
There are stories that should never leave the confines of the vast universe. Some stories, perhaps, should not be told regardless. It's said that stories help lay down history and history, in turn, helps in determining how the present unfurls. And yet, there are stories that are deemed too powerful, too painful, and too unbelievable to be told. Like the censorship of scenes in a film, these stories are censored aspects of life. These are often the kind of stories that have the most impact on society.

Zini didn't think her story was one to be told, but her adoptive mother, Queen Lina, and her little sister, Hilda, believed stories like hers should be told to humanity. They believed it'd bring to light the life people thought could never be true and happenings that can never be imagined. It's said that speaking about one's experiences helps in healing and thus should be the right way to go. Zini's story is one of strife, growth, and strength-A story told by her many admirers over the centuries. Across PowerLand, they refer to Zini as the Stardust Girl.

She was born Zini Emuqa Anomaly. Her first and middle name are ancient Sumarian with Zini meaning "Wind Spirit" and Emuqa meaning "By Force". Born to the evil Crystal and Don Anomaly, her mother was known to many as "The Nightmare". Her father was known as "the Don". Together, they were the King and Queen of Caprice, home of the Anomaly race on the Ancient Isles of PowerLand. This origin was enough to put Zini on a high pedestal in life. However, the case of her childhood was far more complicated.

The Anomaly was a proud race of purple-skinned beings. In fact, according to the general public today, the Anomaly were regarded as the proudest of all races on PowerLand. This was evident throughout their culture and in linguistics. Caprice was a melting pot of Arabic and Jamaican beliefs and customs. This mix is due in part because of the King and Queen who both came from those backgrounds. Crystal was Arabic and Don was Jamaican. Also, their prideful attitudes about life reflected in how they viewed both fellow Anomalies and foreigners.

History has it that the Anomaly were the creation of a crazy scientist guy named Dr. Lunningham. Zini's father was the first success with the scientist's experiment on trying to create a humanoid being infused with Dark Matter. Others before Don didn't live long. Her mother was a clone of another powerful being known as the Dreamer. How Zini is kin to the better side of her family is something she couldn't herself place.