Wedding Day 2of2

Spitfire didn't reply to his Uncle, He sat, Facing Beau at the table in their trailer.

"So?" Beau asks, playing with a piece of plastic on the table.

Spitfire shrugs, answering, "I'm not sure, Dad didn't invite me, Uncle had to... maybe I shouldn't go, I'd only cause a problem."

Beau smirks, "And you would care?"

"Of course I care, I care about Cousin Grey, and my Uncle, for their sake, I won't push it, Dad was weird when I arrived at the Halloween party, I'm not sure I want to see my dad get married anyways."

"It's up to you baby, it's up to you," Beau says, his eyes locked on elegant Spitfire sitting on the opposite side from him.

Spitfire shook his head, this proposal seemed so hard to clarify,

he didn't want to hurt anyone by coming, but also, at the same time, wanted revenge.


At Buddy's mansion...

"Where is everyone?" Buddy asks, vacuuming the rugs in front of the doorway, picking up dirt from people tracking in.

Weddings are a big deal with this family, and since it's not an everyday thing, Buddy took it to another level even if it's just vacuuming a rug or straightening a table cloth, he did it with pride.

"Wheres the marriage officiant?... he was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago?" Cousin Grey shouts, he had a large number of white flowers underarm, placing them in empty vases throughout the house.

The room was busy and in over its head with people, bumping shoulders through the narrow halls was hard to avoid.


At Beaus Trailer...

Spitfire sat outside on the porch, eyeing a storm coming over the mountains, it was becoming colder at nights, and with leaves starting to drop, winter was surely right around the corner, Beau was cooking something for lunch for him and Spitfire when Spitfire got another text from Uncle Buddy since it was still unclear if Spitfire was going or not...

"Hey, Favorite nephew of mine... the wedding will be starting soon, So find something to wear and come!" Buddy's first text stated.

Spitfire read it four or five times, again, he had mixed emotions about his decision, he finally texted back... "Uncle, I'm not sure if Dad wants me to come... I would hate to be a bother."

A few seconds later Buddy replies, "I'm sure your father won't mind, as a matter of fact, I can ask him and have him send the text this time."

Spitfire frowns, his Uncle was being so kind, he always is and always thinking about everyone's feelings but his.

Spitfire thought to himself, "If dad has not sent the invitation already, and Uncle has to remind him, then it's very clear, I'm not invited to the wedding." he shrugs, texting his Uncle back...

"I'm going to have to pass... I'm sorry Uncle, but Dad doesn't want me there, I am not invited."


Buddy's P.O.V and November Wedding...

Buddy stared stunned by Spitfire's text message, he was hurt that Adam didn't take the time to text his son, and send an invite... Buddy went through the motions the rest of the day as he sat down to watch the wedding.

The marriage officiant never showed, so Cousin grey had to take it into his own hands, although he was not licensed, Adam agreed and so did Brook, Cousin Grey was better than nothing to officialize the wedding.

The blatant Organ played "Here comes the bride" As Brook walked through rows of chairs, almost all of them were filled, as her long train from her gown pushed flowers out of the way... she walked casually up to Adam who was standing in a tuxedo ready to tie the knot, his eys were proud as No Spitfire showed.

Cousin grey cleared his throat as he began to talk, Elijah sat in the back row, a bit bored from all the wedding stuff, but the loud claps from family and friends woke him up, as Cousin grey said, "You may kiss the bride." Adam lifted Brook's white veil to finally seal the marriage with a kiss,

as the crowd cheered and celebrated, Buddy clapped to show his support but deep down inside, prayed that Spitfire was going to be ok, and not decompose with a hurt and empty heart from Adams arrogance and stupidity.. he prayed that Spitfire would continue to be strong.


8 months later, June...

Spitfire laid in Beaus Bed as he listened to a few knocks on the front door,

he had a black tank top on and black laced boxer shorts,

His thin hip bones spaced the lace from the skin, he was drugged up and has been addicted to Advil for months now, Beau went somewhere a few weeks ago but never came home, and Spitfire fell ill between that time.

A few more knocks finally woke Spitfire up, but he didn't have the energy to talk.

'Spitfire?" a voice called from outside, "Are you in there?"

Spitfires eyes closed once more, he was exhausted and slept.

A Few kicks startled Spitfire and he jumped but his eyes resumed closed, finally, A boot knocked the door open and it slammed against the wall punching a hole in it, It was Scott... and he rushed to look for Spitfire but found it impossible although it was a small trailer, one place he didn't look, the bedroom.

"Spitfire... open this door," Scott says, his voice powerful as he leaned against the bedroom door talking through it, Not that Scott stalked Spitfire, but was told there has not been activity at Beau's trailer for months, and it concerned Scott thinking maybe Spitfire was unhealthy, "Open this door right now, babe... it's me, Scott."

Spitfire was withdrawn, his head craved the drug, and it made him exhausted, he was not able to speak.

Scott had enough of waiting patiently and rammed the door with his broad shoulders, it flew open and Scott hurried over to the only bed in the trailer, Spitfire laid weak, fragile, and very pale, his eyelids quiver to open as he's been in the bedroom so long the sunlight hurt.

"S-Spitfire... talk to me... " Scott says, his voice shaky as he grabs ahold of Spitfires Shoulders, more bone than skin exhibited.

Spitfire rolled over as Scott helped him, grabbing ahold of Scott's hands tightly trying to talk... "H-Help, H-help me," he says weakly, his voice shallow.

Scott listened to Spitfire, his face as white as a ghost staring down at his Best friend who looked poisoned, his mind raced, thinking up a plan to save Spitfire.