"Zeha, you really sound off." 

"What are you trying to hide from us now? You can tell us what really happened so we can help you with it." Noah stressed again as the boy kept talking something or the other which made no sense.

"I am telling you that I have no idea what is even happening here." Zeha pleaded as he hid his face in his palms.

"Are we forcing him too much?" Jeff whispered into Noah's ears.

"We need to know these much at least or else whom are you going to suspect? We need to be careful about the whole situation." 

"Noah, I am really sorry.. I can't remember anything more. People were chasing me and I ran into a random building." 


"I, I mean, I ran into a lane and someone just walked out of a car and pulled me in." Zeha corrected immediately.

"Why are you so confused?" 

"You all are stressing me." Zeha's eyes got filled and suddenly, Noah felt like his heart breaking.