rainy days are for snails

I guess nothing ever felt right when you would wake up during a storm seeing the snails trail across the window and hearing the rain tap on my window, I figured I would try and carry out my plan for today, but I count to get that dream out of my head it was almost too real.

I would shimmy on some clothes and grabbed my umbrella as I walked through the rainy streets to the coffee shop as usually but this time I would approach Sophia and attempt to make conversation with her feeling those butterflies come back into my stomach like swallowing little pebbles I asked her some questions but nothing too obvious to make sure she didn't suspect anything of me but just generic questions I couldn't confess my feelings just, yet I wanted to make sure my competition was gone before trying any moves on her.

Maybe I should ask that we meet up here more often, so I can make sure she gets more comfortable with me.