"Tell me. Answer my question." He grabbed her hands once again as her silence was making him more angry.

"Yo-you are hurting me." Lia squealed as she tried her best to get off his grip.

"I asked you something." He groaned with low wild stare, his nails started growing out cutting his skin.

"Leave me."

Lia was too focused on taking her outs of him and run as far as she could. He looked dangerous, very angry and not in mind state for sure. She wanted to cry and shout at him for leaving her alone and making her feel like an outcast but that was a way of showing her weakness and as an omega she didn't want to do that. Her muscles were clenching because of the pain that shot up to her shoulders, travelling down her entire body.

"So you just wanted to return? Without even telling me, knowing how dangerous it is for you?"

"Why do you care? you only cared about my cubs anyways. I am their mother and I know to keep them safe." Her eyes didn't have the power to hold back the tears that she cried, pulling his shirt.

"I do care because I saved you from there, risking my own life."

"You did so for escaping to this world, for taking the moon stone and for betraying us."

"Are you really out of your mind? I did that because I wanted to escape and I am not denying it but I am keeping you safe with me too."

The duo initiated another verbal war in a park at eleven in the night, catching the attention of everyone who were passing by. Noah soon noticed the stares which he was getting and it was different from the soft ones he got during the whole day. He pulled Lia for a hug as it was his way to stop the fight and take away the eyes.

'Wh-what are you doing?" She stuttered as in habit.

He was warm and comforting even on a cold night, his hands were perfectly covering her petite waist. In no time, her heart rushed against her body muscles wanting to pop out. She hated the way, he made her feel so weak in a minute. He had something in them that controlled her which she didn't like.

"I am sorry if you felt left out. It was just that I love being here and you were against it." He comforted her just for the sake of people who had eagle eyes.

"I don't like staying here." Her words were same and it bored him.

"Stop saying that every time I try to talk. I had so much fun today and the people here are already liking me. Try to socialize a little." He complained while breaking the hug.

"I don't know to do that. I am the Luna and the way I was brought up is different than the way you ask me to behave."

"Drop that shit here because no one cares who you are in this world and being a luna shows how weak you are here. You can't fit into this world if you keep digging your past." He scoffed walking her back to the apartment.

"Noah, I can't stay there. Today, you left me alone and I had no idea what to do. It was so dark and cold, the balcony was locked too and it reminded me of the days when I was in the cell."

Noah never realized about that and the after trauma that she should go through. Her words always made him believe that she needs no one to be with her as she claimed herself to be the luna a million times. He had learned almost everything he needs to survive in the human world so he was not concerned about hers.

"I am sorry, it just.... I am s-sorry.' The excuses which he can come up with would be extremely lame so he didn't try.

'You just thought that Ren is cooler than me, right? She is a human and is extremely supportive. Of course, she has all the curves that you want."

"Is she jealous?" he thought as that was one of the emotions he learned from Ren which he didn't like much.

"Now onwards, stay in the apartment till I come back even if I go out. Or else just prefer to come with me and enjoy the place but I would advice you to stay back till the cubs make it." He licked his lips and looked at her to get an answer.

"I don't want to be locked in like I did some crime. This is not a jail for you to punish me."

"This is because you don't know the world." he raised his voice because she was not replying to him as he wanted.

Her eyes trailed from the road ahead to him not knowing why he was being over protective. He clearly looked like the careless character in a romantic book but he was exactly the opposite. He was some oen so deep and unexpected. She couldn't read his mind at all, he was always acting on impulse making it hard for her to understand him.

"Stop staring. It feels like I belong to another world."

"Isn't it true?" Lia huffed before shifti g her focus back to the road.

"I am not you. I can fit into this place quickly and I advice you to try harder or else things will be really difficult for you." He said before getting into the apartment block.

"Well, can we shift somewhere else already?"

"Yea, not so soon. We have a lot more to do before that and Ren promised to help us with it. I need to pay back Ren for everything that she did for us so I want you to be nice to her." He walked the stairs up because the elevator would scare Lia.
