After the heated battle which included tongues and all the muscles in their mouth, both of them pulled away for the sake of breathing. He looked into her eyes once again when the sudden realization stroke him. He had kissed her and even she kissed him back without any delay as if she was waiting for it.

"I am sorry." He mouthed quickly before getting up.

Lia looked at him in confusion because for her, it was a great help and her pain vanished into thin air as if it never occurred. She managed to sit up with hands still on her stomach to see him gulp in a jar of water. She touched her lips which were soft and moist now, maybe a little bulged as he sucked on her skin.

He tasted like fresh berries even when the food they had were bacon and salmon which she doesn't even understand properly. He was not supposed to be tasting that good, he was not supposed to make her loose control. Whatever happened was not supposed to happen, it is not acceptable in their world yet it happened.

He kept the jar back on the table and looked back at her who was still struggling to get up on her own. Fuck his kind heart, he was already helping her up and scooped her to the couch. Her hands were around his neck as if she was not willing to let go off him which made him almost fall on her in the process.

"Le-leave." He said softly with his eyes closed because he was dying in guilt seeing her.

"I am okay." She said as her hands slowly left his neck and fell down to his chest, as it passed down to the couch.

"Hmm, I will ask Ren to keep some medicines tomorrow in case you need it." He quickly went to grab a glass of water for her.

Lia wiped the sweat off her and adjusted her dress before sitting straight and adjusting her position. She looked at her tummy once more to make sure that everything was fine and smiled noticing how peaceful it was. Noah gave her the water and stood by her side to take the glass back making her internally die in embarrassment.

"See, if you are going to be so silent, you shouldn't have done that." Lia complained noticing the boy who immediately silenced himself.

"I am sorry, I said that already." He spoke with his eyes still on a screen where things moved around and Lia doesn't know what that means.

"You are sorry for making my pain vanish? Or are you sorry for being silent and awkward?" Lia knew how it would feel for him as well for her but for some special reason, she didn't mind it.

"No, for what I did." He answered as he gave her an unbelievable look.

"Hmm." Lia got up from her seat and walked to the balcony to get some fresh air.

It felt completely strange for her to stay in someone else's place and being a hostage. Noah was supposed to make her feel better but in a way he is an omega and it was on her to protect him in all situations. She knows, Noah was only trying to protect her so getting her expectations high on him would not end in anything good.

She looked down to see a lot of vehicles of different kinds passing through the road and the number of people out there was so much for her to comprehend. The kids were playing down in the compound in different things as some of them were running around with a ball.

"That is the park." A deep voice interrupted her silent observation.


"The kids play in the park and that is the road, the man street." He said as he pointed at the park and then at the road.

The next few minutes went quickly as he was explaining to her some basics because he knows how it feels to be clueless because for a whole day and night, even he was clueless. Lia seemed to pick up everything that he said as she nodded her head and answered him when he asked her questions.

"There are a lot more to learn but I think the easiest way for that would be learning just one thing." He said as he leaned his back against the railing and threw his head backwards in the air.

"Hmm?" Lia asked as she turned to face him but what caught her eyes were his exposed neck and collarbone.

"I will teach you how I learned all this. But we need to go to the terrace at mid night for it." He said as he quickly rolled to his front and looking up at the sky.

Lia immediately changed her focus as she gulped down a lump of her dirty thoughts. He was literally choking her senses in all moves, as if he was supposed to be so seductive but then she heard him laugh. Her eyes followed his and saw two kids playing down in the compound with a cute dog. He was laughing and smiling at the view as his eyes brightened.

"The dog is teasing them." He squealed in happiness as he point at the scene.

"Y-yea." She answered but her eyes were shaking hesitantly as his happiness was going up and up to the point, it was almost about to burst.

"We also need to get a dog after shifting." He said as he clapped his hands in excitement.

"Why are you so dual?" She asked unintentionally but he was not in a mood to even hear her as he was focused on the view.

The kids seemed to notice him too that they looked up and waved their hands at him. He shouted to them and asked for the name of their dog to which they happily responded. The kids continued their games but kept glancing at him as he cheered for them.

As expected everyone would love him easily.