"Are you really kidding me? I am going to be the Alpha?" Noah asked scrunching his nose.

"Why? I thought you liked the idea of ruling and maybe that is the reason why Moon Goddess gave you the chance."

"I meant ruling the world and not the wolves. I don't want to do something that I hated ever since." 

"Noah, can you just take this as a chance and end the curse? You have no idea the power that you have now." Niall tried to explain.

"Can I kill that guy named Graven Flores? Or Seijun? Kristen?" 

"No? Why would you kill them all now?" 

"I just don't like them. Do you need any better explanation for that?" He frowned before getting up from the sand, dusting his pants off.

"We need to go back and inform about this to Lia and Jeff, they were really impatient when we came." 

"I am going to have the biggest flexing from now on." Noah laughed as he ran to the car with his excitement at it's maximum.