October 30th

October 30th

Spitfire opens his eyes from a good nights sleep,

he was starting to get back to his normal life as he sat up in bed to start the day.

The school year had started a month ago, but because of the bullying Spitfire experienced within his Junior year, he quit school and believed whatever he didn't know, the world would teach him speedily.

Beau was gone out of bed, which Spitfire found strange... it was a Saturday, and he should have been home from work, more importantly sleeping from a rowdy night before, nothing but a messed up left side of the bed was obvious to Spitfire.

Spitfire stretches his arms, and slips his feet into his slippers, standing up out of bed.

Beaus Jacket was gone, his shoes, etc.

"where could he have run off to now?"

Spitfire thought to himself as he traveled into the bathroom,

nothing bothered him more than his bed head, so he ran his fingers over his thick hair, which continued growing out quite impressively.

Spitfire looked at himself for a few minutes in the mirror before hearing his stomach growl, "Ugh... I'm starving." He said to himself, walking out of the bathroom and into the small kitchen, opening the cupboard, "Hmmm... frosted flakes?" he arches a brow,

It wasn't an all-you-can-eat buffet inside Beau's trailer, after all.

Spitfire grabbed the milk from the fridge, pouring himself a bowl full on top of the frosted flakes, "Oh and of course, all the silverware are dirty, oh Beau... when are you going to start cleaning up after yourself?" he smirks, running a spoon under the tap water, cleaning a spoon thoroughly.

7:30 AM

The wind that seemed to blow every day wasn't, so Spitfire decided to eat breakfast outside, he took a seat on the porch swing with his bowl of cereal, milk swishing around inside almost spilling over as he sat down.

Spitfire had picked up on the habit of lighting a Marlboro 72

every morning over breakfast, he smiles as he blew a perfect smoke ring, and it traveled to a young face,

Spitfire tapped his foot curiously at the child,

he danced his finger for the little girl to come closer.

She was shy, but Spitfire had a very warm appearance and the child came closer, "Hi baby doll... Aren't you the cutest little thing?" Spitfire dropped his cigarette on the porch, dragging his slipper over it, putting it out cold.

"Mommy said your a bad person," The little girl says, her voice small.

Spitfire shook his head, "Rubish... would a bad person complement your dress?" he smiles, "Red is my favorite color."

"W-what's your name?" The little girl walked closer and climbed up onto the swing along with Spitfire, her legs not reaching the floor.

Spitfire answers politely, "My name is Spitfire.... and yours?"

"Cammie, My Mommy lives over there," The little girl Cammie's says with a smile.

Spitfire glances up to see what trailer Cammie's mother lived in,

and just what he thought, and avoided, she was a Simpson.

he Spoke... "We're neighbors," he says thoughtfully.

Cammie's grins, " You should come over and meet mommy." she says, pointing to the trailer across the driveway, "She cooking breakfast,

you can come to eat with me."

Spitfire smiles, he's always loved kids, and especially a 5-year-old, wearing an adorable red dress, "Sure.." He says back, standing up, Cammie still sitting on the porch swing, "I'll follow,"

Cammie laughs, "Alright... follow me.." she starts towards her home.

Spitfire stepped off the porch, remembering he was still in his Pajamas, "Oh... Cammie... you go ahead, I'll be with you, I'm going to go get into something a bit more appropriate for breakfast."

Cammie nods and runs off to the trailer heading inside, leaving the bowl outside.

Spitfire traveled inside Beaus Trailer heading to the bedroom opening the closet, "Hmmm... Black and Red?... or Red and Black?" he smirks, grabbing a flirty shirt, throwing it on, it had lots of fringe dangling on his pale skin, his skinny stomach and ribs showed, then he put on some shorts, with fishnet nylons.

Spitfire then adventured over to the dresser, opening his jewelry box, remembering the necklace that Scott had given him for his birthday, Memories flooded him, and he stood, staring down at nothing.

It was still lost, but because of touring and relationship turmoil,

he had completely forgotten to find it.

Spitfire hurries from the inside of the trailer to the outside,

walking over to the Simpsons front door, anxiety feeling his mind.

Beau has told Spitfire stories of what further homeowners have threatened to do to other people with same-gender relationships,

like the burning of trailers and even death threats,

Spitfire only hoped everything goes well as he knocked on the door.

Cammie, The little girl, got the door, a big smile greeted Spitfire. "Come in...Mommy is cooking eggs and bacon."

Spitfire smiles, although he was vegetarian, the smell of bacon seemed appetizing, " Thank you, Cammie... are you sure mommy is ok with me visiting?.... I'd hate to be a bother." he says softly, helping grab the door.

"Mommy... we have a visitor," Cammie shouts,

looking into the welcoming trailer.

An intimidating woman soon walked to the door with a startled face on,

she spoke...

"C-Cammie... what did I tell you about inviting strangers over... especially this one?"

Spitfire halted listening to the women,

then he glances down at Cammie.

"But mommy... he's kind, he's not a bad person like you said," Cammie explained.

"You are not welcomed here..... go.... please go." Cammie's mother commanded, pulling Cammie backward, beginning to shut the door.

"Oh... please... I didn't mean no harm, your little girl invited me over, I'm sorry if I caused any problems." Spitfire attempted to talk over a door shutting in front of him, he stood in silence as the door sealed,

he watched the blinds that were rolled above the trailer windows close tightly.

Spitfire frowns, and steps off the homemade porch, a few flower pots were on both sides, flowers that were one time bloomed and beautiful were now brown and crispy from the cold nights, he walks sadly over to Beau's trailer as he watches Beau drive into the driveway, Beau threw a wave as he parked the car.

"About time... where did my prince ride off too early this morn?" Spitfire asks, finally making it to Beau's car.

Beau gets out with a smile,

he sprang to hug Spitfire tightly,

making Spitfire squeal "I've been busy... and we're going to get a lot busier."

"What do you mean?" Spitfire asks.

"That guy... he needs another shipment, so, tomorrow we're going to be in over our head in making... well, you know," Beau explains.

"Tomorrow?" Spitfire asks.

"Yeah, tomorrow." Beau answers.

"No good... I'm going to my old home tomorrow for Halloween, I'm sorry, Beau, I won't be home." Spitfire frowns, glancing up at Beau apprehensively.

"Why Spitfire?... you understand if your relatives find out your taking and helping me sale drugs, they'll put you in the nuthouse, especially your dad, he'll want to get you in trouble," Beau says, concerned about the news.

Spitfire shook his head, disagreeing with Beau, "Please understand I'm going to watch what I say, also what others see.... I'll be careful."

"Well, you can never be too careful," Beau says, reaching for another hug, Spitfire didn't waste any time falling in between Beau's arms.

Beaus smile meshes directly into a frown, as he kisses the top of Spitfire's head, he was worried about his sweetheart going back to the place of abuse.

