Helsa's decision

On getting home for helsa from the mall her head was full of thinking.H"ow can I earn more money", says helsa, to support my family, all I need is to make more money.

I can't continue to live miserable and meaningless life like this."This is bad too bad"says helsa,a life without money is meaningless.

While on her thinking she heard her name called by Melisa,her senior sister."God someone cannot even rest",helsa said murmuring that brought on getting to Davina her father,she now realized that their is a guest waiting for her.

Before the twinkling of an eye the situation in her family changed.

I really need to help her escape from poverty like I did to Isabella,but i will just let her parents know says Lucy.

helsa bumped into her friend lucy,

"wow you are not looking bad"

says helsa to her friend lucy,common my friend stop teasing me all the time.

How are things hope you,,,,,,

Helsa doesn't even allow lucy her friend to take a breath of her words before she jumped over to her conversation.

Lucy as you already know before that we are living from hand to mouth.

I've even turned to a slave in my own home, says helsa had in been Melissa my senior sister is not lazy the situation could have been fare and better.

Therefore,all the family burden were on me ,and you knew the situation of our parents condition ,to even feed her us meal is difficult talkless of sending us to college nor University.

lucy all I've been doing is mere dirty job in other for us to survive in our family and Melissa my senior sister is not really assisting at all, she doesn't have anything to contribute that can add to the funds and Incomes of the family.

During there gisting Emma called which is helsas mother.

"Aren't you going to entertain your friend".

Being the unstable situation they are lucy refuse to take anything except a cup of water.Then lucy open her wallet and gave five hundred dollars each to both helsa parents and also two hundred and fifty dollars to Melissa which is helsas senior sister even there little kid brother raph..

Infact all the total money lucy gave out to helsas family was much , not to talk of what she brought for her friend helsa.

This is much says Emma' helsas mother,we really appriciate your kindiness gesture towards our family.

"we are great full"

says Davina, helsas father.

Helsa was trying to compose herself emotionally but she couldn't control it any longer so she bust into tears while lucy her friend was trying to cuddle her by parting her back

"Well if don't mind..."

If your parents can allow me helsa,did not even allow lucy finish before she jumped into conclusion that I will follow you to the manila city ,at least the mere job there will still fecth me more payment than here.

She asked with a pair of pleading eyes,"I need to escape from poverty" says helsa to her childhood friend lucy.

Lucy seeing her friend helsas plights and determination she decided to help her out.

I thought I should get her a better pay job and seeing there situation there were in there family l lucy really need to help them to escape from poverty

But you must inform your parents about your decision says lucy to her friend helsa.

Helsa called Davina and Emma together and her sister Melissa raph is left out in this situation his opinion is not. needed

Ehmmm..... I've decided to follow lucy to the manilacity in others e find greener pastures, but lucy didn't allow her friend helsa to finish before she take it up telling the whole family on how she Will take her friend with her back to the manila city

where she can get a better pay job,in other to give them more support than before.

"What type of job"asked Davina helsas father.

Lucy take a deep breath before she could reply helsas father.

There are many jobs at the manila cityit now depends on the hour you work for."I don't still get it"says Emma helsas mother.

Well they pay hour, the more hour you work the more the pay you get, it's seems am getting it , what about the accommodation, feeding before....

Melissa,helsa senior sister take it before Emma their mother could finish her conversation, it's obvious that lucy will takecare of her friend helsa started getting paid.

if I should get you right ,and am not mistaking by you,lucy you are taking your friend helsa my daughter with you to the manila city to look for a greener pastures.

"yes sir" says lucy.

Davina helsas father continue, taking care of her accommodation, feeding and all other necessary need will be provided by you before helsa started getting paid when she gets a job.

Well all appreciation goes to you lucy says Davina helsas father for your kind gesture towards our family,we are saying a big thank you to you on behalf of our family.

It's okay says lucy, you knew when I was born to me we are this same family ,and I believe if I were to be in this same shoe helsa will also do the same for me.