabbing his head,

Spitfire shouts in pain,

"Stop aching head," he closed his eyes,

trying to stop this throbbing ache in his temples,

"Oh, where is it?." he says and leans against the bathtub,

"Why did I misplace it?" He asks himself deliberately,

his eyes still shut, "It was so important to me?" He cries,

A black tear runs down his cheek,

Spitfire felt this feeling of sadness inside of his heart as he rested against the bathtub,

His phone vibrated,

and a text message came through...

It was Scott.

"Hey babe, what are you doing?" he asked.

Spitfire grabbed his phone and wrote back, "Nothing much, you?"

Seconds later, "Taking it easy,

I'm setting up a rehearsal plan for later... and thought,

I'd take a break and text you instead."

Spitfire smiles but starts to frown remembering the disappeared necklace, "Scotty, I'm going to go get something to eat... I'll text you before bed ok?"

"Of course, :) " Scott replies with a smiley face emoji.

Spitfire glanced at the time, it was 6:55 PM, Beau should be on his way to pick Spitfire up for the rest of the evening,

Spitfire was caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment,

and if Spitfire's passion continues to grow for young Beau Sloane...

things could go from serious to dangerous really quickly with Scott's bull size anger...