More over it is time for helsa and max to move and helsa's thought their going by train or road with a car,but she guess wrong because she doesn't no Max the capacity of Max wealth.

Max took is private jet and helsa was amazed,and says that"what does he want from me".

On getting to the jet,dam-it says max looking at helsa's beauty.

"Hello angel says max"and he asked her to sit directly by his-side.

Max started looking at helsa,and said please forgive me because I am going to lose myself anytime.

The next thing max started kissing helsa and smooching, he now said babe just let get down with you for once.

Helsa said , but your personal assistant said nothing else attached and what do you mean.

Max now don't worry helsa I will let paying you per kiss so you should name your price.

"This is interesting"says helsa if I can get you right ,the more I kiss you the more the pay I get from you therefore I can make more cool money through kissing you.

But before max could say anything has jumped over max and started kissing him and they both engaged in a deep kiss.

After landing at the Ireland,on getting down they went straight to the hotel and they lodged together in the same hotel suit and throughout the day max eyes were on all helsa.

Max said to helsa should we go for swimming and reply yes and they both agreed to swim together.

But on getting to the swimming pool ,max could not control his emotions so they both went into deeper romance excluding penetration.

And helsa has started getting to max daily romance and max normally call helsa for romance like kissing, smooching excluding penetration and they were both getting closer than before.

On their arrival back to manila city Max has arranged five thousand dollars for helsa and a lot of ladies need like clothes shoes , expensive under wear .

So helsa have started saving money more than she expected and she has decided to send money to her family in pasig town.

Meanwhile as for DAVINA and Emma they were both on their daily routine and be hopping that after some months they will receive money from helsa but not soon.

As for Melissa helsa senior sister, she has changed a bit different since the departure of helsa to the Manila city.

She has taken some responsibility at home unlike before she doesn't care for any body because she knew quiet that her sister will definitely do more than she expected.

Davina received a call from Sofia which is his own mother and a grandmother to his children that she's coming to pasig town to spend some weeks with them.

Davina fear is that Sofia helsa's grandmother doesn't know that her cherished granddaughter has left pasi town to the Manila city in other to look for greener pastures.

On the bay of Sofia the grandmothers arrival there were preparation at home, like cleaning and buying some stuff that will be needed during Sofia the grand mother stay over with them in pasig.

Sofia the grandmothers finally arrived at pasig,on getting home everybody was so happy to welcome Sofia which is helsa's grandmother,even some of their neighbor came over to welcome Sofia the grandmother.

But Sofia noticed she looks around she couldn't find helsa,in their thought maybe she went on erand as usual that she would be back home.

After welcoming Sofia the grandmother,Davina and emma which helsa parent entertain some neighbor that join them in welcoming davina's mother they really cash fun and gist about the old time when Davina was very young and all nasty behavior he has done when he was a kid.

All their neighbor went back to their back to their various home and it's already getting late,meanwhile Davina and Emma has prepared on how to present helsa's leaving to Sofia the grandmother.

It's dinner time yet Sofia the grandmother have not still seen her granddaughter Sofia the grandmother now called Davina that he shouldn't let helsa to be this late outside home a matured girl for that matter and Emma joined grandmother and some discussion because it have already been by both Davina band Emma which is Helsa's parent,on how to put the story of helsa's departure from pasig town to manila city to his own mother.

In words Davina and Emma first praise helsa's in the present of Sofia the grandmother before they"let the cat out of bag"for her, that she as followed Lucy her childhood from Malina city in order to look for green pastures.

Sofia the grandmother now said,if I should get you right,helsa has left pasig to manila city in order to airport her family.

Sofia the grandmother now took a deep breath,before saying this"have you heard from her".