
In the war's aftermath, Celes reckoned that it was time for Star to be suppressed within Zini.

"You're making a mistake," Star warned. "One day my power will be too much for her given the right catalyst!"

Star wasn't in support of this though, she felt suppressing her would prove detrimental to Zini in respect to her powers. She felt that Zini wouldn't be able to control her powers right without her guidance. She had good reasons to doubt Zini trying on her own.

Zini wasn't a completely mentally stable lady yet, however, everyone knew Star was only looking out for herself. "A whelp like you can't fully control what I have!" Star reasoned.

"But Glen did with his!" Zini countered

"He doesn't have powers of a god." Star boasted.

"You bleed and fail like the rest of us!" Celes interjected, angered at Star's blasphemy. "A True God is exempt from that fallacy and only one exists!"

Zini agreed. She also believed that if Glen could gain control of the powers augmented to him by the Anomalies, then she had a great chance of controlling her powers too.

"That's right in a way, but you have to remember that your powers absolutely dwarfs that of Glen's. I think you still need a bit more time." Celes said calmly. "Should you fail, we your family will help you."

"Well. I believe if I can harness this power at all, I should be able to control it at any point. I think it's time for me to step up." Zini said with a note of finality. "Furthermore, you may have got me and Glen together, but he still is apprehensive around me because of you. He realizes now that I'm not the crazy one. For us to be happy, you must go."

"Bah!" Star's dismissive tone to those facts was the last straw.

Celes finally suppressed Star at this point as Zini had made her decision. It was already apparent from the onset that Zini wanted to harness the power on her own from then on, so any further arguments were just futile.

Next was Zini's appearance. Her hybrid reptile appearance was what she hated the most about herself. In a crowd, she stood out like a sore thumb. Also, it was a source of ridicule by Anomaly and humans alike when she didn't have the IE. So, Celes removed the scales and purple skin, leaving Zini with a brown skin tone. As for her gray hair, Celes made it brunette.

Zini fell in love with her new appearance—as did Glen. Though it didn't really matter to him if she kept her original appearance or not. He was in love with Zini for her, not for what she looked like.

In subsequent weeks, the date for the wedding was decided. It was going to be a day of two weddings; Zini would be wedding Glen while Andrew II would be wedding Kita. Both ceremonies would start at the same time and in the same place. It was a great day, and a happy one for both sides.

Zini remained grateful to Star in her heart for being the sole reason to how she got her husband and the true love of her life. She knew that if it wasn't for the little shove Star gave her, she and Glen would never have fallen in love.

FireFang became a household name in the kingdoms as they were revered as the ones who ended the tyrannical reign of King and Queen Anomaly. The new Dragoran council appointed Andrew II as the new Grandmaster Reign in the stead of the dead former.

The Nexus Regent was instated as the new king of the Nexus people till Mackie and Kita decided to stop being members of the FireFang as they couldn't rule their people and be members of this group simultaneously.

Abandoning the ruins of the Ancient Isles, civilization spread across other uncharted areas of PowerLand. The Ancient Isles were renamed Gem Isles but remained abandoned as an ancient burial ground for those slain by the evil Anomaly Regime. Only FireFang, members of the Lawrenites or other royalty were allowed in these marked off areas. The automation left behind made sure of it.

As for how the war was won, the Dragoran council and the Nexus Royal Family were the only ones out of the whole kingdom that knew the truth-Celes and Zini dealt the finishing blow to the Anomalies.

Zini and Celes didn't care about the praises. They were happy that civilization was living in peace. This was the most important thing. Zini remained particularly happy with the newly acquired total control of her powers she acquired from Star, yet the empathic ability was lost. This didn't bother Zini because she surmised that this was the only power of Star's she never had access to in the first place. Zini believed Glen to be a sweet guy to be with, and their marriage turned out to be a great one.

At some points in later times, Zini and Celes would get together and spar.

"We know my mother is still out there somewhere." Zini spoke as the two rested from their training. "Can you sense that her followers are too?"

"Yes, but their numbers are very small." Celes answers. "We have to be ready if and when they attack!"