"You want me to clean inside the temple?" Noah asked showing an extra shocking face.


"But why me? You all have been that baddie bad in the past that you all are scared to face her?" Noah scruntched his nose while shaking his head like a wet puppy.

"Dont question us now. Go and do your work." Morgan snorted knowing how much the other hated to work.

"This is tiring." He stomped his foot hard before walking into the temple with half mind.

"Why did you make him go alone?" Dan asked watching the boy literally dragging himself into the place while looking back every second.

"He is a blessed one and unlike us, he is really pure and innocent. All our mistakes and wrong doings will be forgiven if he serves the goddess on behalf of us." Morgan said softly before going on with his work followed by Dan.




"Where do I start?" Noah sighed falling on his butt in front of the big sculpture.

He looked around to see if there is anything he could do to escape the task which was given to him but no luck. The place looked like it hasn't been cleaned since the past two centuries making him growl. He scrunched his whole face every time he saw cobwebs and dirt as he is really allergic to dust and disgusting things but of course it was a divine place.

"Why are you staying inside this sculpture? Isn't boring that you ever want to break out of here?" he asked pulling the cobwebs out of the sculpture with a long stick.

"Trust me, even I want to get out of here. I heard, humans exist outside our realm and they can live anyway they want. I want to be like them so my mom won't force anything on me. I can grow out and marry anyone I like and have kids to play with." he kept talking and talking that the work was being completed without his knowledge.

"Why are you not talking back... I am so bored that I would fall asleep on this dust and dirt." He complained while looking at the huge sculpture with a pouty face.

"Well, I will just explore the inside." He flipped his hair before hoping to the basement while whistling sone tunes.

He jumped down the steps to a dark hallway where he stopped for a few seconds trying to fight his inner self if he should proceed or not. He knew well that he was really good in taking stupid decisions which he regret so choosing something was always hard for him. He peeked ahead to see some more sculptures carved all ovre the brick wall to the end of the hall way.

"I will just take a quick look and leave." He pressed his lips and nodded to himself before taking baby steps.

"Odin? Get me out of here!"

Noah froze on his spot hearing the sudden shout of a woman echoing through the dark hall way. He looked back at the sculpture of the goddess to see if it came alive but no, it was still the same. He took a deep breath and held his chest as he slowly took another step even though he felt like shitting his own pants.


"Who is calling for him?" Noah asked himself while moving forward as he knows Odin is someone who is too weak for girls.

"Who is there?" Noah called out hoping it wouldn't be some ghosts.

"You promised to let me out of here. I can't stay in here for long." The voice answered back but this time, he could also hear the iron bars clicking and banging.

"Aghhhhhhhh, I am not Odin." Noah screamed with his hands balled to a fist as he was getting frustrated.

"Wh-who is that?" the voice asked again.

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOM." Noah just jumped in front of the cage with a smiley face making Lia scared.

"Fu-fuck!" She cussed jumping back in an instant.

"Well, what are you doing here?"

"Listen, I don't know who you are but just me out of here." Lia mouthed moving close to the bars.

"What? Why?" Noah asked eyes crooked with a small pout in his butterfly lips.

"I will explain once you let me out."

"Not happening... nothing comes for free." He said folding his hands over torso with a alien face.

"Ughh you are frustrating."

"Okay, then I will leave you here." He proceeded to walk away but Lia quickly pulled him back making him hit on the bar.

"Ouch, let go off me... you evil wolf. No wonder they locked you in here." he wiggled and got off her grip.

"Boy, just let me out of here. I am no harm for you."

"Name name?"

"Lia." She scoffed knowing he would never let her out after this because the King would be killing him, if he do so.

"Hmm.. since you have a good name, I will let you out." Noah smiled at her brightly and that flipped her heart for real.

"Who are you?" She breathed out looking at the boy who jumped in tiny with closed fist.

"Me? Me is Noah and I am the most famous omega here. Don't be flattered seeing my handsome face... I am just born like this." He bowed dramatically at her.

"Hmm okay, so let me go out."

"What do you mean out out? How will I open the cell with bare hands, I am no Alpha and even if I am, I can't open this." He pouted pulling the lock.

"Uhh god, do something and open it." Lia groaned as she started to feel her stomach starting to hurt.

"I will tell Morgan or someone else that you got trapped here. Just hang on till I come back, okay?"

"No no, forget it. Don't tell anyone about anything... I will stay here so don't worry." Lia said almost immediately to stop him from messing up more.