Old Memories Over Ice-Cream.

Cousin grey was silent on his side.

he was bewildered by the question Spitfire just asked, almost as if it was a 'No' already, He finally spoke... "Honey, you don't have to ask to come home... we all miss you... of course, you can!"

Spitfire chewed on his lip as he tried to take a deep breath in,

His voice was shaky as he answered, "C-can I bring a friend home?"

"Who is this friend?" Cousin Grey asks, "Scott?"

Spitfire nods, as he answered again, "Y-Yes...yes, it is... oh Cousin grey, I missed you, it's been killing me staying away, but I felt I had to... I felt Dad didn't want me around and so I left, and ... and, well, Cousin grey you must Thank Scott for talking me into calling you, I was scared." Spitfire rambled off, Cousin grey listened to every word, answering back...

"Ok, ok, ok..." he smiles, "I'll do that, but the main question is, when are you coming home?'

Spitfire paused, glancing up at Scott, "Uhm...I don't know,

this is happening so quickly; I'd have to pack and.."

"Take your time... if you need any help, I'll be sure to help you... so, will Scott be moving in with you at the same time?" Cousin grey asks.

Spitfire glances up to Scott who was sitting across from him,

he shrugs waiting for Scott to answer back with a yes or a no... Scott arches a brow and says Okay, quietly, back to Spitfire "He says yes..." Spitfire excitingly shouted over the phone.

Cousin Grey squinted his eyes as Spitfires' voice stung his ears, "Great!... I'll clear out a room for you, and find one for Scott also."

Spitfire smiles as he lets Cousin grey finish, and then the both of them maintained their goodbyes to one another, and the phone converts to black.

Spitfire slowly puts his hands over his eyes as he takes a deep breath in, tears started to fall from Spitfires dark eyes, they were happy but beyond they were sad, Spitfire shook his head as Scott watched with no words his light blue eyes sparkling from the sun coming through the window.

"I can't put words to my heart," Spitfire states,

he flicked his eyelashes to Scott.

Scott tipped his head curiously, as he listened.

"I'm happy... but I'm heartbroken, I'm angry and I feel alone... I'm so confused." Spitfire went on, "I just feel so vulnerable right now."

Scott placed his hand on Spitfire's pale fingers, "It's ok... things will get bet-" he went to say, but Spitfire spoke...

"Things don't just get better, you have to live in hell before you can move to heaven... "

Scott nods, "I know."

"Moving home will either break me or make me, but first, I have to be strong enough to walk through those doors." Spitfire cries,

he grabs a napkin to dry his tears.

"You'll be ok... I'll make sure of it," Scott reassures him.

Spitfire closes his eyes,

he was still hurting from his past,

and living with his dad could be a target for disaster.


Spitfire's body throbbed as he sat in the sunshine on Scott's couch, his head was pounding, and although he was trying to avoid taking his morning medication, his hands shook.

Scott was in his room, at times, even pigs lived in a cleaner, and neater place and he wanted it to be sort of nice for Spitfire's well-being, so cleaning up was a necessity.

"Hey, Scotty?" Spitfire shouted.

Scott had the vacuum running over a rug when Spitfire yelled, so he didn't hear Spitfire right away until he turned it off, Spitfire shouted again, this time Scott heard him very clearly and hurried into the next room... Spitfire was on the couch he looked content and Scott made his way to him... he spoke.

"What?" he asks politely.

Spitfire smiles as he peered into Scott's blue eyes, "Do you remember that time with the ice cream?"

Scott tried to think on the spot but was unsure of what to answer with, "Uhmm... was it in the diner?"

Spitfire chuckles, sometimes Scott was a big dumb blonde teddy bear and it warmed Spitfire's heart, "yes!" He answers back, "Remember, we both wanted strawberry, with chocolate syrup and two cherries, but the waitress told us that they only had enough for one ice cream cup?"

It was all coming back, Scott smiles, replying, "And so, we both agreed we'd just share the one cup."

"Yep... the lady brought One, single size cup of ice cream to us, it was like a dream, it was swirled just perfectly, and two cherries placed on top, she also brought out two straws that had a spoon thingy on the tip," Spitfire says, smiling.

Scott laughed, "You usually gave me the cherries, and so that was the first thing I grabbed... hmmm, I could almost taste it now."

"Yeah, I love ice cream... hey!" Spitfire says excitingly, getting Scott's awareness once again as he dazed, "We should go and get some... just you and me, it'll be like back then."

Scott smiles, "Sounds like a plan, let's go." he says and stands.

Spitfire went to stand up but his head played tricks on him making him lose balance, Scott caught Spitfire before he fell forward... "Whoa, Whoa Whoa... are you ok?" Scott questions, setting Spitfire back down on the couch gently.

Spitfire grabbed his head as his vision finally came back, he blinked his eyes, lastly answering slowly... "Y-yeah, I'm fine... I just got lightheaded."

Scott nodded, he wasn't sure what the side effect was to all that was happening to Spitfire, and it scared him... it wasn't normal, but he wanted to act as if he wasn't scared for his friend's life, he grabbed Spitfires hands and held them tightly... "Do you feel ok now?"

Spitfire nods as he makes eye contact with Scott once again, " Yes... come on..." He smiles, standing up, "Let's go get some ice cream."

Scott exhaled in relief, he nods as he takes Spitfire's hand heading towards the front door... Scott traveled over to his lavender-colored truck, the tall one that Spitfire has always had a problem getting into, but to Spitfire, the struggles brought back memories he'd forgotten about and it felt unusually good.


Both Spitfire and Scott arrived at the diner, the empty love seat by the window was vacant and so the two occupied the space as they did, years ago!

"And what can I get for you two?" A lady asks, with a pen and notepad ready to take an order.

Scott smiles and threw a glance at Spitfire, he laughed,

as he was sure that the diner only producing enough for one cup of ice cream Again! was a one in a million chance,

he smiles, as he answers... "One cup of Strawberry ice cream With-" He went to say, but Spitfire finished the sentence...

"With Chocolate syrup and two cherries, please."

The kind lady's smile brightened her face as she finished writing the order down, "Alright... I'll get that right away."

Spitfire beams as he leans over to Scott to whisper, "This place hasn't changed."

"Nope... it's a little run down, but... your right," Scott chuckles,

"It hasn't changed,"

Spitfire smiles as he tipped his head jokingly at Scott who was looking outside of the window, "You know what?" Spitfire asks.


"I've missed you... I've been lonely, even in Beau's arms." Spitfire replies.

Scott smirked, "That's sort of harsh, don't you think?"

"No... not at all, I've sincerely missed you and, just this!" he smiles, "brings back so many delightful memories of our love for one another."

"I guess you're right, and I missed you also... I really did... and " Scott frowns, "And I've just been so busy lately... this is really nice to just relax with you and talk like we used to." he starts to smile as the lady finally comes with the cup of ice cream.

"Here you go... Enjoy." the waitress smiles, setting down the cup full of strawberry ice cream.

Scott smiles as he hands Spitfire a straw and he took one, stabbing it into the creamy frozen goodness... his eyes smiling as he tries to suck it through the straw but it was too thick, Spitfire laughs as he tries, but it makes a farting sound which made the both of them giggle even more...

"And finally," Scott smiles, taking the first taste of an old familiar flavor, the ice cream tasted great and looked beautiful, Scott smiles as he watched Spitfire lick luscious Ice cream off of his red lips.

Scott was falling in love, and it showed, he teasingly dipped his finger in the ice cream, and with a giggle, he dabbed it on Spitfires' nose.