Different Dimension Dreaming Normie

Lina didn't say anything for most of the journey back to Destiny on foot. She was still recovering from using all that energy from the group teleportation feat and fight against the Beast, ending with his banishment to another realm. Though fires could be seen from a far, they were still a half-mile away.

"I remember my full name now!" Lina half-shrieked. "It's Celes Lina Goodman. But everyone I knew back then called me by my middle name cause my mama did."

She paused with a laugh remembering the arguments her mom used to tell her she and Celes' father, Othniel, had about her name. 

"He wanted my first name to be Celes, but she wanted it to be Lina. Then uncle Francis suggested that I'd be named both. Still, dad called me Celes and mama called me Lina. Lina was what everyone on Lainhardt Omega called me too."

Celes further explained what happened and how she came to PowerLand, "A group of aliens from a race called the Zephyran attacked my home in the countryside of New Dehli, India. They were a race of humanoid plants with strong psychokinetic powers. Some had long braids while others didn't. My dad was away on a mission with Uncle Francis Karr and Aunt Zyrana Kynnor. I tried to defend our home, using my psychokinetic and celestial powers. Some of the Zephyran fell. Then stronger Zephyran arrived after learning what I could do. I was around 16 at the time."

Celes mentioned that her mom said she had powers at a very young age. Her first power of teleportation came at age 7. Since then, Celes gradually gained her powers throughout her lifetime, even after being on Lainhardt Omega for countless years. Celes' parents told her that trans-dimensional radiation bombarded her regularly while in the womb. Yet the nanites within her mother protected the girl's embryo from certain doom, possibly due to a miscarriage. Both her parents had thousands of these little machines inside them. They protected both from the multiverse's harsh environment and the unseen perils of deep space.

No one knew the effects of what trans-dimensional radiation, found between timelines, could do to humans or any biological being, let alone an unborn child. The Time Traveler's Administration (TTA), her parents' place of work, classified this sort of radiation officially as Temporal Radiation. Only Celes' parents knew what it would eventually do to their child over time. Over the years, India experienced random meteor showers but it most likely happened when terrorists from the Global Union of Benevolence (GUB) attacked their family. 

When Celes was a kid, she unknowingly created these meteor showers while being in awe at the cosmos. Shooting stars were her favorite. On the thought of the GUB, they were the ruling powers of not just India but of the entire the planet. They knew the Goodmans lived in India and sent out patrols to find them. None made it back to HQ alive thanks to the combined efforts of the all the Goodmans. Sometimes it was all Celes with her cosmokinesis. The GUB wasn't that big a problem. Yet there was someone who was. The Goodman's greatest threat is a mad scientist by the name of Dr. Lunningham. The other ladies all flinched at hearing his name again.

"Giving credit where credit is due," Celes started. "He is the father of all alien races and the ones that ran amok on Space Station Zyra gave that evil Defense Administer turned Queen, Naira-Hill Adega I and her United Mercenaries Organization of the Terran Elite (UMOTE) mafia a very hard time. Without them, the first Zyran Civil War would've been in her favor. Some told me Dr. Lunningham returned to the Space Station Zyra to free his 'children' during the second Zyran Civil War. When he did, complete chaos ensued. This total anarchic situation was too much for the evil Queen's daughter, Naira Hill-Adega II, to handle. My guess is that she either was killed or escaped to parts unknown in deep space."

During the first rebellion, on Lainhardt Omega, Celes had a short reign of dominance. During this time she visited her own time in 2050 with the ship, five years after her and her mom's capture. Some group called the Zyran Initiative stopped an assassination attempt Madam Zyra Rayloria Mellis, daughter of the great General William Raylor Mellis Sr., founder of the Lunarian Society. This was around the same time Celes, and her mom were captured on Earth in 2045. The war didn't last long but the space station was in total anarchy. Dr. Lunningham's 'children' were free, the Lunar Interplanetary Administration (LIA) and UMOTE had their hands full. The Zyran Initiative were able to rid the space station of UMOTE then helped LIA clean up the Chimera problem, banishing all of them from the Lunarian Society to deep space.

Some of them found Lainhardt Omega and begin anew there. Others took up residence somewhere in the universe.

Shifting focus to why Lunningham was such a threat to the TTA and specifically their family, Celes explained, "Lainhardt Omega is the apocalyptic weapon that has laid waste to many timelines. The Zephyran at the helm just do this for fun. The attacked timelines fell prey to the massive Juggernaut class ship's destructive arsenal-nothing could stop it. I got a whiff of this disgusting thought from one of the subordinates privileged to knowing what Lainhardt Omega was really doing as it traversed the cosmos. It sickened me to the point of wanting to change all that-I was going to destroy it from the inside. So, I staged a rebellion. As I got older, my powers grew. Soon I was able to change my appearance and control dozens of people at once. First time I did, I was a kid but my naiveness led to the rebellion failing as a trusted the wrong people-that Maxtolli being one of them. The second time wasn't until I was in my late 50s. The rebellion was so successful they had to call in reinforcements. They called the head of this new group, Master Wongo. When he entered the fray with his dozens of battles hardened Zephyran, it was game over."

Celes further explained that between the first and the second rebellion, the Zephyran scientists kept her in isolation, experimenting on her with Dark Matter, hoping to turn her. It only succeeded in augmenting her powers exponentially, leading to her escape with many others.

Sadly, her mother, Zahra, wasn't with them. After the first rebellion failed, Zahra lost the will to fight and decided not to join the second uprising. Her mind started to change after seeing it was more successful than the last. Unfortunately, hearing about Master Wongo, whom she knew as Othniel's arch nemesis, returned to push back against this second rebellion, she returned to her cell. She did, however, recover the temporal gear they took from her. This was before Celes and herself were captured and brought to Lainhardt Omega years ago. On the day of Celes' supposed execution, Lainhardt was hit by something massive that damaged critical systems on the ship.

"While in the vacuum of space, I went BLAAAH... Lainhardt almost got destroyed with mah laser." Celes joked. She received laughs from the other ladies.

Celes could feel her mother's sadness when she was out there in space but at the same time, confused at how her daughter was still alive. The lady quickly realized Dark Matter was responsible for Celes' 'upgrade'.

"I couldn't hold that bubble protecting me and countless others from the vacuum of space's effects for long, so I prayed to every deity a knew the name of to save us." Celes explained.

"So, which of the gods answered your prayers?" Kita asked, almost sounding gleeful.

"To this day, I still don't know. But what I do know is that whoever it was that answered that prayer gave me the power to create PowerLand."

Kita observed Celes thoughtfully. Out of all the many deities worshiped throughout PowerLand, a handful of them believed there was only one True God, including Celes. Kita believed it was her that answered Celes' prayer.

Celes' mind drifted to Don; he was not her type. Especially not this one that kept her locked up for centuries. Celes speculated that maybe this Don was too until the loss of his Celes broke him, turning a once caring individual into a genocidal psychopath. Celes' Don wasn't into non-Anomaly women. Zini's father was but secretly. Celes, however, was a special case. She was more alien than human because of what was in her DNA.

"Are you into alien men?" Zini asked, having been silent for a while. "Na," Celes shook her head. "I'm fine with hitting on humans only." 

Zini chuckled, pleased that Celes did have a fun side of herself.

Celes' tone turned serious but a bit sad as she added, "Nowadays, what defines a human is blurry because everything from the water down to candy is genetically modified. Where I come from, only the privileged get to eat things that aren't genetically modified."

Privileged meaning the elites on both sides of the good and evil spectrum. Celes' family was fortunate enough to be counted as the latter.