"Who is this?" Lia asked as soon as she stepped out of the temple to see the black dressed woman on the floor.

"Oh, I don't know." Noah nodded his head as he hurriedly walked to the front.

"Did you perhaps kill her to get me out??"

"Do I freaking look like a killer to you? I just saved you for the sake of your cubs and because I want to get out of this place."

"So where are the others and where is Oliver? The ceremony?" Lia asked looking around when she noticed the place was abandoned.

"I didn't kill them either." Noah gritted his teeth and stomped his foot like a grumpy kid.

"How will I believe? You are too skilled that you got me out in a day in broad sunlight and that too during the ceremony time."

"You going to question me here? They gonna come back anytime now so let's continue this somewhere else." Noah said pulling her away with him.

"What all can you do with this baby face?" Lia asked running behind him.

"Pout and sulk." He muttered while moving front carefully not to strain her body.

"Great, I didn't expect anything else too." She scoffed making him stop.

"Really?" he asked raising his eyebrow and licking his lips ever so gently but his sharp eyes were piercing into her soul.

"Okay fine, fine." Lia immediately said before she could stutter and make it obvious to him.

"Why did they even sent you in that cell? You look so lost and clueless."

"I didn't do anything to be in there."

"You must have lied about something... you look like an expert in that field." He muttered.

"What makes you think that?" Lia yanked her hands from his grip and frowned.

"Hmm, how do I look?"

"Stupid." She answered without any hesitation knowing that is the worst lie she could ever say.

"See, you lie well." He grinned and Lia just rolled her eyes not being able to stand his pride ass.

"Where are we going now? I have to go and complete some work." Lia said noticing the boy pulling her away once again.

"First, let me out of here."

"Let me finish my work first."

"No way I am letting you go. What if they catch you and put you back in cell? I want to go now." Noah was determined and all Lia could do was feel bad for lying to him.

"I am not that pathetic you know? I would come back and let you out of here. It is not so easy for me to break the shield."

"So you were lying to me?" Noah asked literally shocked hearing her words because all these hours the only thing that crossed his mind was escaping the realm.

"N-no, not exactly." She tried to bring some excuses but his penetrating eyes couldn't let her lie anymore.

"See, this is why you were in there..." he stopped for a second and then continued..." You belong there."

Those words pierced her heart like a poisoned arrow not because she believes his words but even a stranger had the guts to wrongly accuse her. She stared at him for a brief moment and all the sadness which dwelled in her, broke out in the form of heavy tears. He was startled at the sudden change in her and was confused not knowing what he has to do.

"Stop crying." He said hesitantly.

Lia didn't stop instead her cries got louder and she tried to swallow them causing her to choke on her own tears. Noah's eyes were wandering all around the forest because he felt the presence of others. He knew they would be back for him and will definitely check the cell for Lia. If both are missing then, he dies along with her for no reason or fault of his.

"Can you stop?" He asked again but she was deaf by that time.

Noah suddenly ran to her and covered her mouth with his palm as he pulled her close to him... her back hitting his chest and his other hand snaked around her waist. Lia was about to cause a tantrum but he turned her to left and through the bushes, she could see some of the omegas coming back to the temple.

"Run." Noah whispered into her ears before running to the north.

Lia understood the assignment and ran behind him without making another noise, not even knowing where he was taking her. Noah just knew that he had to run somewhere safe or abandon Lia but she was pregnant, how could a omega of good moral be that cruel. He looked back once and saw her all worn out due to the stress and her hands supporting her stomach.

"Does it hurt?" He asked genuinely worried about her.

"No." She obviously lied once again.





I was running behind Noah as he asked me too but soon my legs were giving up on me, my stomach was hurting so bas as if some one was pulling the flesh in. I crouched down instantly as the pain shot up to my internal organs, what if my cubs are struggling? The next second, I was almost blacking out, then I felt something warm around me as if I was being covered in blanket, soon felt as if I was flying.

"You okay?" A warm voice was ringing in my ears and it felt strangely warm to my heart.

"Hmm, my stomach h-hurts."

"Shush, hold tightly onto me... you will be fine." The voice spoke once again and as per the words, my hand quickly held his shirt fabric.

The realization hit me like a truck when I got back to senses after a few seconds and it was embarrassing me for real. Noah, a carefree stupid silly omega was carrying me in his arms to somewhere just because I am weak. I am their Luna and their protection and safety is on me but now he was protecting me from myself and my own personal problems.

"I can walk." I said quickly trying to get down from his hands.

"No." He sternly answered and I took a glimpse of his heavenly face.