"He went there on his own? And what did he make you do? Why didn't you stop him?" 

"I couldn't stop him. I really tried to go with him but he was very adamant about it and he said he is the Alpha and I am supposed to listen to him." Lia cried as she fell on her knees.

"Niall, we need to go there." Jeff informed as he noticed the both of them being traumatized.

"U-uh? We need to go, yes." 

"But we don't know where the portal is or whether he closed it or not. What about Kristen and the others? What if he is the one who is behind all this?" Lia asked suddenly, wiping her tears.

"Did you meet him by the way or something?" Niall's eyes were shaking as he hesitantly looked at Lia.

"No, but he can be the one behind this."